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Anyone else finding more enjoyment out of 7/10 games than 10/10 games as of late?


Neo Member
I’ve kinda gotten to the point where I don’t care about the “score” a game receives. I mostly watch gameplay & base if I play a game off that. Really I’m kinda at the point where I check out a review solely to see if the story/writing isn’t dog water, if there’s any annoying agenda pushing, and if there’s any performance issues.

I’ve found scores/numbers to be fairly meaningless at this point. If a game looks/sounds fun I’ll check it out. If it’s overly political or looks boring/off-putting there’s plenty of other stuff to play.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
I guess it's because the "10/10" games are mostly oversaturated with a lot of content really fast. I mean, REmake 4 in a week has so much shit from everyone and everywhere... In the PS2 era we only talked to some people and discover from themselves

The 7s are with the fans or just enthusiasts who just wanna have a good time. Not a lot of fuzz. I had a blast with Sonic Frontiers for example


Completely agree with you mate.
Especially on your Elden Ring comment I tried I really really tried.

My latest attempt was the closest but it's just quite boring in my opinion.


I enjoy games from both categories, honestly. However, I think that some of the 7/10s really shine above some of the more acclaimed games.

Minus Sonic Frontiers, though. That game was asscheeks.
Hard disagree.
- Elden Ring
- Resident Evil 4 Remake
- FF7 Rebirth
- Zelda Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom

Hook these straight into my veins!


Writes a lot, says very little
I mean, I'm not sure I give a fuck lol

We have games getting 10s with so limited functions, apparently anything can get a 10 with the right culture war slant and anything can get a 1 out of 10 or 4 out of 10 for some other culture war shit, don't even get me or Danjin44 Danjin44 started on people who review JRPGs, that don't know what the fuck they are talking about, then try to tell you its a 6/10 or something, based on a battle system THEY didn't understand

For those reasons, I just could care less about what a review is saying regarding a game. Most of what I play is not a 10/10 and that will never be the case, I think at best we get maybe 5 to 6 legit 10/10s a generation, let me remind folks I might play thru HUNDREDS of games by the time a generation is done


May be the honeymoon phase, but I'm loving Wukong. Its a gamey ass game. Not perfect, but damn if it isnt fun.

And I'm mainly playing "old" games from 360/PS3 era: Dishonored, Bioshock, Mirror's Edge etc

Cause those were 5-10h games that respected your time. No bloat, no microtransactions, just pure fun.

And they all have their own flavour. AAA games these days are all alike. You can ser what each one of the borrowed from each other while playing.
But reviews have at least some value though.

They fucking do not. Absolute 0. Why the hell does someone taste would be similar to mine? Even if the general consensus is similar, chances are theres someone like you and me who'd, as your topic says, would enjoy an average game more than a top rated game. We all have different tastes which is why I NEVER take into consideration any review, the exception being steam reviews if there are a massive amount of talks about performance issues which would be an exception and even then, if u wanna try it, go ahead.


King Snowflake
I think you nailed it here. Those games are just way too long and if for whatever reason they dont click with you fully like a 10/10 game should, you are inclined to quit at a certain point instead of investing another 50-100 hours in the game.

That's precisely why you are enjoying those 7/10 games because they end in 7-10 hours and you dont have to worry about investing in them.

Same thing happened to me with a lot of those games. Elden Ring, Horizon, FF16 and to a lesser extent GOW. I stuck with HFW and GOW because they are easier games with decent stories I wanted to see through, but since Elden Ring doesnt have that hook, i just got tired after 15-20 hours of grinding boss after boss after boss. BG3 i didnt even bother trying once i found out its 100 hours long with turn based combat. Fuck that.

Zelda I loved. Those physics based creations were so unique and fun, I fell in love quick and played for 150 hours straight. RDR2 was a slog for the first 20 hours, but I am glad I stuck with it because the story is probably the best ive seen in a game. But again, if it wasnt for the story, i likely wouldve bailed out. It's partially why i ended up really liking spiderman 2 as well. Good story and only 15 hours long.

That said, robocop, suicide squad and immortals simply didnt click with me either and i dropped them after just a few hours. I did enjoy Callisto even though i think its a 7/10 game at best. I also didnt like Avatar which has a 69 on metacritic despite loving Days Gone which has a 70. I have yet to try Alone in the Dark, but im afraid that my patience with B games or 7/10 games is also running thin. Edit: I just played Evil West and am loving it. It is linear as fuck, 10-12 hours and has some of the most OP combat ive seen in a game to date. you feel like a god and they keep giving you more and more upgrades every half an hour. Give it a shot.

It's funny. I would rate these 85-95 metacritic games like Horizon FW, FF16, FF7 Rebirth, Alan Wake 2, Cyberpunk, Starfield, Elden Ring all around 7/10. Which is Good in my book because they are competently produced, but either didnt compel me to play through them or enjoy playing through them.
There are people like me who hate finish those games after putting in the first 40 hours or so. That makes it even less likely that I will try more in the future. 40 hours should be the max, but ideally less than that. They should do DLC for the fans who want more and let the rest of us off easy.


