Also yeah, while it's kind of amusing seeing reviews like Big Rigs on what feels like James' actual reaction to discovering the game but slightly "Nerdified", it feels like they're not as rewatchable because yeah, it doesn't feel like he has much to work it. Another favorite of mine, Action 52 (& the episode after that, Cheetahmen), feels much more rewatchable because there's so much to talk about.
(Also, I wish he would just cheat his way through some stuff to get to other parts of the game like with the Ghostbusters's episode. No shame in using Game Genie and Gameshark!)
Considering he has tons of carts and not as many boxes, I imaging he doesn't have that many manuals, And when you rented games as a child, which a lot did back then because of prices, you sometimes didn't get a manual and had to figure it out on your own by pressing buttons, or just returning a too difficult game.While I fully support the idea he should try reading the instruction manual (that's always the first thing I do when I buy a game), I wonder how many manuals he actually has to match the game.
James and Mike play Earthworm Jim for the Genesis:
The insanely stupid (SNES-fan) stuff they say about the Genesis in this video was so bad that I didn't even make it to halfway before closing the tab... they're both great consoles!
The insanely stupid (SNES-fan) stuff they say about the Genesis in this video was so bad that I didn't even make it to halfway before closing the tab... they're both great consoles!
Haha, really. Maybe that's just the SEGA fan in me coming back from the dead, but... Wow, that was some serious
It was indeed embarrassing when they were talking about how all sports games are the same. I rolled my eyes more than once or twice xD
It was indeed embarrassing when they were talking about how all sports games are the same. I rolled my eyes more than once or twice xD
I feel the same way about sports games and I enjoy playing sports games. I bought NBA 2K9 and played it all the time. I don't see any need to buy an updated version with different characters. I look at NBA 2k15 in the store and I think I already own that game with a different number on it.
Streets of Rage is better than Final Fight IMO.Streets of Rage could compete with Final Fight
I agree with everything they said about SNES vs Genesis. Sonic games could compete with Mario games. Phantasy Star 4 and Shining Force 2 could compete with Breath of Fire 2, Lufia 2, and Super Mario RPG. Streets of Rage could compete with Final Fight, Turtles in Time, and Battletoads with Battlemaniacs. But I don't think anything could could come close to competing with SNES's top tier of Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 3, Earthbound, Super Mario Kart, Super Metroid, Zelda: LTTP, Donkey Kong Country 2. Hell I don't think Genesis could even compete with SNES's second tier of Mega Man X, Castlevania 4, Contra 3, Star Fox, and F-Zero.
Streets of Rage is better than Final Fight IMO.
you missed some top contenders!
Castlevania Bloodlines on Genesis is far better and funier than Castlevania IV too
For racers there is Outrun and Super Hang-on
Shinobi series competes with top SNES action platformers. Return of the Ninja Master is one of the best games I played
Wonderboy series are another classic action platformer
Gunstar Heroes competes with Contra
Genesis had more arcade ports overall
Yeah but it's quite harder as well.=p At least it doesn't have those awful top down stages though.i can't believe i'm getting into this but
gunstar doesn't need to compete with contra 3, because contra hard corps destroys it
As someone who enjoys their videos, I could not believe this and wanted to exit the window. It was pretty shameful and let alone damn ignorant. It's obvious every sports game is different and not 'the same'.
i can't believe i'm getting into this but
gunstar doesn't need to compete with contra 3, because contra hard corps destroys it
I absolutely don't agree with the Genesis version of Earthworm Jim sounding better than SNES.
.. What? They said that only the sports games make the Genesis even close to the SNES, that the SNES has far more great games, that the SNES is so much better, etc etc.only thing they said is that the genesis version sound better lol
This kind of "this game is as good as that game" thing isn't always useful because no one's going to remember every good game, and also because systems don't need an answer to every game on another platform to match it. What you need are good games, period. If one platform has more good games in one genre and another platform has more good games in another genre, they can be equally great.I agree with everything they said about SNES vs Genesis. Sonic games could compete with Mario games. Phantasy Star 4 and Shining Force 2 could compete with Breath of Fire 2, Lufia 2, and Super Mario RPG. Streets of Rage could compete with Final Fight, Turtles in Time, and Battletoads with Battlemaniacs. But I don't think anything could could come close to competing with SNES's top tier of Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 3, Earthbound, Super Mario Kart, Super Metroid, Zelda: LTTP, Donkey Kong Country 2. Hell I don't think Genesis could even compete with SNES's second tier of Mega Man X, Castlevania 4, Contra 3, Star Fox, and F-Zero.
