Stormy Grey

Release date: 09/10/13
Developer: The Chinese Room (Dear Esther, Korsakovia, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture)
Publisher: Frictional Games (Penumbra, Amnesia: The Dark Decent)
Platforms: PC/Mac/Linux (No plans for a console release as of yet)
Developer: The Chinese Room (Dear Esther, Korsakovia, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture)
Publisher: Frictional Games (Penumbra, Amnesia: The Dark Decent)
Platforms: PC/Mac/Linux (No plans for a console release as of yet)

From the creators of Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Dear Esther comes a new first-person horrorgame that will drag you to the depths of greed, power and madness. It will bury its snout into your ribs and it will eat your heart.
The year is 1899. Wealthy industrialist Oswald Mandus has returned home from a disastrous expedition to Mexico, which has ended in tragedy. Wracked by fever, haunted by dreams of a dark machine, he recovers consciousness in his own bed, with no idea of how much time has passed since his last memory. As he struggles to his feet, somewhere beneath him, an engine splutters, coughs, roars into life...
Much of the gameplay from Amnesia: The Dark Descent will return in A Machine For Pigs with some significant changes made. The game no longer features an inventory and enemy AI has been tweaked to ensure seasoned players of the original game won't be complacent when playing the sequel, a process which is likely to be ongoing right up until the game finally launches.
It's estimated that the game will take around 5 to 6 hours to complete, which will of course vary depending on how the game is played.
The year is 1899. Wealthy industrialist Oswald Mandus has returned home from a disastrous expedition to Mexico, which has ended in tragedy. Wracked by fever, haunted by dreams of a dark machine, he recovers consciousness in his own bed, with no idea of how much time has passed since his last memory. As he struggles to his feet, somewhere beneath him, an engine splutters, coughs, roars into life...
Much of the gameplay from Amnesia: The Dark Descent will return in A Machine For Pigs with some significant changes made. The game no longer features an inventory and enemy AI has been tweaked to ensure seasoned players of the original game won't be complacent when playing the sequel, a process which is likely to be ongoing right up until the game finally launches.
It's estimated that the game will take around 5 to 6 hours to complete, which will of course vary depending on how the game is played.
- Unique game created in collaboration between two independent game companies famous for exploring the outer reaches of what games can be.
- Fresh and new approach to the Amnesia world while staying true to its origins.
- Unique physics interaction that has been developed and improved since 2005.
- Exceptional artwork and environments that run on low system specifications.
- The darkest, most horrific tale ever told in a videogame.
- Stunning soundtrack by award-winning composer Jessica Curry.

For those peering through the Window of the butcher shop, who took a bite from a tainted Apple, or who dress sharply but appear bloated like a Penguin:
OS: Windows Vista | OSX 10.6.8 | Major Linux Distribution from 2010
Processor: 2.0 Ghz core i5 CPU or equivalent.
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Mid-range NVIDIA GeForce 3x0 / ATI Radeon HD 5x00. Integrated Intel HD Graphics should work but is not supported; problems are generally solved with a driver update.
Hard Drive: 5 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 | OSX 10.7.5 | Major Linux Distribution from 2012
Processor: 2.0 Ghz core i7 CPU or equivalent.
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: High-range NVIDIA GeForce 5x0 / ATI Radeon HD 6x00. Integrated Intel HD Graphics should work but is not supported; problems are generally solved with a driver update.
Hard Drive: 5 GB available space

Soundtrack @ Bandcamp
Previews (up to 30 minutes long, spoilers ahead)

All stores offer a 20% pre-order discount before September 10th!
Humble Store via the Devs Site [Click the "Humble Store" link to get a pop-up box]
Mac Game Store
Humble Store via the Devs Site [Click the "Humble Store" link to get a pop-up box]
Mac Game Store