pic isn't showingHow have I failed?
pic isn't showingHow have I failed?
pic isn't showing
pic isn't showing
I like it. Can you post some details?
Wallpaper said:
pic isn't showing
Just started working a few mins ago for me.
nope sorryyou have failed
Clock/Date/Weather widget + battery widget from Zooper
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Icons are from a theme I had on the iPhone 5 called Circul8
I just took out some icons from the bundles and reused them
Here I uploaded the few generic icons I had
Haha, that wallpaper is from my site. Nice.
Haha, that wallpaper is from my site. Nice.
Is Relay one of Iron Man's buddies?
What do you use for the Gmail badge?
I have one on my GNex running CM 10.1
EDIT: do you mean for things other than text?
Temporary setup.
What calendar widget?
My Dad got an S3, what's the best app for syncing it to iTunes on a mac?
Clock/Date/Weather widget + battery widget from Zooper
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Icons are from a theme I had on the iPhone 5 called Circul8
I just took out some icons from the bundles and reused them
Here I uploaded the few generic icons I had
I mean stock Android. So you're not bound simply by apps
Damn I wouldn't mind one of these Motorola Power Packs. One of the sexier power packs I've seen
There's already a thread for showing off your Android homescreens. How about we keep them in there rather than clogging up this thread?
Not everyone visits all the Android or iOS threads. This is especially confusing when you have some threads in Off Topic and some others in Community, even though some threads clearly belong to Community. It wouldn't surprise me if some here didn't even know that an Android homescreen thread existed.
Time to post your phones aight
I got one of those, pretty slim and awesome. Also picked up a discounted Marware charger for $14 from costco a while back
what... what is that?
Meizu M1. Chinese brand (the ones behind MIUI ROM or is that Xiaomi???)
There's already a thread for showing off your Android homescreens. How about we keep them in there rather than clogging up this thread?
It's flatter than Emma Watson and flat is in.So why do folks seem to prefer this version of sense aesthetically? I used to have a htc sensation and it seems stock or rooting would still give you a much better look than the current version on the HTC One.
Not everyone visits all the Android or iOS threads.
So why do folks seem to prefer this version of sense aesthetically? I used to have a htc sensation and it seems stock or rooting would still give you a much better look than the current version on the HTC One.
Not everyone visits all the threads on the board, but that's no reason to have all discussion of everything in one giant megathread.
That thread was spawned specifically because a huge number of these pictures were being posted and it was clogging up the Android OT horribly.
For those who didn't know such a thread exists, here's the link.
Not everyone visits all the threads on the board, but that's no reason to have all discussion of everything in one giant megathread.
That thread was spawned specifically because a huge number of these pictures were being posted and it was clogging up the Android OT horribly.
For those who didn't know such a thread exists, here's the link.
To be fair, unless someone PM'ed you about the "clogging up" of this thread, this comes in waves of which by a day or twos time, we'll be back to talking about Android 5.0, new X-phone features and screenshots of other things. I think making people aware of the "show your homescreen thread..." is fine but when it comes to a "moment in time..." like we're at right now, it's kinda of a wash.