Ooh ooh! I wanna be reviewed, too!
Day 1
Your initial posts are loudly announcing newness. First post was to comment on the opening game's sample role PM and then it was asking about if double posting was okay.
#119 - You voted No Lynch. You said that you are doing the NL vote cuz it's D1. Bold play and understandable from a new player! Cabot (maf) picked it quickly as a discussion point since it's a NAI thing to pick at, and yet by picking at it, he racked up 'activity points'.
#123 - Speculating on gender mechanic.
Haly (maf) brought up peeking.
#138 - Asking about peeking.
#223 - Bowlie (maf) picked on you for being super focused on PRs and Haly (maf) defended you.
#225 - Thought process trying to understand why squidy is cop-claiming so early.
#229 - Really, someone should have answered if day-phase abilities are the norm in the community but a lot of players probably don't know the entirety of all the games that have happened so I can understand why your question was not answered quickly. After this post, a few players answered your question (finally).
#287 - Dragi picked on you as suss due to "pointless questioning"
#289 - squidy dropped a vote on you
#292 - softing that you are vanilla. Tip: Softing that a player is vanilla is generally not done until later on in game phase since it reduces the pool of target that mafia works with (i.e. mafia would prefer to kill Power Roles and if they know someone is vanilla, it makes their job of guessing PRs easier)
#304 and 305 - cabot defending you from pressure from dragi and bowlie (maf) but then in 305 he gives you a null read. gave bowlie (maf) a town read for going in at you and very soft but noticeable throwing haly (maf) under the bus already. putting your eggs in different baskets like a pro.
#355 - noticing that NL vote being not popular with the veteran players.
#378 - cabot (maf) puts you as lean town. which should have been noticeable a movement since he gave you a null-read in 305. he did mark the post as 'gut reads' but i would have questioned what had changed between 305 and 378, since i would think 305 read would also have been a 'gut read'
#410 - squidy ask why cabot (maf) likes you so much. something is pinging in radar. ping ping ping.
#429 - Again softing vanilla.
#430 - Squidy didn't like your #429 at all. LOL.
#432 - Bowlie (maf) throwing shade at your game play. Very slight but quite effective!
#433 - Again, reinforcing the soft vanilla claim.
#435 - rac, making a good point that town players should prompt others to push and convince others for a lynch instead of being docile with the idea of sacrificing self
#438 - haly (maf) continues to defend you. good and consistent play from haly
#441 - 445 - You're reiterating that there has been no leads thus far. D1s are like that. D1s are all about jostling and often, about reading tone. Squidy got pinged by cabot (maf) and occasionally, those pings do lead to rare scum D1 lynches.
#449 - cabot (maf) answered squidy's question, stating basically your posts give good vibes. i also noticed that he oddly parroted contents from a post from scum team member (bowlie) about how nomadic and your play have been polar opposite.
#451 - ultron finds your D1 sacrificey play suss
#452 - asking what a PR is and reiterating that you are a safe/better lynch than others (implicating that you are of lesser value to town, i.e. softing vanilla)
#454 - Skyodin picked up on your continuing vanilla-softing and explain why it's not a good play. Sky-O ❤
#456 - realizing the unforeseen effects of your play
#499 - Exo5 (maf) hinted at shipper mechanic
#511 - oreomunsta (maf) gave you a town read.
#530 - speculating on the lovers mechanic.
#542 - Zubz is quite excited on the lovers mechanic, also.
#559 - kyan accepts your newbieness.
#565 - cabot (maf) dropped a vote no exo5 (maf). softly but lovingly performing pro early-bus :>
#598 - monkey gives you a town read.
#601 - rac dropped a vote on you.
#621 - cabot (maf) asking bb why he town read you and scum read nomadic, creating an implied dichotomy between you and nomadic.
#623 - you answered for bb. Tip: some players do not like this since it robs the player being asked the question their own natural response to the question.
#628 - cabot (maf) hard at work at trying to pocket you :>
#659 - asking about inactivity policy
#701 - monkey moved you to null read.
#728 - Zubz townread you. Gives bowlie (maf) a town read because bowlie's interaction with you.
#783 - You dropped a vote on Kyan because you read that he was softing vanilla.
#806 - Kyan adjusts his reads of you as slight scum
#844 - 848 - Conversation about plurality lynch with Sky-O
#861 - cabot (maf) picked a potential wild goose chase for town to bite into.
