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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


CM Punk was a kid that started a backyard fed with his brother and a buncha idiots. Spent his teen years and his adult life until three years ago chasing his childhood dream...then he became so disgusted and sick of wrestling. He seems to absolutely fucking hate it all now. That's really sad. Call him a piss baby and whatever, but losing your dream like that must be soul crushing. To carry that flame inside your heart and have it extinguished. Fuck man.

I wish him the best of luck in UFC. I hope he finds what he wants in it.


CMP: At lot of what I said and did in WWE, that was about trying to help out the other guys. After a while, I realized, Wow, that other guy doesn’t even appreciate it; he could give a s---. Nobody cared. Why was I bending over backwards to make it a better workplace for you, when you don’t give a s---?



The Chuck Norris of Peace
This thread moves way too fast lol.

It was a waste, which is why he left and proved to be very valuable to WCW for the next few years. They were trying to make a clean break between the Hogan era and New Generation. Why they benched Macho but then put the title on 36 year old Bret and brought back guys like Bob Backlund, King Kong Bundy, and the Bushwhackers is anyone's guess.

Yeah, it just makes no sense. I have not watched much wrestling, but at least compared to the stuff I have watched, nobody is like the Macho Man. Sure, the Hitman might have been slightly better in the ring, and Hogan had a better physic and charisma, but as a total pacakge, nobody can touch him imo.

I'm still salty at the fact we could have had Macho/HBK at Wrestlemania 10. WTF!!

This sounds amazing! Didnt Randy push Vince for this?


Wait, what? Macho/HBK at WM10? First I've ever heard of that. I wonder what the story would've been.

A 2 year feud with HBK never being able to beat Macho until finally getting his big win at W10 and Macho retiring or at least going into semi-retirement.

Is Bloodborne one of those games that is like 15 other games but for some reason GAF thinks it is this incredible new and amazing EXPERIENCE that they forget about in a month?


A 2 year feud with HBK never being able to beat Macho until finally getting his big win at W10 and Macho retiring or at least going into semi-retirement.

Is Bloodborne one of those games that is like 15 other games but for some reason GAF thinks it is this incredible new and amazing EXPERIENCE that they forget about in a month?

On Bloodborne - yes. There'll be people who stick with it, but I expect 90% of them to fall off before long.

Anyway, so it would've started after WM8? I could've been into that. I bet those matches would've been pretty alright, too.


On Bloodborne - yes. There'll be people who stick with it, but I expect 90% of them to fall off before long.

Anyway, so it would've started after WM8? I could've been into that. I bet those matches would've been pretty alright, too.

Seemed like it was starting at least on the Euro tour right after WM, with Macho vs HBK and Macho/Bret vs Flair/HBK matches.


Going to a local Indy with CJ Parker, Trevor lee and Paul London on the card

Enjoy! Paul London is still really rad. You gonna take pics? Wonder where London is in the Triple H look cycle.

From February against Matt Sydal:

Saw WWE Live. Whole thing was generally great, with one or two issues.

It first opened with Finn Balor vs Adrian Neville. The match was pretty sweet (I haven't seen much of Neville, his flippy thingies are amazing), and was... Technically the best match of the night. Not that the other matches were BAD (the overall quality was good), but developmental's at the quality of Main Eventing, and vice-versa. Both people got pretty decent reactions. Before the match, however, there was a short clip of Cesaro and Tyson Kidd, who both denounced Belfast as being crap. Kinda hilarious, in the end...

... When they eventually got cheered. Their theme music hit to mixed reactions, about 65/35 in favour of boos. Then, the theme of New Day hit, to mixed reactions to about 105/-5 in favour of boos. New Day tried to get the crowd reacting positively, to absolutely no avail whatsoever. Cesaro instigated New Day Sucks chants of his own, adding in FACT at the end. I'm really starting to like this team. They should get a name, 'cause they're fantastic.

The match itself commenced, with an awful lot of support for Kiddsaro. It was pretty decent, with Cesaro and Big E having a bit of a strength-off, and Cesaro's Spin winning something for a change. After they were leaving to cheers, New Day got on the mic and basically turned 75% heel. They spoke of positivity in a relatively hypocritical manner. And it was fantastic. Seriously, it'd be a great way to salvage the gimmick.

Anyways, they challenge anyone in the locker room to fight them (by which they meant Xavier Woods, who hadn't fought yet), the music hits and out comes... R-Truth? It's... Eh? But wh-- Whatever.

So, R-Truth wins after carrying the match because Xavier couldn't give a fuck anymore. The entire New Day biz went on for about 40 whole minutes, and although somewhat fun, significantly overstayed its welcome. However, good stuff was to come.

