Nia is the fucking worst
Nia is the fucking worst
I go back and forth, but I think Nia is officially the worst wrestler on the roster. If the Queen can't make you look good, nobody can.][/QUOTE]
Damn, the shoulder breaker and the moonsault...can't Nia catch someone in one piece?
Just end this.
This really looks like Charlotte's fault. She's sticking out way too much for a shoulder breaker.
The Miz and Maryse went to fucking Raw? There goes my title shot hopes.
Is Charlotte a face now?
Miz level catching by Nia
She suffers from the same problem several NXT call ups had. They called several of them up way too soon. Bliss and Jax without a doubt were called up too soon.
Miz level catching by Nia
Why do they keep having Charlotte job?
Charlotte looks legit pissed she's about to job
Why does Nia look so sad?