Got some left to sell if you're still around.
Fishing tournament this weekend. I think we should post scores and the overall winner gets a little trophy on their avatar until the next fishing tournament kicks off.
I have to capture sea bass - 39.95 incher this morning.
Do I have to sign up somewhere in my town to participate? I'm fairly new to this game...
Congrats Niraj. Don't think I'll ever get that badge. Had Beautiful Ordinance from the very first day I could.
Just got home from work, you still around for bingo?
My numbers are 13, 25, 37 & 39 and my turnips are 154 if anyone's desperate.
Almost done. Want to thank Allan Holdsworth for letting me pull weeds a few times, but especially want to thank bluepolicebox who let me over many, many, many times to pull weeds from her town. Wouldn't even be close without that help <3
Almost done. Want to thank Allan Holdsworth for letting me pull weeds a few times, but especially want to thank bluepolicebox who let me over many, many, many times to pull weeds from her town. Wouldn't even be close without that help <3
I'll be around for a couple hours if anyone needs bingo numbers today.
Niraj you are a hero amongst all.
Any have this game on cart, what's the sticker like on it? Strangely want to see it.
Edit: google is my friend.
Congratulations on becoming a menacing addict![]()
Holy shit, man. Congrats!
I'm sure most of us saw the number needed to get gold and were like, "yeah fuck that". But not you, man!![]()
Does anybody know if that would work?
So I restarted... talked to Frita again. I chose the same "Who are you again" option, and she again decided to stay. I restarted again... this time using reverse psychology and saying "Don't go!". Still wanted to stay. I restarted a third time, and talked to other villagers... the only morsel of info I could get was "Frita is thinking about moving... she hasn't made up her mind yet though, so there's still time to talk her out of it." Hopefully that's good enough, and not talking to her will prompt her to move... though she was originally going to move out tomorrow and she doesn't have packed boxes yet ;_;Yep, reset the game without saving and don't talk to her again until she's in boxes. Equally, if someone has been "chosen" by the game to move and pings you and still decides to stay you can reset until they say they're actually moving (and then don't talk to them).
Edit: And if you want to make doubly sure she's still moving just talk to your other villagers till they mention she's moving or talk to her again till she mentions it and then reset if she decides to stay.
So I restarted... talked to Frita again. I chose the same "Who are you again" option, and she again decided to stay. I restarted again... this time using reverse psychology and saying "Don't go!". Still wanted to stay. I restarted a third time, and talked to other villagers... the only morsel of info I could get was "Frita is thinking about moving... she hasn't made up her mind yet though, so there's still time to talk her out of it." Hopefully that's good enough, and not talking to her will prompt her to move... though she was originally going to move out tomorrow and she doesn't have packed boxes yet ;_;
Ahhh, that's a smooth relief on my weathered mindIf you haven't saved after she "changed her mind" and chose to stay then she WILL be moving still. You don't have to get her to confirm she's still moving or anything. I was just saying that, for your own piece of mind, you can double check with her or other villagers that she's still moving. The only way she'll be staying now is if you talk to her, get her to change her mind and then save. The fact that a villager says she's moving shows you haven't messed it up and she's still going.
Edit: and I'm pretty sure the day they're meant to move is the day they're in boxes and then the day after that their house is gone.
Are you around for numbers Niraj?
I am around.I am now if you're around still.
I am around.
Can anyone open their gates for me for a bit? Need to sell some perfect apples to make a quick buck
4596 - 9473 - 4020
Sorry for the bump, but could anyone open up their gates for me? Really need to get some extra dough in order to finish up some public works projects for that stupid perfect town rating.
Yeah, give me a second.
You are the bestest!
One question, though. Is the Totem Pole gonna count against a perfect town rating?
I just started playing, I don't have much but about a half dozen of pears in my town, but if anyone wants to send some fruit my way I would be grateful. 4468-0977-5046. PM me if interested.
I just started playing, I don't have much but about a half dozen of pears in my town, but if anyone wants to send some fruit my way I would be grateful. 4468-0977-5046. PM me if interested.
Available if anyone needs bingo numbers.
Snow tyke and Snow mam created. Going to try for the older brother today. I assume he is in between the size of those two.
I hadn't played in a month. Weeds everywhere. Otherwise my town seemed okay. My flowers have all been wiped out but that's fine. I'll replant in the spring.
Edit: bah. Made another snowmam.
I need signatures and turnip prices.
Ill be on later for the sigs hopefully.
I need signatures and turnip prices.
Are you available for numbers Niraj?
Missed out on buying nips this weekend since I was busy all weekend but I'll keep an eye on my prices for others. Only 66 this morning.
Also, if I see you open up, Niraj - I'll pop over for some sigs at the same time. Hamlet hit me up today and I actually like him.
Opening up now.
We can help keep an eye out for the bolded but when it comes to fish, you are on your own. Only you can donate fish and no one can actually give you any. Need to catch them yourself.Hey, everyone.
I'm at my wits end with trying to find & donate all these items through normal means, and it would mean a lot to me if someone could help me out. I have all the insects, however.
This is what I need:
Triceratops Skull
Dimetrodon Torso
shit-ton of fish
We can help keep an eye out for the bolded but when it comes to fish, you are on your own. Only you can donate fish and no one can actually give you any. Need to catch them yourself.