Re-live your favorites' best moments on the WWE Network for only $9.99 per month!
Give the people money who killed said favorite superstars?

Re-live your favorites' best moments on the WWE Network for only $9.99 per month!
Re-live your favorites' best moments on the WWE Network for only $9.99 per month!
Re-live your favorites' best moments on the WWE Network for only $9.99 per month!
Anyone catch Dragon gate last night ?
Re-live your favorites' best moments on the WWE Network for only $9.99 per month!
Kevin Owens @FightOwensFight
The footage of Hideo Itamis path to Wrestlemania on tonights @WWENXT episode was so inspiring Too bad Ill have to take him out one day.
with the inevitable return of our great punjabi overlord let's take a moment to relive some of his more classic moments.
I'm legit happy this team is back together
John Cena and Zack Ryder were best friends! I know because WWE told me they were! That made it much more dramatic when Cena stole Ryder's girlfriend.You know what's missing in WWE? Real relationships. And I don't just mean romantic, although some guys could benefit from an on-screen girlfriend or two.
What I mean is that outside of who people are currently feuding with, or a current tag team partner, nobody seems like they give much of a shit about anybody else. For someone like RKO or Rollins, who've treated everybody like shit, that makes sense, but for most others, it just makes for a very sterile, uninvolving program. Roman and Dean are best friends, in kayfabe, but outside of that great moment at the Rumble, you wouldn't know it, especially considering how often the two have been beaten down without the other coming out to help. John Cena has been there for over ten years, yet there's nobody that you can really say he's close to, in kayfabe. Daniel Bryan's best friend turned heel and totally repudiated him, for no particular reason, and his wife is a heel, so they can't acknowledge their relationship.
That's one thing that was kinda nice about the Ziggler-Rowan-Ryback alliance for a few months after Survivor Series - they seemed to care about each other. Wrestlers being connected to each other on a personal level both raises the stakes, dramatically, while also providing a convenient and consistent way to establish feuds and interweave different stories so the show doesn't feel as compartmentalized and flaccid.
John Cena and Zack Ryder were best friends! I know because WWE told me they were! That made it much more dramatic when Cena stole Ryder's girlfriend.
Midday body shaming and admiration? Wonderful!
Contest over btw.
Best physique goes to The Rock and I won't take any other answer:
Runner-up Seth Rollins.
I can put up with a lot but I won't stand for insults against the integrity of Quest Bars.No one ever said natty bawdy and I'm sure all the Quest bars the boys down at NXT consume have something or other.
Midday body shaming and admiration? Wonderful!
Contest over btw.
Oh Whey Oats natty bawdyRock's huge but he needs that lat spread and pec development Otunga sports.
The Ascension must be eating the ones they bought themselves.I'm saying THEIR quest bars are laced, not ALL the quest bars.
They're on the Mickey D's bulk program.The Ascension must be eating the ones they bought themselves.
Neville in mango form:Neville is all positive thinking and multivitamins, brehs.
That also bugged me. The fact they called those shitty, shitty chants "fuckin' hilarious" was really offputting.
Speaking of bullshit, where's that Jeevesmeister? He wanted to shoot on me and said I was a fraud and full of shit, then I asked him to PM me and I didn't get shit, and he turned tail and ran.
Get your ass out here and let's do this, baby.
Sell me on WWE.
He doesn't say his prayers though because he's from a country of God-hating heathens.Neville is all positive thinking and multivitamins, brehs.
Neville is all positive thinking and multivitamins, brehs.