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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45


I'd say the only match I'd rate **** or a little above was Punk/Jericho. Some really nice stuff there even if it wasn't a MOTYC.

Taker/HHH was a bunch of them laying around kicking out of each other's finishers and dragging it out. Michaels' acting was really bad. I will give them a little credit for at least trying to give a reason why HHH couldn't just beat down UT with the sledgehammer to win.

Cena/Rock was epic due to the crowd reactions but they don't work well together at all(probably due to Cena having to be in control of most of the match with his terrible offense). Cena doing the STF with his arms about 6 inches away from Rock's head was embarassing. When the Rock was beating up Cena it was entertaining, same with the Hogan/Warrior stuff at the beginning. They probably needed to brawl a lot more than they ended up doing. Really seemed like there was a lack of hate in this one between Rock/Cena.

Everything else was a TV-level match (12 man), filler comedy skits/commercials, or crappy (Kane/Orton, Big Show/Cody, Divas match, Bryan/Sheamus lasting 5 seconds). Crowd was dead for a lot of the show for it being WM.

Still can't believe they actually claimed an attendance record considering all the empty seats.


I'd say the only match I'd rate **** or a little above was Punk/Jericho. Some really nice stuff there even if it wasn't a MOTYC.

Taker/HHH was a bunch of them laying around kicking out of each other's finishers and dragging it out. Michaels' acting was really bad. I will give them a little credit for at least trying to give a reason why HHH couldn't just beat down UT with the sledgehammer to win.

Cena/Rock was epic due to the crowd reactions but they don't work well together at all(probably due to Cena having to be in control of most of the match with his terrible offense). Cena doing the STF with his arms about 6 inches away from Rock's head was embarassing. When the Rock was beating up Cena it was entertaining, same with the Hogan/Warrior stuff at the beginning. They probably needed to brawl a lot more than they ended up doing. Really seemed like there was a lack of hate in this one between Rock/Cena.

Everything else was a TV-level match (12 man), filler comedy skits/commercials, or crappy (Kane/Orton, Big Show/Cody, Divas match, Bryan/Sheamus lasting 5 seconds). Crowd was dead for a lot of the show for it being WM.

Still can't believe they actually claimed an attendance record considering all the empty seats.

Well, the Rock was never a good wrestler. His matches are entertaining for the most part. His Sharpshooter should be outlawed along with the STFU. I'll give Rock a pass so since its is first full single's match in a while. As crazy as it sounds, Cena had to carry.


Well, the Rock was never a good wrestler. His matches are entertaining for the most part. His Sharpshooter should be outlawed along with the STFU. I'll give Rock a pass so since its is first full single's match in a while. As crazy as it sounds, Cena had to carry.

He's not the type of guy who could carry an awful wrestler to a good match but he's always been pretty solid.

He's had plenty of great matches with Angle, Foley, Lesnar, Undertaker, HHH, Austin, etc. I'm sure I'm missing some others.


formerly cjelly
Let's wash some of the bad taste of Mania away.



He's not the type of guy who could carry an awful wrestler to a good match but he's always been pretty solid.

He's had plenty of great matches with Angle, Foley, Lesnar, Undertaker, HHH, Austin, etc. I'm sure I'm missing some others.

I don't think Cena is awful but serviceable. Awful for me is someone who couldn't be carried. Awful is Mason Ryan.

This makes two Wrestlemania's in a row that Cena lost. Can't believe it ..

Still salty about the 18 seconds WHC match ..


I was hoping the bitter taste would be out of my mouth this morning after Bryan's loss last night.

Nope, still there.

Who the fuck in WWE first, think its a good idea for a 20 second match, second for the World Heavyweight Championship, and third, to OPEN THE FUCKING SHOW!

Jesus, just horrible booking all around there.


Don't think it matters .. but why the hell not ...

Here's my letter...

"Please keep Vince away from "improving" his product. He does more damage than he contributes and needs to step aside to allow his Creative team and talent to build logically evolving angles and programs.

I have no problem with PG or sports entertainment but the sooner you do away with Vince, Jerry Lawler and the relics of the past, the sooner you will win back the loyal audience you once had.

Please stop sabotaging your talent when they manage to get themselves over unexpectedly and overhaul your tired commentary team at the earliest opportunity.

I won't even say "bring JR back" because that's not a solution. Any combination of Mathews-Stanford-Striker-Heyman-Regal-Punk-Barrett-Saxton would be miles ahead of the tired Cole-Lawler tandem that you've been forcing on us the past 15 years.

