Is anyone around? I need a Classic Sofa to complete my set.
Is anyone around? I need a Classic Sofa to complete my set.
I'll order one for you, should arrive a few hours from now when my mailbox hits 5pm.
My TIY closes tomorrow, finally getting the Emporium in my town Friday!
Also, if anyone has a decent Turnip price it'll help me out!
EDIT: Used reddit to successfully sell at 489
EDIT 2: I got your Classic Sofa, SolidChamp. We'll arrange for your to come pick it up sometime.
Hey, thanks a lot!
It's 6:12pm, Taipei time for me. I'll be around for a few hours, so if you respond to this post I'll get set up to drop by your town.
Added you. 0920-2253-9165.
Heading to work now until 10pm US Eastern. After work I can get it to ya, or we can try again the following morning.
Yeah that works. I'll be on.
Added you. 0920-2253-9165.
Heading to work now until 10pm US Eastern. After work I can get it to ya, or we can try again the following morning.
Yeah that works. I'll be on.
Just got home, gonna open my gate in a minute. Town is called Wheeler.
I'm so sorry man. I ended up taking a nap with my son.
It looks like I may have missed you by about 20 minutes. :/
What do you get when you import data from HHD?
All the giant furniture, like the massive teddy and the huge Resetti doll.
Lol, it happens. Actually just grabbed some dinner, let me switch the gate open again.
Aaaaand open again! Don't mind my wetsuit, been farming PWPs lately :/
EDIT: We'll try for tomorrow, gonna close the gate for the night.
I'm really sorry for flaking.
I'm here for real this time, if you are.
Lol you didn't flake, life happens man.
I should be home ~45 minutes from this post, then I'll slap the gates open :3
Sounds good!
I got an extra goal pole and samus mask if anyone wants it. I still need some fruit, but I got the slingshot
Edit: overdrive, I also registered you. Mine is 2466-6265-3767
I registered you. Thanks. I still need apples, pears, oranges, and persimmons. Sometimes my internet is bad, so just save after I pick them upI'll be home in 2 hours, I can hook you up with some fruits if you'll still be about.
I registered you. Thanks. I still need apples, pears, oranges, and persimmons. Sometimes my internet is bad, so just save after I pick them up
Edit: I could also use a wet suit if anyone has one
Yesterday, got my Emporium. Today, got my Gold Watering Can.
Now I can stop worrying about keeping the town perfect and chop down about half of my trees so I can re-cultivate the land for new fruits. Sometime late next week I should be good to provide fruits to those who need it.
Tempted to give the Stalk Market another go tomorrow.
Wooo! Managed to get Gracie to appear in my town 4 times in less than a month! Going to get back the T&T Emporium in about 3 months since I restarted my town. All this without time traveling a day. FeelsGoodMan.jpg
Things I have to trade:
Balloon wall, floor, and table
Samus mask
Varia Suit pants
Goal Pole
Full Ice set
I would like any more metroid or zelda stuff. I'm missing some things like the master sword or varia suit (armor?) Balloon or snowman things are also ok
Thanks a lot. I added youI'm fairly certain I have an extra Varia Suit and probably an extra Master Sword you can have.
I will check tonight and get back to you.
Thanks a lot. I added you
Aww man all of the Nintendo dream suites aren't there anymore. Why would they take them down?
Were these pre Welcome Amiibo update addresses, because all dream suite codes were reset with the update.
More than likely. Does that mean there are post update codes I need to find?
More than likely. Does that mean there are post update codes I need to find?
0000-000F-4241 is the new code for Nintendo's village.
Googling, the new Japanese code is 0000-000F-4241
Can't find anything on the UK and US Twitter accounts.
For the first time ever, I've found a bit of sloppy furniture at Re-Tail.
I hear a lot of search talk about sloppy furniture on various sites, is this stuff supposed to be rare or mythical?
It's fairly rare, yes, but crucially it cannot be ordered from the catalog.
Never planted bushes before; the only difference between them is whatever flower they bloom in their season, right? Leaves are all the same color? I wonder if my OCD will compel me to get like-type bushes and group them together in various places.
Different varieties of bushes have unique leaves and shades of green. So if you have a favourite I suggest stocking up even if you don't have plans to use them right away.
Also you can only grow 12 in a row, including trees.
Read more here:
Thanks a lot. I added you
Shoot, just got on. Edit: got itI'm gonna have my gate open for the next 45 min or so if you wanted to come by and grab the items.
Sorry Graham, you' stay in town is going to be short.