Okay, MicH, Koomaster, Galactic Fork, little miss gogo, you guys are welcome to come into my town and drop/pick up things.
Thanks so much for the hospitality Philia; had a great time visiting your town. Don't forget to pick up your mega bovoid for your hubby!
I really like the name Destiny Blend for a brand of coffee.
Took the opportunity to get a fashion update from Gracie while in your town.
The new shirt and pants make me feel at least 50% cooler; not that I wasn't cool enough before. 8)
Beans! YES! Also thank you for the carnations. Planted the ones you gave me with the one I already had. Also bought some fertilizer from your T&T and planted it in the middle of them. Hope I'm doing it right.
MORE BEANS! AHAHAHAHAHA! You get a bean, and you get a bean, and you get a bean! Beans everywhere!