After a million ads (not even at the interval; for shame), it was announced that a six man tag team match was on. And then, the creepy Wyatt noises played, and everyone marked out a little. He wasn't even on the card! Joy! Bad News Barrett came out to mixed reactions, as did Sheamus, who then proceeded to grab the mic and change the crowd to completely negative reactions (some identify as Irish, some British) by asking how it felt in Belfast to live in the shadow of Dublin.

... Somewhat harsh, but a lot of people probably agree. :p

Then, Ziggles comes out to an insane reaction. Dude's still over as fuck. Also, he wasn't on the card, so woah. Then, Eric Rowan came out to a surprisingly good crowd. Then, Daniel Bryan came out, to what I can safely say is one of the loudest noises I have ever heard. EVERYONE in the crowd was cheering like hell.

The match itself was pretty good, although it did drag on for a little while. It would have been nice to see Sheamus successfully perform the High Cross, which seems to have returned. But nonetheless, a good match, with Bryan pinning Sheamus for the win. Eric Rowan was the big surprise however, winning over the somewhat sceptical crowd by the end. Dude'd be quite a good upper-card face, if an unusual one.

Then, the interval. Upon waiting in a queue for a drink, a man was shouting (very drunkenly) 'Roman Reigns sucks'. Understandable. Then, he approached some people near me, and started reciting some Farooq promos... Rather well. I requested a Paul Heyman one, and he obliged. Then I decided to do a Flair promo, and got a little bit of notice (it's literally the only good impression that I do). After getting my drink, I turned around to see an angry security guard. Fortunately, he seemed angry at the drunken man, so I slipped away like a slimey bastard.

After the interval, there was the extended interval, a surprisingly good Diva's match that I was glad to stick around to see. Still, as per usual, no-one cared, and there was too much 'diva' bullshit. Still, a cut about the average Raw tripe.

Then, there was... Ooh. A promo by the Miz? Ick. Fortunately however, it was about Mizdow. And of course, Mizdow complied to arrive and talk Miz's unwarranted boasting down. After this, Reigns pinned Big Slow and everyone left. The end.


Saw WWE Live. Whole thing was generally great, with one or two issues.

It first opened with Finn Balor vs Adrian Neville. The match was pretty sweet (I haven't seen much of Neville, his flippy thingies are amazing), and was... Technically the best match of the night. Not that the other matches were BAD (the overall quality was good), but developmental's at the quality of Main Eventing, and vice-versa. Both people got pretty decent reactions. Before the match, however, there was a short clip of Cesaro and Tyson Kidd, who both denounced Belfast as being crap. Kinda hilarious, in the end...

... When they eventually got cheered. Their theme music hit to mixed reactions, about 65/35 in favour of boos. Then, the theme of New Day hit, to mixed reactions to about 105/-5 in favour of boos. New Day tried to get the crowd reacting positively, to absolutely no avail whatsoever. Cesaro instigated New Day Sucks chants of his own, adding in FACT at the end. I'm really starting to like this team. They should get a name, 'cause they're fantastic.

The match itself commenced, with an awful lot of support for Kiddsaro. It was pretty decent, with Cesaro and Big E having a bit of a strength-off, and Cesaro's Spin winning something for a change. After they were leaving to cheers, New Day got on the mic and basically turned 75% heel. They spoke of positivity in a relatively hypocritical manner. And it was fantastic. Seriously, it'd be a great way to salvage the gimmick.

Anyways, they challenge anyone in the locker room to fight them (by which they meant Xavier Woods, who hadn't fought yet), the music hits and out comes... R-Truth? It's... Eh? But wh-- Whatever.

So, R-Truth wins after carrying the match because Xavier couldn't give a fuck anymore. The entire New Day biz went on for about 40 whole minutes, and although somewhat fun, significantly overstayed its welcome. However, good stuff was to come.

After a million ads (not even at the interval; for shame), it was announced that a six man tag team match was on. And then, the creepy Wyatt noises played, and everyone marked out a little. He wasn't even on the card! Joy! Bad News Barrett came out to mixed reactions, as did Sheamus, who then proceeded to grab the mic and change the crowd to completely negative reactions (some identify as Irish, some British) by asking how it felt in Belfast to live in the shadow of Dublin.

... Somewhat harsh, but a lot of people probably agree. :p

Then, Ziggles comes out to an insane reaction. Dude's still over as fuck. Also, he wasn't on the card, so woah. Then, Eric Rowan came out to a surprisingly good crowd. Then, Daniel Bryan came out, to what I can safely say is one of the loudest noises I have ever heard. EVERYONE in the crowd was cheering like hell.

