The World Title has been better treated than the WWE title over the past year, not including that one second Show reign. It's also on RAW now, and it doesn't look like a child's toy. It's actually been better treated than the WWE title since 2002, imo.No offense guys, it's just funny to read these rants after every PPV, as if things like wins and losses actually matter.
Honestly does the World Title even matter at this point, about 30 different people have had it over the years and none of them seem to matter worth a shit. It switches hands, no one cares. No one watches Smackdown, the show gets sub 2 ratings nowadays. No one really gives a shit, it honestly shouldn't even be a belt at this point.
Not saying I don't like Danielson as a wrestler, but what would it have really mattered if he won last night? Nothing changes. The same empty feuds based on nothing, the same empty payoffs. For wins and losses and belts to matter, the feuds themselves and wrestler have to in the first place, and that hasn't happened for a long, long time.
And what do you mean no one that has held is worth a shit? HHH, Cena, Taker, Edge, Batista, Kane, Mysterio have all held it. Hell, Henry's reign is the best reign of any title the WWE has had in a year.