I don't particularly care about sports games, but the Genesis and its addons do have pretty good versions of probably my two favorite sports games ever, Hardball III (no, the SNES game of the same title is not the same game, that's an inferior port of Hardball '94 on the Genesis) and NBA Jam TE... I know NBA Jam is on SNES too, but the Genesis versions are better, and the 32X version of TE better yet.I feel the same way about sports games and I enjoy playing sports games. I bought NBA 2K9 and played it all the time. I don't see any need to buy an updated version with different characters. I look at NBA 2k15 in the store and I think I already own that game with a different number on it.
There are certain opinions that are factually wrong. This is one of them.
I think they're close enough, but overall I like the SNES version better. Genesis version sounds good but when the main part kicks in on some of the tracks, the instruments can barely be heard. Take New Junk City for example. On SNES, it almost sounds like a girl's voice doing the main part, but on Genesis it sounds very weak.
Genesis -
I know almost everyone prefers the Genesis version and that's cool. I like it too, just not as much as SNES.
After actually watching the video... jeez you guys are thin-skinned. This is bog-standard SNES vs Genny playground territory, and if you were a kid back then you should be old enough not to care this much.![]()
After actually watching the video... jeez you guys are thin-skinned. This is bog-standard SNES vs Genny playground territory, and if you were a kid back then you should be old enough not to care this much.![]()
Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 3, Earthbound -- Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (SCD) is, on my list, the best JRPG of the generation. Lunar: The Silver Star (SCD) is also as good as those games.
Zelda: LTTP - Landstalker, Crusader of Centy, and Beyond Oasis are all in Zelda: LttP's category, and all are great games. Landstalker is my favorite Genesis game in the genre. Great game! It may not be quite as great as LttP, but it's close; LttP is great, but I don't love LttP as much as some (LA is my favorite 2d Zelda game, not LttP).
Donkey Kong Country 2 - The Sonic games and Genesis Aladdin are as great as the first-party SNES platformers (SMW, DKC trilogy, Kirby). There are only two SNES Mario games versus 5 Genesis Sonic titles (counting Sonic 3D Blast, I do like the game) plus 1 on SCD (and 1 on 32X that isn't as good), so I think it's fair to compare Sonic to more than just Mario.
F-Zero - F-Zero is my favorite racing game of the 4th generation, so it shouldn't be on any "second-tier" list -- it's a far better game than Super Mario Kart as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, my favorite Genesis racer is Outrun 2019, which is also very, very good.
Some things you don't mention -- the Genesis has an overall better shmup library. My favorite shmup of the generation is a SNES game, Gradius III, and the Turbografx/Turbo CD have the best shmup library of the generation, but the Genesis(+CD+32X) do have a better library than the SNES, for sure. Lightening Force doesn't have a match on the SNES, or Silpheed (SCD), for instance. And Nintendo has the least Compile shmups too. Space Megaforce is amazing, but so are MUSHA (Genesis) and Robo Aleste (SCD).
The insanely stupid (SNES-fan) stuff they say about the Genesis in this video was so bad that I didn't even make it to halfway before closing the tab... they're both great consoles!
Also, James and Mike plays Double Dragon for the Neo Geo CD:
This isn't the first time that they complained about short controller cables for a game console. James also did the same for his Famicom review. I guess it is the difference between Japanese living rooms and western ones.
Well, I've never been a Final Fantasy fan. I like Lunar's charm, its great battle system that I like far more than any of the FF battle systems of the time, the graphics, etc. But also, as I said, I like Lunar 2 a lot more than the first one. Lunar 2 has a more complex, deep story than the first one, so if that's one of your issues with the game, the second game fixes that issue. It doesn't sound like you have played Lunar 2.I was never a Lunar fan. (Only played the PSX versions) Lunar's battles are very slow, intolerably repetitive, and numerous. Dungeons in Lunar are among the most annoying I've encountered in a RPG. The story is okay, nothing special, about Saturday Morning anime quality. A lot of it was horrifically cheesy. There's some charm though and it was good for some laughs. (However I'm not sure how many of those laughs were intentional. We were supposed to laugh at the singing sequences, right?) Super Mario RPG has charm and makes you laugh too but it's gameplay is actually good, so I would put SMRPG above Lunar and still SMRPG is far beneath Chrono Trigger, FF6, and Earthbound. SMRPG is just a fun little game, those three are masterpieces.