Thank you."


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Seriously if they wanted the novelty of a 20 second match to start off the show they should have just had Miz take out Santino and win it for Team Johnny in 20 seconds. This way Miz can add it to list of brags he likes to throw out there :)

Burying D-Brine like that, burying the title like that and not even letting have both guys have a match on WM was just ridiculous.

At least A-Train will probably debut tonight.

Unless they put him on Smackdown.

I believe you mean Lord Tensai.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Seriously if they wanted the novelty of a 20 second match to start off the show they should have just had Miz take out Santino and win it for Team Johnny in 20 seconds. This way Miz can add it to list of brags he likes to throw out there :)

Burying D-Brine like that, burying the title like that and not even letting have both guys have a match on WM was just ridiculous.

I believe you mean Lord Tensai.

he's my fav of all time. i shall call him what i want!


At least A-Train will probably debut tonight.

Unless they put him on Smackdown.
I think we need another two months of silly Lord Tensai skits featuring his Japanese makeup first.
Then, we need to have him introduced and fed an endless parade of jobbers for two months.
Lastly, he should break down in the middle of the ring and cry as the jobbers all gang up on him. Afterwards, he should announce that he's pregn-

Oh wait, that's been done already.


Criminal what they did to Bryan
Punk V Jericho was great. I marked out
HHH V Undertaker was also good - still cannot get over those bruises on Takers Back
Rock V Cena was about as good as you can expect from two guys that can't wrestle


Party Pooper
friend of mine sent me a text this morning

"can't believe I thought Cena would win... CELEBRITIES NEVER LOSE AT MANIA"


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I honestly don't remember anything about A-Train. It's probably for the better this way.

Except one match of his vs Steph. Which featured some pretty sweet Steph bumps and was shucky ducky quack quack.


So not worth it
So after what Vince did to Christian I figured that was the absolute bottom. But seriously, after spending a night and a full day processing. I still want to fly to Stamford and kick Vince McMahon's fucking teet in Sheamus style.

Really? Vince? Really? This is how you handle the WHC match at Wrestlemania? They could've had this exact ending 10 minutes in, 15 minutes in or even 20-30 minutes in, which is the least this match should've gotten.

If the end result is AJ and Bryan breaking up, thus relegating AJ back to NXT, and Bryan not regaining his chamionship tonight...

I don't think I can move past this WWE. Jeeeezus!

That said, I did enjoy the rest of the card, the 3 other "main" events were great. The other matches and segments were very enjoyable. Overall a pretty decent Wrestlemania. It's just that I can't move past the whole Bryan thing.


So not worth it
D.Brine will get his rematch tonight and beat Sheamus in a 60 minute Iron Man match for the title.



WWE creative had planned for the match to set a new record for the shortest match in WrestleMania history but it ultimately was not at as it last 18 seconds (Chavo Guerrero vs. Kane at WrestleMania XXIV stands as the shortest match in WrestleMania history at 8 seconds). The quick match result was planned had been planned for weeks but there were people in WWE lobbying to have it changed.

WWE.com says Bryan will react to the defeat on Friday’s SmackDown. The synopsis reads: “With his history-making feat, Sheamus becomes a three-time World Champion, while Daniel Bryan leaves WrestleMania with egg on his face. How will the submission specialist react to falling to the Irish Superstar in such a hasty fashion? Find out Friday on SmackDown on Syfy at 8/7 CT.”


There wasn't much 'Cell' involved in Hell in a Cell. I can't recall a single cage interaction. They might as well have called it Chairs, Stairs and Sledgehammers.
Looking at the images on the first page of this thread makes me sad still.

It started so wonderfully, AJ dancing and saying YES! was so kawaii.


Then the crowd reactions, was awesome, I was really happy for him.


We all knew he was gonna lose but f**k that shitty way, he deserved more.

Taker should have started to walk back up the ramp, Brock's music hits, they stare each other down, Wrestlemanina 29 appears on the titiantron, finish.
You're onto something. However, as a wink to the UFC moment, they could've followed Undetaker backstage and he could've bumped into Brock. And Brock could've told him "Do you want to do this?"

Bam, Taker's last match.

And I didn't watch this Mania but the feedback has left me disappointed. Vince is clearly out of touch. And instead of being like Dana White who creates matches for the fans (though he takes that goodwill and poops on it when he craps on fan on twitter).

It's like he's putting the show on to entertain himself.

