Well, I did my part, just bought it. Wonder if I'll have the balls to actually play through it.
Zeliard said:Skipped the demo on purpose to play it fresh. A game hasn't freaked me out or even had me on edge in a very long time, and I'm going to give this one every opportunity to.
I'm furious over here. What is going on? Game, now!Horsebite said:I hate Steam sometimes. If a game releases on the 8th, release the damn game at 12:01am, not noon or whatever arbitrary Valve time they decide on.![]()
Horsebite said:I hate Steam sometimes. If a game releases on the 8th, release the damn game at 12:01am, not noon or whatever arbitrary Valve time they decide on.![]()
Uh, it should be automated. Does someone really need to be there to press the "unlock" button?? Puh-lease. It's just silly. Especially because they're on Pacific time so everyone has to wait as long as possible haha.Tim-E said:They just release games/update the store during the day likely because that's when Valve employees are at work. They don't need to make their employees stay late to release every single game at midnight. It's a 12ish hour wait, who really cares?
wormstrangler said:Went back and finished the demo. Really glad I did. Goddamn that water beast! :lol
I'll probably buy it.
Edit: Bought from their site, after reading that they almost cancelled the game due to lack of money.
- http://beefjack.com/news/amnesia-the-dark-descent-was-almost-canned/
Horsebite said:Uh, it should be automated. Does someone really need to be there to press the "unlock" button?? Puh-lease. It's just silly. Especially because they're on Pacific time so everyone has to wait as long as possible haha.
clip said:Wow, I hope the game does well so that Frictional can stay in business!
I'm just saying it's annoying. I'm not furious, it's just inconvenient that you have to wait for Steam to release it even though it's out on Frictional's website. Maybe I wanted to wake up and play before I go to work. It's just a pain how Steam does releases sometimes.Tim-E said:I just don't see what the big deal is about waiting a few hours. I love my video games, but there's no reason to act as if I'm entitled to them at a certain time.
Nah, if something went wrong no one would be there to fix it. You definitely should have someone overseeing it.Horsebite said:Uh, it should be automated. Does someone really need to be there to press the "unlock" button?? Puh-lease. It's just silly. Especially because they're on Pacific time so everyone has to wait as long as possible haha.
Horsebite said:I'm just saying it's annoying. I'm not furious, it's just inconvenient that you have to wait for Steam to release it even though it's out on Frictional's website. Maybe I wanted to wake up and play before I go to work. It's just a pain how Steam does releases sometimes.
hehe. how about being 12 hours behind every other place you can get the gameTim-E said:I just don't see what the big deal is about waiting a few hours. I love my video games, but there's no reason to act as if I'm entitled to them at a certain time.
Horsebite said:I'm ready to poop my pants. The demo was terrifying.That god damn water monster...I was freaking out
Tim-E said:I just don't see what the big deal is about waiting a few hours. I love my video games, but there's no reason to act as if I'm entitled to them at a certain time.
btw playing the demo actually works a bit in its own way, there are differencesZeliard said:Skipped the demo on purpose to play it fresh. A game hasn't freaked me out or even had me on edge in a very long time, and I'm going to give this one every opportunity to.
Thread title needs to be changed to "Amnesia: The Dark Descent to Pooping Your Pants"Horsebite said:I'm ready to poop my pants. The demo was terrifying.That god damn water monster...I was freaking out
wmat said:Gentlemen, start your engines.
Edit: Nevermind, I suck. The game's marked as available in the shop, but not downloadable yet. Tears flowing.
Varna said:Not to mention Steam is hardly punctual with these release times.
Eaten By A Grue said:Thread title needs to be changed to "Amnesia: The Dark Descent to Pooping Your Pants"
Germany always knows what's up.wmat said:Downloading.
It's #1 on "Top Sellers" in Germany, btw. Good!
three years hehTheFightingFish said:I can't touch this game with a 40-foot pole as I'm a tremendous sissy. But the thing that really impresses me is how they did all this with their own engine. That is just an insane amount of work for a five man team, they must have been putting some crazy hours in on this.
yeah.. really crazy. bu bu. I'm taking a lot of breaks with sam & maxwmat said:Haha this game is pretty crazy. In the good sense.
One of the developers is going to test an X-series.eternal prize said:I haven't paid attention, but any luck for those with X series ati cards? I'm SOL with playing this game, and preordered months ago ;_;
The problems are major in effect, but the crashes happen on very simple tasks like opening inventory. This along with the image trails post-processing are basically the only two things which keep the game from running on X-series cards. It's a very short list, not a bug hunt.Thomas said:Unfortunately I am not able to look into this until next week, as I need to buy a card to test it.
I will do my very best to have a fix done soon!