It bothers me that people think the AVGN (Angry Nintendo Nerd back then) was the first to do those angry old game reviews. He wasn't. I remember back when it all began, and there were several guys doing it before James. Some of them were much better too, but sadly never stuck around after only a few vids.
It sounds like James Rolf suffers from the same thing that Spoony suffers from. His fans are fucking crazy, obsessive nutters who will attack other reviewers.
I think James is actually a much better movie reviewer than game reviewer. His Monster Madness videos are always great.
I don't think anyone ever said that he was the first one to angrily be mad at a video game, but he was definitely VERY early on the internet bandwagon in this regard, and he was certainly at the forefront of that particular style - a game review (generally well thought out) with a character and even skits and stuff that were just over the top pissed off about these things. You have to be nuts to think the AVGN was any sort of direct ripoff of anything else out there at the time, and then also just as nuts to think the Irate Gamer wasn't (especially since it's documented fact basically, but even if it wasn't, it's pretty damn obvious).