As part of James and Mike Mondays, yes.Didn't he already make a video about the universal video game?
As part of James and Mike Mondays, yes.Didn't he already make a video about the universal video game?
I liked how he still held the Video Art controller while rocking out to the Mario Paint save I like how a good part of it was devoted to other paint programs. I can't complain since Video Art...was so shallow, I mean, what else could he show?
Whats with the "Mike's dick" comments on youtube? Did a photo leak or something? Forced MEME?
Both.Whats with the "Mike's dick" comments on youtube? Did a photo leak or something? Forced MEME?
Hmm, I just noticed that now.Going by the 'console' image there are two rollers on the machine, are those not fill buttons? can he not explain more about the console? come on now AVGN.
There's a photo where a fold in his pants made it look like he has a giant dick.
So people are turning it into a forced meme
Posted earlier in the thread here
Going by the 'console' image there are two rollers on the machine, are those not fill buttons? can he not explain more about the console? come on now AVGN.
Yeah those are both "clear" buttons, whatever the fuck they do. I also learned that this thing takes the usual Genesis controller, etc.; that would have been nice to see.I just looked at two other reviews. Neither seemed to have found any sort of flood fill functionality.
I owned that LJN thing as a kid and could swear I used a fill function with it. I could be mixing it up with a "game" from the thing below as well since I owned that around the same time.
Also, I decided to look up LJN Video Art and so far only found commercials (and a review, but I can just wait for AVGN's own review). But I did discover there's a YouTube channel dedicated to defending LJN games. I'll be checking that out for sure.
Link? Would like to see that too!
I've never heard of the LJN Video Art prior to this video, man that thing is terrible.
I did play Art Alive, which was mentioned in the video. Liked that game as a kid.
I think it might be this:
The guy does call himself the LJN Defender.
I've never heard of the LJN Video Art prior to this video, man that thing is terrible.
I did play Art Alive, which was mentioned in the video. Liked that game as a kid.
This as well!!!This might be shallow of me to say, but I kinda hope they move to 60FPS soon. Most NES games deserve better than 30FPS footage.
The part with Mario Paint brought a flood of memories back to me. The sounds especially. I remember how Nintendo Power even spoke of how Samus could be created in it was similar to what they did when they created her for the game.
bwhahahahahahah just saw this holy shit that is sooooo bad
It was magical. I got it for Christmas one year and played the hell out of it. I actually went to the mall the next day and bought the "strategy guide" (seems silly, I know) with some of the money I was given; I loved the song-writing section.Man Mario Paint looks way more fun than it has any right to
I kind of want to go back and watch some James and Mike episodes. What are some of your favorites? I think my two are Sonic 06 and the Universal Studios one. I remember toe jam and earl also being a good episode.
I owned that LJN thing as a kid and could swear I used a fill function with it. I could be mixing it up with a "game" from the thing below as well since I owned that around the same time.
I owned that LJN thing as a kid and could swear I used a fill function with it. I could be mixing it up with a "game" from the thing below as well since I owned that around the same time.
I think part of the reason for the dip in quality was because he was trying to make the film and it was kind of this large monkey hanging on his back. Now that he's finished everything and released it James seems a lot happier and it shows in the quality of the videos that he's released over the past year have been drastic improvements over the stuff we got 2-3 years ago.
An unfunny guy trying to make quick cash out of AVGN's fame. Sounds like the irate gamer