Nothing new or out on the horizon excites me. I recently got Elden Ring to click for me and I'm about 100 hours in, no DLC yet and I feel like I will give it another full run. Before that BG3 had my whole attention. I didn't finish BG3, I got stuck in a situation I can't fight my way out of currently. Still need to go back and finish it and give it another run with all the companions I tossed to the side on my current run.


Loved Granblue Fantasy Relink way more than Rebirth, which I did not enjoy all that much the more I think about it. Loved Darksiders, had a good time playing Gotham Knights. People getting hung up on other people's opinions and ratings are odd to me. Discourse will always be present, its just a matter of who is louder. They shouldn't decide things for you.


Writes a lot, says very little
There are people like me who hate finish those games after putting in the first 40 hours or so. That makes it even less likely that I will try more in the future. 40 hours should be the max, but ideally less than that. They should do DLC for the fans who want more and let the rest of us off easy.
Sure, but it really depends on the game tbh.

With JRPGs, I feel 40 to 50 is just fine and rarely have I really loved doing 100 hours in any JRPG, SMTIV, Persona 4 and 5, but that might be it.

I'd say I do that more with WRPGs, Elder Scrolls, Fallout etc

For anything that isn't an RPG, yea 40 hours is pushing it lol
They fucking do not. Absolute 0. Why the hell does someone taste would be similar to mine? Even if the general consensus is similar, chances are theres someone like you and me who'd, as your topic says, would enjoy an average game more than a top rated game. We all have different tastes which is why I NEVER take into consideration any review, the exception being steam reviews if there are a massive amount of talks about performance issues which would be an exception and even then, if u wanna try it, go ahead.
Agreed. People can't be trusted for shit lol Even if I like a game, someone reviewing it and giving a 10/10 that isn't honest, does nothing for me. I got CP2077 day 1, listened to Yong Yea's review on it and was like "oh come on Edmix, Witcher 3 was so long ago, they learned their lesson and Yong seems to be ok with it" annnnnnnnd horse shit lol

Sooooo much shit was missing from that game and reviewers ignored this, lied about a fuck ton and it seems everyone just ran with the media darling idea of this team instead of just being honest with customers. With how much was missing form that game, I don't know if anyone who gave that fucking game a 9 or 10 should ever be trusted regarding any reviews in the future. If so many elements missing in a game is ok, using their logic, Star Wars Outlaws is a 15/10 game lol

Ai is actually able to use vehicles in that game to attack you lol, that isn't a 3 year update lol

If someone can blindly hand a 10/10 to Cyberpunk 2077 in that game's launch state, I don't know of anything can be trusted regarding any reviewers, even the Youtubers.

So I think you are right, Steam makes sense as you want to make sure you build can run the game and what current issues exist, outside of that, I don't know if I can trust most reviews regarding anything.


Gold Member
Comes down to personal reference honestly. My opinion usually aling more with that of gaming critics, so when they hate i game i will very likely hate it as well.


I think I'm going through a similar phase than OP.

I'm old enough to realise that I will enjoy more a bad game of a series/genre/theme that I already know and love than with most of the franchises that people swears by and that I've already tried and bored myself with several times throughout my life.


Glad to see others experiencing this. A lot of the games that got a bunch of 10/10s and A+ this generation have been games I’ve had to almost force myself to like… only to not finish them. This has been another thing that has ruined my trust in major games media.


Modern media decide what is a 10 and what is a 7 so your question is kinda mute tbh.

The only score that count is what YOU give to the game.

I'm not gonna let unskilled activists that have to rush games like there is no tomorrow because they need the review ready in time to tell me the value of a videogames, sorry not sorry.

But to respond to your question, it happen all the time.
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I’d say that Sony’s current sequels aren’t worthy of their scores to be honest.

Games like RDR 2, TotK and BGIII are so huge that you have to be in the right space to play them. I hadn’t played BotW since completing it at launch, so 6 years, everything felt fresh to me.

I go even further and only play 1 ‘big’ game like Elden Ring or GTA a year, if that.

Some of your taste is pretty poor IMO OP but I’d agree that their are smaller scale well made (and often well reviewed) games like Tinykin, Ori, Hades, Hollow Knight, Sea of Thieves, Grounded and Terraria that are far more deserving of your time.
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Having a great time with Star Wars Outlaws so far. I almost didn't play it because of the people here. Turns out, incel will incel, it is a fun game imo!


Stellar Blade is sitting at 8.1/10 critic score and 9.2/10 user. It doesn't apply here.

The OP doesn’t mention anything about having to list games that averaged a 70 or below on MC/OC. There were also plenty of outlets that gave Stellar Blade a 7/10 or lower. I’m also pretty sure his point wasn’t literally 7/10 vs. 10/10, but that he’s asking if lately people having been enjoying average/mediocre scoring games lately more than critically acclaimed games. He literally says that first.

Stellar Blade absolutely applies here.
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Can't say that I relate, but I suppose it all depends on what you mean by "10/10" because based on your list, the only one I'd give that score is TOTK (haven't played BG3 yet). The rest I found either good but not "perfect" (Elden Ring) or meh (GOW:R, RDR2).