The match itself was pretty good, although it did drag on for a little while. It would have been nice to see Sheamus successfully perform the High Cross, which seems to have returned. But nonetheless, a good match, with Bryan pinning Sheamus for the win. Eric Rowan was the big surprise however, winning over the somewhat sceptical crowd by the end. Dude'd be quite a good upper-card face, if an unusual one.

Then, the interval. Upon waiting in a queue for a drink, a man was shouting (very drunkenly) 'Roman Reigns sucks'. Understandable. Then, he approached some people near me, and started reciting some Farooq promos... Rather well. I requested a Paul Heyman one, and he obliged. Then I decided to do a Flair promo, and got a little bit of notice (it's literally the only good impression that I do). After getting my drink, I turned around to see an angry security guard. Fortunately, he seemed angry at the drunken man, so I slipped away like a slimey bastard.

After the interval, there was the extended interval, a surprisingly good Diva's match that I was glad to stick around to see. Still, as per usual, no-one cared, and there was too much 'diva' bullshit. Still, a cut about the average Raw tripe.

Then, there was... Ooh. A promo by the Miz? Ick. Fortunately however, it was about Mizdow. And of course, Mizdow complied to arrive and talk Miz's unwarranted boasting down. After this, Reigns pinned Big Slow and everyone left. The end.

Sounds pretty fun. Neville and Balor are both special talents. Nice that you got to see them live. I was pretty blown away when I saw Neville live for the first time at a Dragon Gate show. Really hope he takes off on the main roster.

Drunk promo guy sounds funnily annoying.


Honestly, the way Punk has been acting towards WWE, I really hope he gets booed to hell if he ever comes back. And I actually used to love the guy. But he's just been coming off as really salty and rude in the way he speaks about his former company. I mean everyone else on the WWE roster deals with and goes through the same shit he did. But, what do they do? They put up and shut up, do their best, and don't whine. This guy quits, leaving all his fans behind and then just bashes the company in the press. Really unprofessional and I've lost major respect for the guy.

Also, if I ever saw him live in WWE again, I'd boo the hell out of him, and I'm from Chicago.


Honestly the way Punk has been acting towards WWE, I really hope he gets booed to hell if he ever comes back. And I actually used to love the guy. But he's just been coming off as really salty and rude in the way he speaks about his former company. I mean everyone else on the WWE roster deals and goes through the same shit he did. But, what do they do? The put up and shut up, do their best, and don't whine. This guy quits, leaving all his fans behind and then just bashes the company in the press. Really unprofessional and I've lost major respect for the guy.

I think the shitting on his former co-workers is worse. Everyone shit talks the bosses. Punk makes it seem like everyone he worked with were backstabbing, bitchy losers out to get him.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Really, the rest of the roster got the belt for a year and got to make money with Taker, Brock and the Rock (twice!)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He's been doing it forever. He shit on Elijah Burke when they asked him who was the worst person he worked with then he went out of his way to keep talking about how shit he was. A guy he has no affiliation with anymore and would gain nothing from having heat with him.

Dude's a fucking dick. And I don't mean a Punk 'yeah I'm an atheist dick' twitter way. I mean he's a cunt. A cunt and a dick at the same time.


Listening to the lastest Stone Cold podcast and his response about older guys taking Mania spots from younger guys doesn't convince me.

Sure, they bring money but 10 years or so ago there wasn't a need to use part-timers to sell tickets and that's the issue. The current roster sold the tickets.

Altought this is happening less now I guess. At least if we consider Brock Lesnar a full time guy.


I think the shitting on his former co-workers is worse. Everyone shit talks the bosses. Punk makes it seem like everyone he worked with were backstabbing, bitchy losers out to get him.

Yeah this too! If he ever comes back to WWE, that locker room is going to have some issues.


He's not coming back. Dude made his money and he can sit at home forever if he wants. Good on him, but why anyone expects anything other than the statements he's making after having heard that Colt Cabana podcast, I'm not really sure.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He's not coming back. Dude made his money and he can sit at home forever if he wants. Good on him, but why anyone expects anything other than the statements he's making after having heard that Colt Cabana podcast, I'm not really sure.

I don't get why that means people can't criticize him. We all know Jericho is going to shill, but we still give him shit. What's the difference with Punk? That it's Punk?


Listening to the lastest Stone Cold podcast and his response about older guys taking Mania spots from younger guys doesn't convince me.

Sure, they bring money but 10 years or so ago there wasn't a need to use part-timers to sell tickets and that's the issue. The current roster sold the tickets.

