Galaxy Nexus in 3rd surprising as well.
is this a new feature or did you get a phone capable of doing it?I can video stream from dropbox now
Blah, I hate how Android doesn't delete all the data when you uninstall the app. I was trying to clean out some files on my phone and noticed that a bunch of files remained despite the app not being installed.
is this a new feature or did you get a phone capable of doing it?
Properly made apps should, its apps that don't follow guidelines for putting data in the correct folder that mess this up.
It's these little things that I wish Google would assert some control over, it just makes the experience that little bit better (and your sd card remains tidy). As it stands now, every few months I go through my sd card and have to check whether folders apply to apps im currently using.
Sony announced three low end phones today, one of which has dual SIM capability. I still don't understand this company. In the same year they can release a great phone like the X-P without ICS and waste time, resources and effort on releasing a bunch of shitty devices that no one will buy, all with ICS pre-loaded. WTF Sony, WTF.
Three devices Sony, three devices. X-S/P/U, replace the S in Q3 with a Krait version with a 4.6" screen. Job done. Forget everything else.
when does sony's good chipset become available?
Sony announced three low end phones today, one of which has dual SIM capability. I still don't understand this company. In the same year they can release a great phone like the X-P without ICS and waste time, resources and effort on releasing a bunch of shitty devices that no one will buy, all with ICS pre-loaded. WTF Sony, WTF.
Three devices Sony, three devices. X-S/P/U, replace the S in Q3 with a Krait version with a 4.6" screen. Job done. Forget everything else.
I'm more disappointed that the Xperia S doesn't have NFC.
They are using MSM8960 in Xperia GX/SX which is out in Japan some time in July. The GX is supposed to be out internationally in August and the SX is not going to be released at all unless there is extraordinary demand for it in international markets.
There are rumours that Sony are going to be using the ST-E NovaThor A9600 in Q1 2013 devices which is a dual core A15 at 2.5GHz with PowerVR graphics and LTE.
It does...
I only checked an online store and they didn't list NFC, so I assumed it didn't have it.
I'm so getting the Xperia S, if Apollo disappoints. The Xperia U is a bit too gimped, with only 512 MB RAM and the P isn't available in white.
Naw dude, get the GX. If you are looking to buy around Q3/4 then the X-S will be outdated, the X-GX looks very good. 16/32GB, 1GB RAM, Krait, 4.6" screen and about the same physical size as the X-S (3mm wider, 5mm longer and 2mm thinner). If the SX comes to the west then that is also a worth phone. Those two and the P are the only Sony phones worthy having in 2012. Sony's ICS implementation in the GX looks amazing, the album app and the Walkman app in particular look worthy of a flagship Android phone.
2013 should bring a much better line up for Sony as they will cut out a number of lower end phones and slim down the range. I also think they will use NovaThor U9600 with LTE and A15 in Q1/2 and a quad core device in Q3/4 with Vita game functionality.
I prefer the design of the Xperia S over the SX or GX. And I really don't get the spec race. A Qualcomm S3 and 1 GB RAM should be enough to provide a super smooth Android experience and that's really all I want. The P is only 50 bucks cheaper than the S and not available in white.
Get a razr maxx with your upgrade, sell it via craigslist when the GS3 becomes available and use that money to purchase a GS3 from another craigslister or verizon directly. It's definitely a hassle but it's doable if that's the phone you want.
are there any pictures of edream7?
I think moto right now has the best ICS implementation that i've seen (haven't seen the new Sony)
Sounds like if I preorder GS3 now I can still be grandfathered in for unlimited data... I guess I can ride it out for 2 more years or so. I was going to wait until I see the phone in person and compare it to Razr HD Maxx when it comes out... But I guess I don't have much choice now because I'm cheap lol.
I really wish that Motorola would release the Droid RAZR HD on AT&T as opposed to the rather bland Atrix 3. I'm figuring that my next phone is going to be a Motorola, simply because I have faith that Google will keep their own subsidiary honest when it comes to upgrades.
Does anyone think that Google is going to unify their own communication services a-la Apple in Jelly Bean? It seems to logical given the numerous messenger services Google has.
^Am I stupid for wanting that?
^Am I stupid for wanting that?
Apparently, Best Buy is offering the HTC One S for $99 to new customers and upgrades. I'm eligible for upgrade, and so is my wife. I don't know if we NEED two SGS III's when they come out, maybe I'll get the One S and an SGS III. Anyone use the One S? How is it?
It's new to dropbox for ICS i believe.
Reality distortion field reaching critical levels.
Reality distortion field reaching critical levels.
Reality distortion field reaching critical levels.
Reality distortion field reaching critical levels.
Reality distortion field reaching critical levels.
I especially like how he chose to show the 3D maps part as the leading image. Using a fluff feature as your highlight for why iOS stomps everything else alive is pretty funny.
Reality distortion field reaching critical levels.
Reality distortion field reaching critical levels.
"OK so iOS 6 is disappointing but it still stomps all over Android and is four steps ahead. What's that? You want reasons why I said that? Can't hear you, here's a bunch of features from iOS 6 that I don't know have been available not just on Android, but other OS's for years but don't know about because I've never touched a non-Apple device in my life."
I hear your can open apps with voice commands now. Resolutionary!