Hope you are joking, just watch youtube gameplay or something to convince yourself and get over the awful cover.Jack Scofield said:I was planning on picking up this game really soon, as I've heard nothing but good things about it. But then I saw the cover.
Hahahaha, are you kidding me? That wide-mouthed chump is supposed to be one of the game's freakish monsters? I can't ever see myself playing something that terrible. If the developers felt confident enough that that cover was a good representation of their game, then I'm definitely passing on it.
Shame, because the game seemed to have so much potential.
Booshka said:Hope you are joking, just watch youtube gameplay or something to convince yourself and get over the awful cover.
I don't understand your question. Did you stop playing because you didn't like the game? Or were you too scared to continue? If it's the former, I'd say keep at it, the game is very good. If it's the latter, I don't know what to say, depends on whether or not you can handle it. If anything just play with the lights on and lower the volume or something (I know gaffers will give me shit for this suggestionIzayoi said:Okay. I bought this on the Halloween sale.
Ended up playing it for about an hour and nope'd the fuck out of there.
Is it worth continuing?
You'd shit your pants if that came running towards you in real life.Jack Scofield said:I was planning on picking up this game really soon, as I've heard nothing but good things about it. But then I saw the cover.
Hahahaha, are you kidding me? That wide-mouthed chump is supposed to be one of the game's freakish monsters? I can't ever see myself playing something that terrible. If the developers felt confident enough that that cover was a good representation of their game, then I'm definitely passing on it.
Shame, because the game seemed to have so much potential.
Gart said:SenseiJinx - There are some pacing an tone changes in the game, so no, I'd say it doesn't stay consistently scary in that sense.
In your example, you're suppose to figure that out so that's natural. Butafter you figured that you had to stay out of the water, were you not scared of falling back into it by missing a jump or at sections where you had to run across a gap? How bout the part where you had to lure it away while you turned the slow moving crank while standing in the water? Those new elements fall into the keeping this fresh, no?
It also depends on the person and how they play. If you're more prone to psychological effects then it'll stay more consistently scary. Things like a high sensitivity to sounds and always wondering about the what ifs, being really observant and such. But if you play trying to figure out every mechanic trying to break the game, obviously it'll be considerably less scary.
Naked Prime said:does Amnesia have controller support?
Unfortunately not.Naked Prime said:does Amnesia have controller support?
Grow up.Orin GA said:
Zeouterlimits said:Unfortunately not.
Grow up.
Ben2749 said:I like the idea that you aren't given a gun and required to storm your way through by killing everything.
MrOogieBoogie said:[SPOILERS]
JaseC said:If remove the 's' at the end of those tags the text will be masked. Spoiler, not spoilers.
MDSLKTR said:So the game is coming out in boxed version feb.22 in NA and I don't think there's enough lol smilies in the world to describe the jacket:
SalsaShark said:check that spoiler tag, i almost read it.
I tried to play this game again yesterday, at daytime, and with a friend.
And it was fucking SCARY AS SHIT.
Im gonna finish it im sure, just at a slow ass pace.
Snuggler said:Damn, son, I play this shit late at night by myself with the lights dimmed and my headphones on...while I'm baked. It's insane.
ShockingAlberto said:Just a quick question before I play more: is there any way to actually lose?
ShockingAlberto said:Volcynika was kind enough to gift me this game and I played about 15 minutes before I got pulled away for something.
Just a quick question before I play more: is there any way to actually lose?
That is, I like to immerse myself in games like this, but if I'm keeping track of game mechanics and stuff, then I tend to become more aware that I'm playing a game. It's surprisingly hard for me to immerse myself in 90% of games because of this.
Or is this just kind of a visual experience I am mainly walking through?
I had a motherboard that was incompatible with my Geforce 6600 GT video card that I bought all in 2005/6. I went through too many replacements of the video card until I found a post on my mobo manufacturer's forums stating a problem similar to mine, and that the cause was actually the motherboard. Then I got the mobo replaced with a different one and all was well.TheApatheticOne said:Sweet, on Steam right now for $9.99, will be downloading that ASAP once I get home tonight. My computer is "Good", but I had a HELL of an issue with blue screens. Got a new mobo on it as that was the LAST thing that it could have been (tried different OS, video cards, harddrives, memory, power sources, etc.) My friend has built computers for 15+ years, certified in damn near everything, works IT, and has seen nothing like my computer. Its worked ok since I replaced the motherboard (despite a Crysis freeze, and then the next day it had rebooted and stated it was a video hardware error).
But for $9.99, Ill risk possibly wasting it. Ive wanted to play this game since Ive heard about it, and I LOVE these types of games. Cant wait!
Ahh, what the, I actually threw junk at the windows in at least one of those rooms. I'll try the other. Thanks!Snuggler said:There could be a window you could go through, and you could smash it with something like a chair...hinthint
study room is the right place, one of the windows can be smashed
Snuggler said:Damn, son, I play this shit late at night by myself with the lights dimmed and my headphones on...while I'm baked. It's insane.
gdt5016 said:Does this have gamepad support?