So far i have the grand total of 2 orange roses i have yet to see a blue either, hell i can't even get a purple pansy or hyacinth. Flower breeding is super frustrating for some breeds, yet others like tulips seem to give you everything with zero effort.
Redd has only visited me once so far. And yes, flower breeding is incredibly obtuse. I'm glad I'm able to preoccupy myself with other stuff while I wait the weeks and months it will take to grow each variety.
Blue Rose FINALLY!
oh hell no I won't do this again. That grind was brutal my back hurts.
not giving these away for free only high price trades lol
this means that video guide works I followed it as closely as I could and could have done it cleaner to be sure.
I managed to get all of the new bugs & fish except for a scorpion and mahi mahi. Hovering between 155-160 hours. FML this game is addictive.
I don’t know what I’m going to do when the covid crisis is over and I have to go back to work.
Blue Rose FINALLY!
oh hell no I won't do this again. That grind was brutal my back hurts.
not giving these away for free only high price trades lol
this means that video guide works I followed it as closely as I could and could have done it cleaner to be sure.
Congrats on the blue, regarding the supposed dna special hybrid flowers, youtubers have been passing along misinformation as official data but it's really not. The official guidebook makes no mention of these special hybrids that look identical to other flowers. It's simply down to the RNG of the chances of a certain colour appearing. The image below is from the rose page of the official guide, some combinations of flower colours with have a higher chance of spawning a colour than others it's as simple as that. Seeing as the guidebook makers have nintendo's official authorization i'm pretty sure if there really were these special hybrids the guidebook would have mentioned them as they would have been able to confirm this with nintendo themselves.
Not to knock on time travelers, but there is something wonderful about a new month in Animal Crossing. New fish to reel in, new bugs to net, a neat little island maze to explore. This game does a wonderful job of breaking up your daily routine when a new month rolls around. I still haven't placed all my homes, but I'm excited to try out teraforming the island.
There is also something pleasant about it raining outside in the real world and raining on your island in New Horizons. /deep thoughts.
I've always liked open world games that reward you with exploring and that give you a sense of discovery. I love games that have a well thought out economy and that have items you interact with that always have meaning. I think Animal Crossing checks all of those boxes. Sure every new fish you catch rewards with a new pun and can be sold off for a few bells (or maybe more), but the museum is such a wonderful idea and Blathers giving you a short description about each new item is a treat. Most games might give you something akin to the Critterpedia, but the Museum is just pure Nintendo charm. /more deep thoughts
I guess that's all to say that I've angled most of this months new fish and have a about half of the new bugs. Futurama is free of Rocket, though his replacement is much better (Antonio SUCKSSSS).
The outfit du jour is a mix of Jordan 1s, Enter the Dragon and a 1.2 million bell crown.
I NEED that watering can.
yeah we discussed this before and I agreed I just wanted to follow one more guide to see what I would get, in the end it has more to do with RNG what my results ended up being because it took me twice as long or even 3x as long as that video said it would.
still a damn heavy grind
i ordered this book on Amazon US weeks ago when it was posted and still no shipment
Ah apologies i knew i had brought this up with someone but i didn't realise it was you. Your still way ahead of me as i have only managed to get oranges & purples so far in the rose department. Once you have 2 it makes the odds a bit more in your favour well im praying it is lol. Still yet to see even a sniff of a green mum despite having a shitload of purples however grinding for redd art the day before redd turns up is a rainy day so i go back for rain to water everything in my flower gardens & to pick up my art from the mail then go forward to redd appearing buy a new piece of art and drop off the one i got in the post to blathers & then repeat the cycle. So glad it's different art & variant items each time he comes as in nooks cranny it's shit as the same items will appear on specific days so if you go back to a certain day it ill always be that damn same selection.
Hope your guide gets shipped soon, it sucks that they delayed it, well worth it though as it's quality both in content and also in feel as it has a rubberised feeling cover with uv spot gloss on all the little leaves & logos it's really nicely done. Even the 2 included bookmarks are super useful.
Redd is difficult, I do the same time travel trick when I see him but by the time I got to this point where I am only missing 2 art items I got tired and my villagers got so depressed I hate seeing all my villagers all moppy all asking to move.
After I did the 180 plus days to get these blue roses although I was time travelling day by day not skipping days or weeks I got no roaches at all but I got weeds and I did not have time to talk to villagers. I get the I what not seen you in Months!
I don't like seeing my villagers moppy I like seeing my little jocks Naruto run around my town all happy.
I have settled back to current times yesterday but took off again to get more blues out of my blues
I am going to have to say that the guide book and RNG thing does not really disprove a special red you get out going through that evil 9 step grind in that Youtube video
I am starting to believe these reds are really special because I travelled 7 days one day at a time watering this test field again today to double check what these reds would give me
I got blues most of the time from them. Some days I would get a white or a red out of them instead of a blue or nothing at all but I mostly got blues if they gave me something
remember I am the same guy with a massive gold rose field. I used RNG to get that gold field knowing if I put 2 reds together I can get a black and with a gold watering can I can get gold rose out of 2 blacks.
