The part of matchmaking that I dislike is getting into a game with rank 50s or just high levels and then the other side is mainly made of people low in rank. It's like a no-brainer on who is going to win. The matchmaking makes no attempts to balance it or anything.
Eh, player level is basically a measure of how long someone has been playing, not how good they are. I've been a lot better than plenty of level 50s and I'm currently only level 12.
It has to be your end and how your internet connection is setup for your console.
Bleh.. my NAT type is moderate :/ how do i make it open? I wasn't having this problem at first, I did like.. 5 tag battles earlier today.
Also HOLY CRAP Durga and Garuda are hard..
Do some port forwarding or DMZ'ing the PS3.
Is Mysterious Destiny from Bayonetta in the rotation for MP? I've seen it posted as part of the soundtrack, but havent heard it yet.
So, kill-stealing in battle royales. Acceptable or not? 'Cause I think it's totally fine, the game's called Anarchy Reigns after all. But I've heard people bitching on mic about kill stealers a few times. :lol Far as I'm concerned, if you want the kill, you've gotta fight for it.
Guys, how hard is Hard? I just completed Normal on the dark side and it was no cakewalk.
:/Pretty hard.
Guys, how hard is Hard? I just completed Normal on the dark side and it was no cakewalk.
I'm sorry, this is a bit premature but the Baron alone has, for me, made this the game to beat for goty for 2013. Hyperbolic? Sure but the character is entertaining just the same.
"Ninja-fade-into-the-shadows" shit
Normally people who aren't very good complain about kill stealing. One person earlier was complaining on his mic about me stealing kills and sneaking up on him while he was fighting others. He ran off whenever we met in battle. The main issue would be the players who hit and run to maintain their top scores. Not because of the tactic itself as it is a viable strategy; the issue arises when half the players fail to understand the concept of attacking the players on top of the leaderboard. There's generally a good number of players who will actively target specific players based purely on grudge deaths from early on in the match rather than leaderboard position. I can have upwards of 3 players chasing me while I'm gunning for the top player who is actively avoiding me while the clock is ticking down.So, kill-stealing in battle royales. Acceptable or not? 'Cause I think it's totally fine, the game's called Anarchy Reigns after all. But I've heard people bitching on mic about kill stealers a few times. :lol Far as I'm concerned, if you want the kill, you've gotta fight for it.
Wait, were you the crazy Gargoyle user I kept hunting with my Bull?!That Battle Royale lobby is brutal. I got teamed on everywhere I went in the third match. I guess they didn't want a repeat of the second one. If it wasn't for that one kill they got I would have won the third one too.
Wait, were you the crazy Gargoyle user I kept hunting with my Bull?!
I was happy with how I did. Top 5 or 6 most times. I think I was second once?
Really liking the character variety on that screen. Haven't played much online outside of Survival and I was scared it'd be nothing but Bayonettas and Rin sisters.I guess so lol.
On the first one
I trolled it up with Max on the first one. The lobby was too good for that. After going 10-0 on the second one and ending it early, they made sure I didn't win again.![]()
Other random question, what exactly do you do with the PSN/XBL ID's in the OP, does everyone just spam add each other? What do you do when people stop playing etc? I'm not a console player so I don't quite geddit I guess.
We getting our game on tomorrow. for details.
So, kill-stealing in battle royales. Acceptable or not? 'Cause I think it's totally fine, the game's called Anarchy Reigns after all. But I've heard people bitching on mic about kill stealers a few times. :lol Far as I'm concerned, if you want the kill, you've gotta fight for it.
Spam usually until we have formed a spidery web of a friends network. Though I wish there was a faster way to add friends than having to manually add each one. Like having big guilds, groups or something you join and can see everyone in as friends.
We getting our game on tomorrow. for details.
So is that tonight for the USA/early hours Europe?
So, kill-stealing in battle royales. Acceptable or not? 'Cause I think it's totally fine, the game's called Anarchy Reigns after all. But I've heard people bitching on mic about kill stealers a few times. :lol Far as I'm concerned, if you want the kill, you've gotta fight for it.
We getting our game on tomorrow. for details.
The game is called ANARCHY REIGNS. Are we really having a discussion on the morality of kill stealing?
The game is called ANARCHY REIGNS. Are we really having a discussion on the morality of kill stealing?
Internet, man.
akaoni said:akaoni; gingertree_; PS3
Video games, man.