#981 - uh oh the trains are leaving the stations! which train will you get on!
#993 - you got on ultron's train. both trains were towns!
#1019 - cabot (maf) opened the day by picking up your super scummy #993 vote on ultron :>
#1022 - rac followed suit
#1030 - you explained your vote by stating that you thought zubz were town.
#1036 - cabot (maf) explaining how scummy that vote was.
#1043 - monkey dropped a vote on you.
#1046 - squidy being all stern face at you.
#1065 - monkey scumreads you.
#1074 - you explained your picking on kyan, your logic follows.
#1098 - flavour analysis. Tip: No.
#1105 - Swamped being insightful with her reads on you/kyan link. She feels that you may feel the effects of "persecution complex" which some townies occassionally contract.
#1115 - hatmoza dropped a suss of you.
#1162 - Dragi dropped a suss of you.
Then follows a few pages of everyone reading you as scummy but verily relaxed with the fact that almost everyone scumread you, they continue to sauron-eye the rest of the playerbase.
#1406 - exo5 (maf) drops a town lean on you amongst the sea of suspicions. the other player who has spoken in your favour so far is swamped.
#1461 - flatearthpandas (maf) also drops a slight reluctance at scumreading you. Tip: mafia likes to keep the player town is fixated with around, for they are useful for wild goose chase AND town usually ends up lynching them anyway.
#1528 - monkey noticed that you have dropped in activity level and thought this was suspicious.
#1531 - 1544 - you're trying to explain the low activity by stating that you have nothing new to contribute with. Tip: change in posting behaviour including activity level may be read as 'tells' since other players have limited information so people read into almost any changes in a player's style. if you do expect or plan that you are going to be a little quieter or a little louder, it's usually good to give a heads up to the others. example "guys, im feeling out of depth since my previous day phase's performance was under par, so if i'm quieter, it's not because i'm not paying attention or dropping out, i'm just trying to be more careful. HOWEVER, any questions, ask and i'll do my best to answer them."
#1603 - squidy doesnt forget that haly (maf) did defend you very early in D1.
#1671 - monkey dropped a vote on you.
#1686 - your headbutt with kyan continues. this happens sometimes in many games, tunnelling both sides. in some cases, the ability to detunnel can be crucial in determining a player's reads, like in this particular case, it turned out to be town v town
(which often happens, to be fair)
#1711 - kyan's scum picks: flatearthpanda, exo, and you (that's 2/3 scummies). kyan is gud :>
Blarg/Haly (maf) got killed during the night.
#1745 - Swamped dropped a vote on you based on squidy's earlier link between you and Haly/Blarg
#1746 - squidy dropped a vote on you
#1747 - BB dropped a vote on you
#1748 - Dragi dropped a vote on you
#1754 - exo (maf) defended you.
#1759 - rac dropped a vote on you
#1770 - you dropped a vote on Kyan. the tunnel is strong with this one.
#1772 - exo (maf) prompted you to analyse palmer, dusk and ultron (all townies)
#1775 - you answered that you used to think palmer is town (USED TO), dusk is town, and ultron you donno
#1784 - Kyan dropped a vote on you
#1793 - you asked players to explain what drove their votes onto you. this is a good post, poltie :>
#1795 - kyan asked a legitimate questions, there were competing trains - if scummies had wanted to save him, why didn't they switch to the competing trains instead of setting up a new train for hey_monkey?
#1799 - cabot (maf) calling people to cool their turbo on you
#1806 - you answered kyan. Tip: be careful of confirmation bias. the way you justify hey_monkey's train was scum engineered seemed to fit TOO WELL with what you want to hear / believe.
#1808 - cabot (maf) prompted you to analyse Dusk, squidy, and Kyan (all townies)
#1835 - you responded with a tiered town to scum approach Dusk < Squidy < Kyan.
#1840 - Dusk dropped his gambit and 'redchecked' Kyan
The rest of the Day is derailed. Kyan ultimately got lynched and flipped town
and a PR at that
Palmer died (town doctor). RIP.
#2097 - squidy still tunnels on you.
#2101 - squidy dropped a vote on you
#2112 - rac dropped a vote on you
#2120 - apology to kyan for tunneling
#2188 - swamped townreads you
There's really not much learnings from D4 since town was basically lighting Dusk's butts with hot fire of anger and frustrations
hatmoza died (town tracker/gossip). RIP.