I have been, however, replaying games as of late. Most of the new stuff doesn't really interest me, so I've been spending lots of time revisiting older/less recent stuff like Mass Effect, Dishonored, MGS V etc.


In most cases, I've been playing games that are at least a generation behind, either in tech or release date.

The experiences this gen are mostly redundant.
I was looking at the games I've played/completed over the last few years, and I've found that pretty overwhelmingly I'm finishing a lot of "mediocre" games more often than I finish those marquee, tentpole, "must-play" type titles as of late.

Some examples...

...Anyone else fall into a similar camp as me?

Completely agree op. Sad state of affairs in gaming.

there is no 10/10 games this last decade.


Well except Nier Automata, I know people will fight me but that's a 11/10 for me lol.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Everybody has it's own tastes, so of course it's normal to find more enjoyment on a 7/10 game that just so happens to cater to your specific tastes than on a 10/10 game that's made to appeal to the wider audiences.
I played Resident Evil 6 recently and I enjoyed it. Got quite addicted to the mercenaries mode and yet I can't be bothered to complete Spider Man 2.


The OP doesn’t mention anything about having to list games that averaged a 70 or below on MC/OC. There were also plenty of outlets that gave Stellar Blade a 7/10 or lower. I’m also pretty sure his point wasn’t literally 7/10 vs. 10/10, but that he’s asking if lately people having been enjoying average/mediocre scoring games lately more than critically acclaimed games. He literally says that first.

Stellar Blade absolutely applies here.
But this is all true of 10/10 games too, there are no real 10/10 games. They're in the 90s and I'm just saying an 81 isn't really considered average/mediocre. Above 80 is considered critically acclaimed on metacritic and opencritic. 70 or lower is considered average/mediocre on metacritic or 'weak' on opencritic.
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They fucking do not. Absolute 0. Why the hell does someone taste would be similar to mine? Even if the general consensus is similar, chances are theres someone like you and me who'd, as your topic says, would enjoy an average game more than a top rated game. We all have different tastes which is why I NEVER take into consideration any review, the exception being steam reviews if there are a massive amount of talks about performance issues which would be an exception and even then, if u wanna try it, go ahead.
So how do you decide what games to spend your money on? Say you were going to get a game that's been universally panned, that wouldn't matter to you at all? Then let's say you bought that game and it was rubbish, you've wasted money right?
So how do you decide what games to spend your money on? Say you were going to get a game that's been universally panned, that wouldn't matter to you at all? Then let's say you bought that game and it was rubbish, you've wasted money right?
Theres always going to be the first guy to test a product, whether its a game or something else. Stop being a sheep, if you dont like it, refund it. Steam has a 2 hour window which is more than enough to see if youd enjoy the game or not. For other platforms like PS5, kinda sucks if you buy it digitally. Be a man, make your own decisions, bad or good. At least I'm satisfied with myself that I bought a game that I didnt like instead of being pissed that I bought something because someone praised and I didnt like. Huge difference.


Resident Crybaby
Theres always going to be the first guy to test a product, whether its a game or something else. Stop being a sheep, if you dont like it, refund it. Steam has a 2 hour window which is more than enough to see if youd enjoy the game or not. For other platforms like PS5, kinda sucks if you buy it digitally. Be a man, make your own decisions, bad or good. At least I'm satisfied with myself that I bought a game that I didnt like instead of being pissed that I bought something because someone praised and I didnt like. Huge difference.

This is some copypasta level shit

"be a man! buy videogames blindly!"
Theres always going to be the first guy to test a product, whether its a game or something else. Stop being a sheep, if you dont like it, refund it. Steam has a 2 hour window which is more than enough to see if youd enjoy the game or not. For other platforms like PS5, kinda sucks if you buy it digitally. Be a man, make your own decisions, bad or good. At least I'm satisfied with myself that I bought a game that I didnt like instead of being pissed that I bought something because someone praised and I didnt like. Huge difference.
I got to say the take a chance mentality is not something I'd do with a game costing upwards of £70 but it's your money.


6 actually, it's the genre, gameplay, some controversy on plot, usually what young adults find it satisfying but off the standards and no one cares about standards, some games get manly and satisfying but journalists find it uncreative.


I enjoyed stellar blade but I’m also glad it ended when it did. The combat and themes are great but the story could have been delivered so much better. The characters all had cool designs but then there was no soul to them. That being said I would 100% look forward to a stellar blade 2 , as that team did great on their first rodeo and considering what they delivered I am certain that anything that improves on that will be brilliant.


Nah can't relate here, the difference in quality is noticeable. Almost went insane on Callisto Protocol due to the bad combat mechanics 🥴
Shoulda stick to pure survival horror with guns instead, not shoehorned half baked melee
analog_future analog_future Buldar's Gate 3 is a great game. Personally, I wasn't a fan of all the dialog, but it is very intricate. As far as the combat is concerned, you just have to set up everyone to support each other and use their skills accordingly.


Don't feel ashamed about swimming around in 7s OP.


Have fun while you do.
Came here to say this. Love Huber.
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