LMAO you guys. <333333 :3
Well its like this. I had a subscription service that rents out games. And there were a few that I wanted to play so badly but didn't have the time inbetween GTA and ACNL. And when I realized...
You just simply do not need to play the game daily to keep up with it. You just have to change the 3DS clock and go back to it at your own convenience. Yes, its time travel but I can trust that I won't lose anyone since it only passed a day ingame when I fix the clock to set it back to the day I've last played. Upon this realization, I can actually set it down and not fuss with it while I can concentrate on my other games. Funny thing that... ACNL has such a polarizing push/pull to it.
I have a backloggery account if anyone likes to follow me on whatever games I'm playing.

I'm playing 3 of them at the moment as Samurai_Heart had discovered. :3