I Wanna Be The Guy
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
It really is a shame that Ziggler has had that permanent spot on the mid card when Ryder could have had that spot. Ziggler should have been the one to get that burial.
Anything but a Current Fave Five that I don't really care about is too hard.i dont know if i could do a fave five wcw. id have to split it into eras
i dont know if i could do a fave five wcw. id have to split it into eras
Ziggler had all the tools to be a top guy, he just never developed a character or an interesting moveset.
Nah, Cesaro's the one that could actually steal the showziggler is a good reminder of what a cesaro push would look like
My main problem with Ziggles even years ago is one that still haunts him to this day and that is that he has NEVER had any identifiable character traits, seriously, you can throw monikers like THE SHOW OFF and....err whatever else he may have been called but that doesn't stop him from being vanilla as fuck.
To be fair to Dolph, that isn't a problem exclusive to him. A lot of guys and gals in modern WWE have "characters" that are really just buzzwords and slogans that can be made into t-shirts.
Like, if you asked me to describe Seth Rollins without using the words "architect" or "kingslayer," I doubt I would be able to.
People actually defending JBL on Twitter. Why.
i dont know if i could do a fave five wcw. id have to split it into eras
I think currently Sheamus has cesarso to thank for his current popularity. No one gave a shit about him before they started teaming up, but i hope cesarso can find a character that propels him to the top to feud with people like AJ and even Roman, I can see them having some good matches.Cesaro has been in WWE for like five years and has not figured out an interesting character for himself. He's either leeched off of other people who are interesting (Zeb Colter, Paul Heyman, Viking Sheamus) or just been a generic babyface who hits his poses and his spots and fucks off, possibly with a stupid James Bond silhouette during his entrance for no reason and with no concurrent change in mannerisms on his part. His run as US champ was about as interesting as he, himself, ever got, and that was NOT a main event-level gimmick, not even close.
"Guy with a ton of movez who upcoming babyfaces can have a good match with and beat to bolster credibility with savvier fans" seems about the appropriate role for him, and it's the one he fulfills.
The hate started when he turned heel and started beating on minorities while wearing the american flag.
Still kinda feeling my way through how NJPW does things when I have time to do so. Are the "Road to..." shows considered must-watch, as in does significant stuff happen at them?
Generally not, Road to... shows are just setups for the big shows. Sometimes there'll be a small angle (they had a really good "road to new beginnings" show a couple of months ago where Suzuki "injured" Okada before their big match), but nothing huge.
People who are high on the card in a big show will generally be in a tag match match on the road to shows with their big show opponent on the other team.
I meant having a great physique, being good-looking and by the time he was a singles competitor already had a few years in the business.A character and moveset seem like necessary tools to me.
Ouch, DW... Cesaro would have much better matches though.ziggler is a good reminder of what a cesaro push would look like
I never understood the irrational love people have for Peter Moore. I guess it's because he's really a charismatic man?
His track record in the videogames industry is terrible: even if it wasn't only his fault, he was still there to give the kiss of death to Sega; he was at Microsoft when all the rrod disaster happened; he was at EA in what probably was (and still is) the darkest age of the company from a creative point of view, ecc.
The man appears to me as an incredible and successful business man who only cares about making money. I guess if Peter Moore is Vince Mcmahon, Yuji Naka is Paul Heyman.
It really is a shame that Ziggler has had that permanent spot on the mid card when Ryder could have had that spot. Ziggler should have been the one to get that burial.
Sounds like Blue's motto.When your gimmick is "I'm gonna steal the show!" And you've never stolen a single show in your entire career...
True or False: The words "What's Nick Nemeth doing in the Impact Zone?!?" will be said sometime in the next 2 years.
Waiting for his co worker to burn himCoach is going to regret that tweet pretty soon lol
That's a sexy WCW list.
What the hell is Coachman thinking?
👍👍👍👍👍Hey, listen, I know some of you looooove Dave Meltzer and some of you haaaaate Dave Meltzer, but I just wanna say wrestling fans are lucky to have that guy around.