SweeeeeeetYou could buy some from my store if you want sometime
Added you.Got the game earlier today so feel free to add me: 2853-0525-8510 ^_^
I caught a tarantula tonight.I haven't touched the game in a while but July is coming up. I still have a scorpion to catch. *growls*
Id be disappointed in you if you didn't.Marvie... the bush jokes. I has them.
I haven't touched the game in a while but July is coming up. I still have a scorpion to catch. *growls*
I keep starting the game and spending twenty or thirty minutes cycling through town layouts and not finding one I like, but I just realized that I don't really know what I should be looking for when it comes to end game layouts. Any advice?
I keep starting the game and spending twenty or thirty minutes cycling through town layouts and not finding one I like, but I just realized that I don't really know what I should be looking for when it comes to end game layouts. Any advice?
I cycled a few times in my first town. In my current town I forced myself to use one of the first ones offered.I think I just picked whatever the first layout was lol
I think I picked the first map as well, been that long I cannot remember.
I just wish they had kept updating it, maybe allowing more animals to stay in the town, there is so much room![]()
Got a scary and calm painting if anyone wants those
If they are reals and not fakes, I'll take them!
They are. What's your friend code, and when are you free? 3067-8697-6085
I'm free whenever today and my friend code is 1178-1219-8709!
edit: Just let me know on here whenever you're free and I'll get back on (already added you)
Ive been trying to catch that fucker for 3 nights nowDid someone say scorpion?
Another Splatoon x Animal Crossing promotion has begun!
Click on each item to get a QR to scan it into your game.
Ive been trying to catch that fucker for 3 nights now
Another Splatoon x Animal Crossing promotion has begun!
Click on each item to get a QR to scan it into your game.
Logged into my game today, I play every day and I was told by Isabelle that a resident is leaving and that it was Mathilda, I went to Mathilda's house and she was already packed so that is it! I had no warning and she never said anything to me about moving, none of the other residents told me either, I have had them say things in the past about moving & I have said no to most of them, Mathilda is one of my original from (since I got the game when Nintendo were giving you a free digital game if you purchased three full games) I am not happy at all, there are a couple that I am sort of ok with and not mind so much if they moved, I have always still said no to them if they said they were thinking of leaving, and Mathilda was one of the ones that I would have kept no matter what.
On looking on the internet today, it seems that every so-often the game will roll the dice and one resident will leave no matter what, which must really be the case because I have spoken to Mathilda every day (as I play everyday) of course sometimes they are not around outside or in their house or in the shops/high street, I always thought that you always had at least one chance to stop the resident from moving, but alas this is not how it is.
This does bring me on to another issue, I had never played a Animal Crossing game before and picked New Leaf up when it was in a Nintendo buy three and get a forth game free, and I love the game now and don't want to every stop playing, and i don't really know what to do, one day I will have to stop, either I die myself or my 3DS dies, I do plan to get a new 3DS when Nintendo say they are going to stop making them because of all the other 3DS games I have, but mainly for New Leaf, but when that breaks that will be it
I have never been so attached to a game before and play about 45mins a day at work in my break-times, I feel that I have invested so much in it that I cannot just stop playing and leave the town and residents to fend for themselves (I know they are just pixels and code) but I think that it would be even worse if one day the 3DS didn't turn on, does anyone have any sort of advice < I must sound like a dick for asking this.
First of all, sorry to hear that. However, there's never a point where a villager just randomly leaves. You'll always have 5 days from the point the game decides that that villager will move to the point where they actually do. This post elaborates: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=122696014&postcount=17552
The easiest way to figure it out is to talk to either your tenth villager (who will never be the mover) or any villager that is inside their home when you start the game up (on any given day, if a villager starts inside their home, they will not be the one who is considering moving). I definitely do feel that they should make this a simpler process, or at least come right out and say it somewhere.
As for the rest, nothing you can really do I guess. Everything comes to an end at some point. Maybe you can transition to the new game, whenever that arrives.
I know I have spoken to Matilda at least three times in the last week, I always go into a house if I see the light or smoke from the chimney and if I see them outside I always go to them and talk to them, I don't know.
I have taken some pictures of Matilda just now, and that's that![]()
The issue is the last few that moved in are the ones I am not that fussed about and when I go out to town on saturday the last six or seven weeks on the sunday or monday there is a camper in my town, I have just never been taken with any of them.
Bluebear and Filbert are my favs and I have had them since day one.
I would only get the next Animal Crossing game if it was on handheld and also if my current New Leaf residents would move/port across, but that is never going to happen in a billion years, the only thing I can think of doing is one day setting the town ordnance to
"Keep Town Beautiful" talk to each resident once, take a photo of them and never play the game again, I know it sounds soppy, but I have to end it on my own terms because if the game got corrupted or my 3DS dies, I would be devastated ;(
If anyone wants to add me then please send a PM, I have not had anyone visit or been to visit anyone else's town in ages, all the people on my 3DS friends list don't play it anymore and the shutting down of SwapNote killed the game as we used to arrange visits that way.
This does bring me on to another issue, I had never played a Animal Crossing game before and picked New Leaf up when it was in a Nintendo buy three and get a forth game free, and I love the game now and don't want to every stop playing, and i don't really know what to do, one day I will have to stop, either I die myself or my 3DS dies, I do plan to get a new 3DS when Nintendo say they are going to stop making them because of all the other 3DS games I have, but mainly for New Leaf, but when that breaks that will be it
I have never been so attached to a game before and play about 45mins a day at work in my break-times, I feel that I have invested so much in it that I cannot just stop playing and leave the town and residents to fend for themselves (I know they are just pixels and code) but I think that it would be even worse if one day the 3DS didn't turn on, does anyone have any sort of advice < I must sound like a dick for asking this.
All this talk about villagers moving and restarting... I had Carmen leave last month when I stopped playing it for a week while I traveled for a job interview. I was so torn on restarting or just pushing through and trying to get her again when I could. I stuck with it. And I was able to get Felicity in my camp site the next day and Hazel moved out after Carmen did so it wasn't all bad.
I know that feeling, man. I played this game every day since launch and I only finally quit a few months ago. I was busy during Easter and didn't have time to make my daily visit to my village, and I decided that since I missed one day I might as well quit the game cold turkey. I was working on arranging my town's flowers at the time too, so it's not like I ran out of things to do. I just knew that I'd have to move on eventually and it was easier to do so after having ended my daily streak.
The struggle of leaving your village behind is one of the many things constant in the Animal Crossing series. We all go through it eventually, some a bit easier than others.
Aw man, that sucks![]()
Yeah I found out that she left when I was in the airport.
And you never left, living there like Tom Hanks![]()
Yup. lol. Oh hey once I am done moving can I hit you up for the Rococco set? I found the bed in my store and man I want it bad.
Sweet. I'll add you when I get Internet again. My fc is 4484-9719-1888.No problem man. You'll have to add my new friend code: 3067-8697-6085
I need Carmen in my town again.All this talk about villagers moving and restarting... I had Carmen leave last month when I stopped playing it for a week while I traveled for a job interview. I was so torn on restarting or just pushing through and trying to get her again when I could. I stuck with it. And I was able to get Felicity in my camp site the next day and Hazel moved out after Carmen did so it wasn't all bad.
Sweet. I'll add you when I get Internet again. My fc is 4484-9719-1888.
I need Carmen in my town again.![]()