A Black Falcon
Yeah, The Highlander for Jag CD certainly does look like an atrociously bad game. That post does give some good reasons why, but still, the results are what they are.Wow, that's quite a story. Everything about the CD add-on was a disaster.
And on that note, even Jaguar fans rarely defend Blue Lightning... the Lynx original is said to be better. But Battlemorph and Hover Strike? Those are mentioned as some of the better Jag CD games, and looking at videos I can see why.
On another note, the Jaguar CD is the video game platform with the shortest North American first-party release length of any released console since maybe one of the worst failures of the second generation. That is, the Jaguar CD only had first-party games released for it for a couple of months. Released in fall 1995, last first party game December 1995, one final third-party title January 1996, then discontinued as Atari went under. Now there were two more third party games in '97, mail/online order only of course, but those were post-discontinuation. Even systems like the Virtual Boy and 32X were supported for longer, and have larger (overall, worldwide) libraries.
Sure, but that's no excuse for bashing a game hard just because it's a genre you don't like... he did the same thing to Cybermorph in the Jaguar video, so this did not surprise me at all, but it's unfortunate that he can't at least acknowledge that those games are't supposed to be rail shooters, and are supposed to be deeper, more complex experiences. Sure, he doesn't like that, and it's perfectly fair to dislike them for it, but to say that they're awful games just because of their genre... at least say "I don't like this, but some people might."Keep in mind, the Jaguar had a really shitty controller. That probably didn't help things out.
The avatar goes with the username.Can I tell you how much I love your avatar?
Also, I agree wtih your statement here. The games just seemed less obvious than things on other platforms.
But seriously, that draw distance makes the game anti fun.
(As for legitimately bad Jaguar CD games, Highlander doesn't interest me all that much, but Blue Lightning... maybe. As for carts, I'm interested in trying some "bad" games like I-War, Checkered Flag, and Club Drive too.)