No need to dress up but it's a NeoGaf special occasion! Welcome to the AC GAF Cataloging Event!!
Fill out the missing pieces in your furniture series and sets in order to create the dream house
you're looking for and up your HHA Score in the process.
Where Do I Start: How Do I Participate?
If you aren't already friends with a Town Host; get it done before Sunday. Add their FC and PM yours to them. This is super important to do before the event happens. Otherwise a Town Host would have to kick everyone out of their town and close their gates just to add your FC. So don't procrastinate! It's up to the discretion of each Town Host whether they add you on Sunday. We may get everyone taken care of or have a slow period toward the end where we can add more people. But again, it's more hassle to do it that way so don't count on that happening. If you are interested in taking part in this event; exchange those friend codes!
How Do I Catalog?
1. Visit a Host Town
2. Go to the location in their town where they are having the event.
3. Pick up pieces of furniture, wallpaper and carpet.
4. Drop what you've picked up where you found it.
5. And just like that; congratulations; you've cataloged some furniture!
6. When you return to your own town, check your catalog at the Nooklings store. You'll see the furniture there ready to order!
Do I have to visit every town?
Nope! If you are only missing pieces from the polka-dot series or only want to catalog DLC, just visit the towns you need.
Refer to the above images to see which host town has which furniture series/sets. Visit one, or visit all four, the choice is yours!
It's Sunday and I don't see X-town on my train destination list. What gives?
Check this thread on Sunday for any changes/announcements. Something may happen where a Town Host has to leave early or is having internet troubles.
Best to stay informed and here is the best place. We will try to stay around and accommodate everyone who wants to catalog, but sometimes life happens.
Any Rules I should know?
1. No running; it's bad for the environment.
2. Follow paths where applicable.
3. Don't pick up, destroy, move or take flowers.
4. Don't chop down trees.
5. Don't take fruit unless you ask the host and they allow you.
6. When leaving, make sure your pockets are empty; don't take furniture with you.
7. Most importantly; be courteous and patient. A town may be full when you check; and you have to wait for a spot to open. There may be a lot of loading screens with trains coming and going. Don't let it get you frustrated! Also Town Hosts will try to save as best they can; but don't get upset if a Resetti happens and you have to recatalog a bunch of furniture again. It happens, not the end of the world. Remain calm. ^___^
Overall; I hope everyone has a great day today; hosts and catalogers alike. This is a great community and I'm glad we can share in this game together and help each other when we can. Big thanks to the other Town Hosts, as well as the furniture suppliers for helping put this together; volunteering your time & furniture! I'm excited all this has come together so fast! It is going to be a fun time!
No need to dress up but it's a NeoGaf special occasion! Welcome to the AC GAF Cataloging Event!!
Fill out the missing pieces in your furniture series and sets in order to create the dream house
you're looking for and up your HHA Score in the process.


Where Do I Start: How Do I Participate?
If you aren't already friends with a Town Host; get it done before Sunday. Add their FC and PM yours to them. This is super important to do before the event happens. Otherwise a Town Host would have to kick everyone out of their town and close their gates just to add your FC. So don't procrastinate! It's up to the discretion of each Town Host whether they add you on Sunday. We may get everyone taken care of or have a slow period toward the end where we can add more people. But again, it's more hassle to do it that way so don't count on that happening. If you are interested in taking part in this event; exchange those friend codes!
How Do I Catalog?
1. Visit a Host Town
2. Go to the location in their town where they are having the event.
3. Pick up pieces of furniture, wallpaper and carpet.
4. Drop what you've picked up where you found it.
5. And just like that; congratulations; you've cataloged some furniture!
6. When you return to your own town, check your catalog at the Nooklings store. You'll see the furniture there ready to order!
Do I have to visit every town?
Nope! If you are only missing pieces from the polka-dot series or only want to catalog DLC, just visit the towns you need.
Refer to the above images to see which host town has which furniture series/sets. Visit one, or visit all four, the choice is yours!
It's Sunday and I don't see X-town on my train destination list. What gives?
Check this thread on Sunday for any changes/announcements. Something may happen where a Town Host has to leave early or is having internet troubles.
Best to stay informed and here is the best place. We will try to stay around and accommodate everyone who wants to catalog, but sometimes life happens.
Any Rules I should know?
1. No running; it's bad for the environment.
2. Follow paths where applicable.
3. Don't pick up, destroy, move or take flowers.
4. Don't chop down trees.
5. Don't take fruit unless you ask the host and they allow you.
6. When leaving, make sure your pockets are empty; don't take furniture with you.
7. Most importantly; be courteous and patient. A town may be full when you check; and you have to wait for a spot to open. There may be a lot of loading screens with trains coming and going. Don't let it get you frustrated! Also Town Hosts will try to save as best they can; but don't get upset if a Resetti happens and you have to recatalog a bunch of furniture again. It happens, not the end of the world. Remain calm. ^___^
Overall; I hope everyone has a great day today; hosts and catalogers alike. This is a great community and I'm glad we can share in this game together and help each other when we can. Big thanks to the other Town Hosts, as well as the furniture suppliers for helping put this together; volunteering your time & furniture! I'm excited all this has come together so fast! It is going to be a fun time!