#2256 - understandably you feel shaken and unsure. that was a clusterfuck of a day.
#2297 - fep (maf) puts you as suss
#2298 - oreo (maf) came out as harem recruited. perfect timing. town needed another non scum hunting preoccupation!
#2300 - fep revise and puts oreo (maf) as his scummiest read alongside with you. the set up for bussing is strong.
#2302 - 30years picked up on the waft of suspicions being cast in your direction
#2304 - swamped townread you
#2330 & 2331 - cabot townread you
#2364 - BB scumread you
#2366 - oreo (maf) wishywashyread you
#2436 - harem maker hunting
#2440 - girls are town? more harem maker hunting
#2442 - oreo (maf) happily jumped into nonscumhunting
#2445 - more harem maker hunting
#2450 - you voted 30years because of nonscumhunting
#2476 - you tried to get others to get involved in nonscumhunting
#2477 - rac dropped a vote on you
#2482 - cabot (maf) got u in his pocket! :x
#2489 - more nonscumhunting. more frollicking in cabot's pocket!
what follows is you championing the nonscumhunting, so strongly, up to the point that cabot actually asked if you shouldn't be scumhunting instead (#2497) :3
pages after pages of harem maker hunting later... 30years was lynched
Swamped exited victoriously. Ultron was waifued and taken away!
#2606 - still discussing the harem mechanic. Tip: No.
#2608 - still
#2631 - fep (maf) dropped a vote on you whilst softly bussing oreo (maf)
#2632 - squid asks important question "why isnt cabot dead yet" - Tip: cabot is active and vocal, town leaders do not usually last until D6
#2634 - you admit that there is some possibility that cabot (maf) may actually be baddie but that you regard him as a mentor
#2668 - rac townread you
#2673 - cabot (maf) picked up on rac's change of read of you
cabot (maf) and kawl drilled hard into rac's change of tune
#2686 - you are persuaded that rac's change of tune IS INDEED suss
#2711 - exo (maf) voted rac
#2727 - exo (maf) joined cabot (maf) and kawl's pressure on rac
#2737 - oreo (maf) joined exo (maf), cabot (maf) and kawl's pressure on rac
#2745 - cabot (maf) nudges dragi to get involved in rac/you link
#2746 - exo (maf) scumreads you and busses his mates (oreo and cabot), despite showing united front on rac just a few posts previous
#2747 - still hung up on harem mechanic. puts suss on squidy because he might be the missing harem recruitee.
#2753 - cabot (maf), your mentor, asked for your current game reads. Tip: likely because he wants to encourage your held positions. remember that you voiced suspicions of squidy and rac only a few posts previous and these are leads to potential townie lynches.
#2769 - exo (maf) and cabot (maf) performing a brilliant tag team convo
#2788 - you answered cabot (maf) stating that your only town read is oreo (maf). you also lament of the lack of inves roles in the games. Tip: mafia should be able to be played without any power roles, since at its heart, it is a game of social deception and deductions. i understand your frustrations, though. this was your first game and town was doing really badly in anime mafia.
#2802 - fep (maf) scumreads you
#2807 - exo (maf) claiming credits for polt/rac link
#2829 - you pick scummies: rac, cewyn and exo. you hesitate on rac since your other scumreads are also picking on rac. this is something inside you picking up on scummie vibes. you should listen to your lil voice from time to time
#2835 - you voted exo (maf). nice!
You didn't budge and ultron tied the vote from beyond the grave. No one was lynched!
Kawl died (town override). RIP.
#2890 - you headbutted with exo (maf). solid stance, you picked up that exo moved from rac to dragi despite not quite scumreading dragi as hard as he did rac.
#2918 - you wondered how you are still alive. this is a good question. maf usually keeps the players who are on the wrong paths alive. (happened to me in star wars mafia. i was kept alive right until the end because i was in maf's pocket) (; __ ; )
D7 was short. Maf just needed someone to vote someone not mafia and when they are all online they bumrushed the votes and won the game. RIP rac.
Summary: I think you found your game legs late into the game, poltie. Second half of D6 and D7, you had really reasonable stances and you picked up on exo's scumminess well. You will probably get better and better as you acquire more knowledge about the 'how things are done in GAF mafia'. Things like plurality lynches, day-phase abilities, abbreviations, and so on, they are easy to pick up. Hope to see more of poltie in our future games
(sorry about the late review ; __ ; ) (this thing takes forever!)