These reds have not given me a black roase once. So I think the guide book is not proving these special reds wrong due to the massive amount of Time Travel I have done using red roses to get blacks to get my gold field unless the RNG is super brutal I never got one single blue with a huge field of red roses trying to get blacks. I did not use the gold can all the time because it was wasting gold nuggets to craft new ones I only used the gold can when I replaced all reds with blacks
It took a long time to get that much black a lot of Time Travel, then it took even longer to get the massive gold field.
The reds never gave me blues so I am not sure if I can trust the guide book saying it is only RNG
2 reds have a 1 out of 64 chance to give you a blue that is what the youtuber guide says
going through the 9 steps gets that down to these special reds that is down to 1 out of 4 chance
the problem with what they are claiming is once I had enough special reds I am still getting blues out of them more often than anything else.
I still want my guide but I won't dismiss everything the community says from experimenting. The guide does not seem to have it all 100% they should be the ones presenting a 9 step way to get the hardest hybrid rose.
I currently just have my flowerbeds in a set pattern i found online that is supposed to give you every colour if you wait long enough so it will be interesting to test this method and see how it compares to how you did it, ill let you know if i manage to spawn blues from this grid as i'm not doing any special steps the base colours were just grown from the seed bags. To be honest the guidebook doesn't go into the percentage chance of certain colours its just listed as common rare or very rare so that could mean anything. Seems a lot of colour combinations can spawn the hybrid colours but they end up been in the very rare bracket with it becoming easier with a certain few combinations that include one of the pair been the target colour you are after but the fact that this book was officialy authorized by Nintendo gives it a lot more weight than youtubers just guessing i can't imagine Nintendo would be happy with a half assed guidebook that has their name on it or maybe they dont care lol maybe i'm reading too much into that official stamp.
I have a bit of an irk with youtubers though and them spouting crap thats plain wrong and trying to pass it off as fact. Saying stuff like when a new update comes it removes the previous events and you can no longer access them which i tested myself and found it totally wrong. Don't get me wrong there are some actually useful ones out there that are putting out good content and then you have others that will just post any old shit to get clicks it's frustrating finding info when theres a lot just making anything up. Some people are saying that villagers leave on their own if you ignore them but in nearly 300 hours i have never had one move out on their own no matter how much i ignored them but i do agree i feel a bit shitty when my villagers were unhappy especially when Beardo did that as i tried to make sure i interacted with him the most as he is my favourite of all the villagers so i genuinely felt crap when he said he wanted to move i was like Beardo noooo don't leave me. Weirdly one of my villagers had the thought bubble over their heads and i went to talk to them expecting them saying they are thinking about moving but instead they gave me an item it was weird as i didn't know they would do that.
Regarding time travelling i always played like that ever since the N64 version. I go in two phases i travel extensively to get a lot of the items unlocked & stockpiled and then i tend to slow down and play with less travelling using the items i unlocked to design to my hearts content as there are times i just do nothing but chill and enjoy the daily routine of my town and the feeling of enjoying the secenry & the weather especially with how beautiful it is in this game but during events i tend to grind till i have them all for that event just in case that one time nintendo really does decide to use an update to lock the events away although so far it's looking very unlikely they would. I do find it pretty impessive seeing people when they build an amazing town and they didnt time travel, i do appreciate that level of dedication but for me i can't play that way. One of my work friends refuses to travel and she did everything in realtime her flowerbeds are amazing.
Wow, you put a whole lot of work and dedication into those flowers. I just got Cosmos flowers today so I'm working on getting some pink ones for a DIY I have yet to create. I've been getting a little bummed with the game lately because of the day to day grind and with some of the archaic designs of the game. I'm just not the best at waiting but I haven't used any time traveling yet and most likely wont be using it. I don't want to time travel but it sure would help out a lot.The 5 star grind took a toll and I've decided my island will either get one or not at this point. I'm just in no rush for it anymore because of my new found love of hybrid flowers. I'm using a 4x5 grid pattern layout and it has been working well for me but after reading what you have been through it might not hold up. It is pretty exciting getting up each morning and checking out the flower patches for some new flowers each day.
Impotaku we should experiment, you take to normal red roses or whatever the guide tells you should get you blue rose put those 2 flowers next to each other
I will give you 2 of these so called special reds that should give you a blue 1 out of 4 - you can water them each day time travelling and report back which ones give you the blue rose faster
would the prove the RNG vs Special Gene thing because I believe dataminers have said they did code genetics into the game
If you already have blue roses using the guide then this offer is a waste of time but if you don't you could at least test out these 2 red roses on your island
let me know and PM me a dodo code I'll bring you 2 roses
That's a cool experiment, i don't have any blue roses so this could be a good test of the theory once and for all of hidden genetics. Lemme get online and i'll PM you a dodo.
ok cool let me go grab the special reds
i have messaged you a dodo and gates are open
Redd keeps avoiding offering for sale the last 2 pieces I need![]()
which 2 you after? i can keep an eye out in my town in case i get doubles. The other day he taunted me by having 2 real pieces of art and a damn haunted one as he had the glowing blue rosetta stone i really wanted the stone but empty art gallery keeps taunting me too lol.
?wtf I can't stop watching this one episode of Animal Talking