Zayn screams midcard. I don't know what people expect further than what we're already getting.
A midcard champion Zayn that is not booked like a 1995 Raw jobber? There can be something else besides "either main event or jobber duty"
Zayn screams midcard. I don't know what people expect further than what we're already getting.
Zayn screams midcard. I don't know what people expect further than what we're already getting.
I'm not really shocked Cena still doesn't want kids. He's been on record that the main reason he doesn't want kids is because with his intense schedule he would never really be around to be much of a father to a kid. Which I can buy, since Cena seems to constantly be doing something, even when not wrestling.It's amazing how much of Miz's work during the Cena feud was just actually taking real life and putting it through the filter of a mean wrestling promo.
I'm not really shocked Cena still doesn't want kids. He's been on record that the main reason he doesn't want kids is because with his intense schedule he would never really be around to be much of a father to a kid. Which I can buy, since Cena seems to constantly be doing something, even when not wrestling.
So with that match and the one Severn is putting on, is it safe to say Omega & Bucks are doing what they can to break away from Bullet Club?
For a split second, my brain thought he was being squirt with ketchup and mustard.
Bullet Club Leader Cody Rhodes.I definitely see them splitting from the Bullet Club for good sometime this year - either Tonga & Fale will turn on them, or Cody will take over the group (doesn't seem like he wants to commit himself to anyone one place, though). Probably when Omega fails to capture the title again, or wins it only to then lose it.
Is this making tape?
Bullet Club Leader Cody Rhodes.
In 2017.
Someone on Wreddit made a great comment on Reigns.
I mostly agree. Makes sense to me.
JBL gets fired, then inducted into the Hall of Fame within 5 years.If things get so drastic that they have to fire him, I can't imagine him coming back. Unless he goes on an apology tour or whatever. But I can't imagine a douchebag like JBL ever thinks he's in the wrong.
Is this making tape?
Well, this should be fun;
Really was hoping for a Kenny singles match though, oh well.
Some geek's fanfiction to try to make sense of a corporate boardroom designed failed attempt at a "top babyface".
There's DDT show going right now, it is pretty damn fun so far
More people should sub to
they give you the first month for free and all.
I've only played Horizon so far, but obviously Yakuza 0. >_>What am I getting?
Yakima 0
Gravity Rush 2
What am I getting?
Yakima 0
Gravity Rush 2
For a split second, my brain thought he was being squirt with ketchup and mustard.
What am I getting?
Yakima 0
Gravity Rush 2
Was that after smackdown went off the air or something? Because I only saw the terrible one where he talked about what Andre would have been like on the dancefloor.And then cut a halfway-decent promo on Smackdown, which was the bigger surprise.
Can't go wrong with Yakuza 0 or Nier. GR2 seems to be a letdown and Horizon looks kinda dull.
You're a mark that bought the wwe network shirt didn't you?
Some mixed reviews from the crowd as usual, okay okay okay....
Thanks all.
Both shows need freshening up, so yeah definitely looking forward to it.Who's looking forward to the draft/ change up / swap etc etc
Are The Bollywood Boys heels now? Because their new makeover makes me want to hate them.
Heavy Machinery are a really great tag team.
Keep Dolph on SD and make him the top heel, please
Keep Dolph on SD and make him the top heel, please
Is there a pic of their new pic?
Horizon is the best looking game you'll play and quite awesome once it opens up. First few hours are linear and honestly give the impression that it'll be kinda dumb. But just moving around the world killing robots and people is super awesomeWhat am I getting?
Yakima 0
Gravity Rush 2
JBL gets fired, then inducted into the Hall of Fame within 5 years.
Everything except Elite vs British Strong Style should, yes
Horizon is the best looking game you'll play and quite awesome once it opens up. First few hours are linear and honestly give the impression that it'll be kinda dumb. But just moving around the world killing robots and people is super awesome
Yakuza 0 is pretty fantastic. The story is well told, the minigames are great, the combat is fun (if not a bit janky and repetitive, even as someone who likes beat em ups)
Gravity Rush 2 looks and plays well but honestly I had more fun doing treasure hunts than the actual story. Put like 15 hours in and never actually advanced the story that far, recently traded it in as it's just been sitting in my backlog and isn't as good
Nier is DMC x Bullet Hell x somewhere between Blade Runner/Ghost In The Shell. It's budget definitely shows at times but it is glorious and batshit insane. It's open world is laid out like Ocarina of Time, small with a hub connecting different areas (desert, forest, carnival, water, etc). You may have heard about "replaying the story", you basically keep playing to get both different perspectives of things you already saw, new sidequests, and eventually move the story forward and get the true ending.
I've only finished Nier so far but I'd rank them as followed
1. Nier
2. Horizon
3. Yakuza
4. GR2
There's definitely stuff in Yakuza that I'm enjoying more than Horizon but the level of polish is hard to ignore at this stage, we'll see once I actually finish.
I didn't play old Nier so I can't comment on thatHow does new Nier compare to the old Nier? Is the story as good? Characters? Music?