Illusion of Gaia is actually probably my favorite SNES game in the genre; it's a great game, I really, really loved it. Aws for the Genesis games, Landstalker takes time to get used to because of its confusing isometric perspective. Give it time, it eventually makes sense. Beyond Oasis is good, but a bit short; it's kind of like a Zelda-style game with more beat 'em up elements in its combat. And Crusader of Centy is, graphically, an obvious LttP knockoff, though the story is quite original, as are some gameplay elements.I'll write these names down (and all the others you mentioned in your post) and give them another try one day. It's been about 20 years since I played Landstalker and Beyond Oasis. I remember them being fine but on the Soul Blazer/Illusion of Gaia level, not really anywhere near Secret of Mana or Zelda.
And by pointing out genres where the Genesis has better games I was saying that this doesn't matter as much as you think, on an objective level.By comparing genres like I was doing, I was saying the Genesis has answers for this good tier of SNES games, but I don't believe they have any answers for this great tier of SNES games.
Again, there are only 2 SNES Mario games, vs. 5 Genesis Sonic games. The SNES has as many DKC and Mario platformers combined as the Genesis has Sonic platformers.Sonic games are good and a good match against Mario, but for DKC2, there is no match. DKC2 is in the outstanding tier. As for as Sonic being good and DKC2 being outstanding, well it's just opinions, but I see DKC2 as being in a different stratosphere with visuals, music, and sound quality. There's nothing close in Sonic to the atmosphere of the misty forest stage, the lava stages, Bramble Blast, K Rool's Castle, the Hornet Hole, etc... It kills both Sonic and Mario in variety of gameplay like the animal rides, mine carts, barrel stages, and the hundreds of bonus stages that made it all feel the most constantly fresh and exciting of the 2D platformers. It's easily much more of a 2 player game than Sonic.
I didn't have a SNES during the system,'s active life, so this didn't matter to me; I got a SNES in '05, and was disappointed by SMK because of its not-great controls. I've probably played it multiplayer sometime, but for classic Mario Kart I'd far rather play MK64; that's the one I love, along with the newer games.Unfortunately, F-Zero didn't have a 2 player mode or a battle mode. I love F-Zero's one player but I probably spent 1/100th of the time playing that as I got out of Mario Kart's battle mode. Mario Kart is on top of my list for 2 player fun for SNES/Genesis. That's why it's in my top tier. I think any poll done of SNES/Genesis multiplayer would have Mario Kart at the top running away with the vote.
So anything which isn't exactly the kind of game the SNES does best is inferior and shouldn't be put on the same tier as the top SNES games? That may be your opinion, but it is entirely opinion, there's nothing objective there. The arcade sensibilities of great shmups make them extremely replayable, for instance. Personally. I'd far rather play a 4th-gen shmup than a 4th-gen JRPG -- that is my favorite era for shmups, but definitely not RPGs. Most 4th-gen RPGs just don't have much depth, there's too much simplistic repetition and not enough strategy or thought required. I like some of them, but shmups or platformers (or action-RPGs/Zelda-style games) are better on my list. Now, I'm, sure it's possible to make some kind of way of finding which games are objectively the best, and because the SNES sold the most systems worldwide and had a dominating win in Japan I'm sure it'd have a lot of the games with the biggest budgets and highest production values, but the other systems have great games as well, and which kinds of games someone likes will have a HUGE impact on which platform you like the most. Something like Gradius II (TCD), Gradius III (SNES), or Lightening Force (GEN)? I think they're amazing games, much more fun to play for me than most any RPG that generation. And they've got plenty of atmosphere as well.I didn't mention it because Gradius 3 is my favorite shmup too and that's so far beneath the top tier, I didn't think it was worth mentioning. Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, and DKC2 go beyond being just plain fun. They give you atmospheric experiences and the best vg soundtracks you'll ever hear along with the fun.