He's similar to Steve Jobs in that he shoves things down our throat, except we don't like it.


So not worth it
If CM Punk didn't yell for at least an hour at Vince for this shit with Bryan I don't want to live in this world anymore.

Last time I raged this hard for anything wrestling related is the fingerpoke of doom in Dubya-c-dubya.

For fucks sake, whoever came up with this needs to have his testicles tazed.


There wasn't much 'Cell' involved in Hell in a Cell. I can't recall a single cage interaction. They might as well have called it Chairs, Stairs and Sledgehammers.

Mr. H's slammed into the Cell a couple of times. That's it. It could have just been a no DQ match. In fact the cell got in the way of the wrestler's heads when viewed from the outside.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So tonight we need to see Lord Tensai show up and do the TENSAI TOUCH or TENSAI TICKLER on someone.

We're getting Brock

and goddammit I still have a dream, Batista tonight or bust!


So tonight we need to see Lord Tensai show up and do the TENSAI TOUCH or TENSAI TICKLER on someone.

We're getting Brock

and goddammit I still have a dream, Batista tonight or bust!

Batista is single handedly better than all the Bryans and Sheamus's in the world.



So tonight we need to see Lord Tensai show up and do the TENSAI TOUCH or TENSAI TICKLER on someone.

We're getting Brock

and goddammit I still have a dream, Batista tonight or bust!

Or we going to see half the man he used to be Batista ... or full on HGH Brotista?


No One Remembers
There wasn't much 'Cell' involved in Hell in a Cell. I can't recall a single cage interaction. They might as well have called it Chairs, Stairs and Sledgehammers.

There was a bit towards the beginning but yeah, it was mostly in the ring and getting chairs and such under the ring.



Jericho took to Twitter this morning and said he may be moving on:

"Feel like I got run over by a truck...and in a way I did. The better man won last night. I guess its time for me to move on."

I'd like to see a rematch .. feels too short of a feud and stint in the E if he moves on.


I'm disappointed but not really surprised with the 18-second loss for Daniel Bryan. I really want him to come out on Raw unannounced and publicly ask for his release and cut a CM Punk-esque promo about the WWE and their 'politics,' but that will never happen either.

So I guess to make up for that, the WWE gives us more roided out stiffs that can't wrestle good anymore (Batista & Brock).


Jericho took to Twitter this morning and said he may be moving on:

"Feel like I got run over by a truck...and in a way I did. The better man won last night. I guess its time for me to move on."

I'd like to see a rematch .. feels too short of a feud and stint in the E if he moves on.
Given how terrible his entire return and Punk feud have been booked since he opened his mouth, I've got to say good riddance. And I think Jericho is one of the best of all-time.
The WWE as it is right now will not allow Y2J, or any program he's involved in, to live up to its true potential. He's better off leaving to tour with Fozzy.

I'm disappointed but not really surprised with the 18-second loss for Daniel Bryan. I really want him to come out on Raw unannounced and publicly ask for his release and cut a CM Punk-esque promo about the WWE and their 'politics,' but that will never happen either.

So I guess to make up for that, the WWE gives us more roided out stiffs that can't wrestle good anymore (Batista & Brock).
Roided out stiffs from years gone by keep Vince entertained and are truly all that we deserve. Ziggles will bump like a pro and make them all look like a million bucks and that's all that matters.
Just be thankful at least the era of MR EXCITEMENT truly begins.

Good riddance finally to that waste of space Teddy.

Still sour we didn't see an Ace Crusher though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm disappointed but not really surprised with the 18-second loss for Daniel Bryan.

Vince has a weird penchant for wanting to change records. Warlord's 2 second Rumble entrance had to be topped, Orton was given the championship early on just to erase Brock's name...and now this.


all that he wants is another baby
I think what happened to Daniel Bryan last night sucked in the short term, but will be the impetus for next-level work. People get so caught up, they miss out on the long-term goal of building talent. This was his first Mania, it won't be his last.

Also, going to Extreme Rules, VIP seats, early meet-and-greet with talent. Woo.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think what happened to Daniel Bryan last night sucked in the short term, but will be the impetus for next-level work. People get so caught up, they miss out on the long-term goal of building talent. This was his first Mania, it won't be his last.

Well also now he gets to blame AJ for this.
Obviously I hope this stop for D-Bry is just 'part of the plan' but its really hard to be optimistic these days. And I'm worried about him and AJ now, I liked them together.

Sad have to wait till Smackdown it sounds to see anything about it.



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