I respectfully disagree, Heavy.The Divas division is so bad. The Bellas are unbearable. Yelling Brie Mode is so lame it's hard to put into words. As long as the Bellas are Divas the women's division is always going to be shit. Paige sucks too. AJ was the only good one despite not knowing how to run the ropes. At least AJ was a god tier seller.
I was amused that the little boy next to me was chanting both parts of the "Lets go Cena" and "Cena sucks" dueling chant.
Not tonight. She rarely gets upset when someone she likes loses, though it has happened a few times. But she definitely gets super excited when they win. Mostly she just wants to see them at all.
Alliteration aside, with a name like that I don't know what they expected.Naomi's Big Black Booty Bump finisher is seriously so offensive.
"I've never used performance enhancing drugs" - John Cena
Wow, Harper is country strong. That powerbomb was effortless and he put a lot of force into the throw.
At the end of the Harper/Ryback match she turned to me and said "That was very hoss," proving that she has a bright career in commentary ahead of her.
Yeah, if they ever did that they can kiss my Network subscription goodbye.This just in: WWE to permanently move Raw to Austin, Texas
It's undoing all the work from the road to Wrestlemania and the last 2 weeks.This reception Reigns is getting must be killing some of you.
Is it ok if I post here, friends?
Divas Battle Royale means Naomi isn't getting that title shot I guess. I don't think anyone has the carrot dangled in front of them more often than her.
Going to bed with a smile on my face.
For several months now I have been confused and annoyed at their misuse of O'neill. He is huge, charismatic, and seems to be decent on the mic. I just don't get burying him and having him lose repeatedly. When they came to my town for a house show they had him lose in embarrassing fashion to the Great Khali. Pissed me off.There are other people for kids to cheer for. You just have to fucking GIVE THEM THE CHANCE TO BE THE HERO. If Cena turned heel next Monday, you could make Reigns the mega babyface. You could make Bryan the mega ultra babyface. YOU COULD MAKE TITUS O'NEIL A MAJOR BABYFACE.
For several months now I have been confused and annoyed at their misuse of O'neill. He is huge, charismatic, and seems to be decent on the mic. I just don't get burying him and having him lose repeatedly. When they came to my town for a house show they had him lose in embarrassing fashion to the Great Khali. Pissed me off.
Kid's got over it when Hulk did it. Hell, their balls probably dropped as a result of it. WWE could just as easily continue selling his old shit (in droves) while he came out on TV and finally embraced his inner asshole.
Fuck I just woke up. What I'd miss?
I've missed your work, Bean.
I didn't actually watch the match (last week's) but Jpeeples said it was better than any match from Wrestlemania except the main event.Last 2 Weeks Bean. Or did you like the first week match?
It's frustrating because the writers tailor the show to complement a great crowd like we had last week and then it completely falls flat because of these idiots that don't know how to cheer.They're not real wrestling fans, bean breath. We know this because they don't boo Roman Reigns, and they don't chant "this is awesome" every five minutes. I bet some of those posers even have jobs with health benefits. What sellouts.
Ok, well it wouldn't make me more likely to sign up.Come on, Bean. We all know you and your Network saga.
Is it ok if I post here, friends?
Divas Battle Royale means Naomi isn't getting that title shot I guess. I don't think anyone has the carrot dangled in front of them more often than her.
I'm down for this.They need a Diva who is styled like late-60s Twiggy or something and comes out to music like this
but it plays over the entire match like New Jack's music, and the lady in question would be like Vader. Just come out, knock another Diva around, then pin and exit before the music ends.
Hey so I watched this Reigns match. Weak spear nonwithstanding, they have to come up with a different way of canceling the shock slam move. The springboard out of it move is played out.
Skipped RAW
How cock sucky and soft bally was the Y2J / Cena interview?
I can't believe there are people online complaining about Neville losing to Rollins.
This can't be real.
Guaranteed either AJ wins for no reason or a fuck finish
The crowd cheered heroes and villains appropriately and therefore was anathema to the better class of fans here.I'm down for this.
Also, are people really complaining that crowd was into the show last night and was a crowd full of kids? I'll take that over a Raw in Corpus Christi.
Who thought this was a good idea given AJ's restrictions?
Guaranteed either AJ wins for no reason or a fuck finish
AJ is a huge star in the second biggest promotion in the world who is smart enough to protect their talent when they wrestle against no names in Turkish bath house. Why wouldn't AJ win?
I'm saying making that match for your title makes no sense when that is the guaranteed outcome, it doesn't do much for your "bath house no names".
Just dropped £130 on an MMO expansion with a figurine of a dragon in it. God help us all.
Working with a big star and one of the most talented dudes in wrestling does a lot for anyone. This is some Punk "Working with Rock/Taker/Brock is bad for me" kind of logic.