Altought this is happening less now I guess. At least if we consider Brock Lesnar a full time guy.

WM has been home of part timers and celebrity stunt shows since the very start. No one on the current roster has the attention of casual or lapsed fans like Attitude Era dudes besides Cena. That's not entirely the fault of the current roster, of course, but it is what it is. There really isn't many WMs left for that kind of stuff. Maybe one or two more. Everyone is too broken down. The only guys left are Austin and HBK, really.


I don't get why that means people can't criticize him. We all know Jericho is going to shill, but we still give him shit. What's the difference with Punk? That it's Punk?

I don't recall saying people couldn't. I just don't understand why anything he says surprises anyone any more.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's clear to me know that Vince is confused on what exactly to do with the King during the New Generation. His matches are always fun, but putting him in a feud means that RAW is probably going to suck for that taping.


The Itami doc was pretty dope. He seems to have started to become comfortable with the style in the last month or two and it feels like they're back to hyping him like they were before Balor/Owens over shadowed him for a while. I don't know what the future will hold for him on the main roster, but I hope he gets into the groove for a while in NXT and starts kicking the shit out of people again.


WM has been home of part timers and celebrity stunt shows since the very start. No one on the current roster has the attention of casual or lapsed fans like Attitude Era dudes besides Cena. That's not entirely the fault of the current roster, of course, but it is what it is. There really isn't many WMs left for that kind of stuff. Maybe one or two more. Everyone is too broken down. The only guys left are Austin and HBK, really.

I glad that we are seeing less and less of Attitude Era guys being used as a draw. Even if they do bring in money (and I don't deny that obviously) the main focus should be the guys currently busting their asses.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I liked his feud with Bret a lot than Mr. Backlund.

I don't get 'it' with Backlund. He's just instant channel changer for me. Heel or not. Like I feel like I'm missing something when people talk about how great Mr Backlund was


I liked his feud with Bret a lot than Mr. Backlund.

I don't get 'it' with Backlund. He's just instant channel changer for me. Heel or not. Like I feel like I'm missing something when people talk about how great Mr Backlund was

You don't like something other people like? Color me surprised.



This is like Punk calling someone else passive aggressive

I'm not aware of a lot of things because I don't pay attention to things. So I don't hate, I'm just not knowledgable. Like whatever game GAF is obsessed with, or NJ until last year, or whatever indies are doing their dumb indie stuff.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Wait, what? Macho/HBK at WM10? First I've ever heard of that. I wonder what the story would've been.

A 2 year feud with HBK never being able to beat Macho until finally getting his big win at W10 and Macho retiring or at least going into semi-retirement.

Anyway, so it would've started after WM8? I could've been into that. I bet those matches would've been pretty alright, too.

Apparently, Randy Savage was a bit upset that he was never able to have a match as great as his WM3 classic against The Dragon. When he saw Shawn Michaels, he saw in him so much talent that he might be able to create an even better match, and thus he pitched the idea for Vince that they would have a 2-year feud ending in WM10 with him loosing and basically reting. When Vince refused the idea, it started the end for the Macho Man in the WWF - according to Lanny at least.


What was passive aggressive about that story? It was pretty direct imo

Is this another of those things where wrestle fans don't know what words mean so they just repeat it ad nauseum

He basically said "Fuck Roman" without actually saying it. Maybe bitter is more the term. Whatever it is, it doesn't make Punk look good.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I been out all day and missed the good shit.


When and where is nerd chat? The wife and kid are out of town this weekend. I have so much free time.


Use mibbit.com if you're not familiar with IRC.

CM Punk was a kid that started a backyard fed with his brother and a buncha idiots. Spent his teen years and his adult life until three years ago chasing his childhood dream...then he became so disgusted and sick of wrestling. He seems to absolutely fucking hate it all now. That's really sad. Call him a piss baby and whatever, but losing your dream like that must be soul crushing. To carry that flame inside your heart and have it extinguished. Fuck man.

I wish him the best of luck in UFC. I hope he finds what he wants in it.

There's a lot of things that look fun that aren't when it turns into a responsibility. Fucking people, taking care of babies, managing people - these all turn to shit really quick. But that's LIFE. Deal with it, Pank.

Saw WWE Live. Whole thing was generally great, with one or two issues.

I enjoyed your writeup. Glad it was generally a great time!

CJ Parker is a cool,dude

You god damn right. That pumpkin booty don't lie.


I'd say was Punk passive aggressive in that very interview calling out people that think about doing MMA but not doing it to stay in the WWE "safety-net." Or calling out people for being unappreciative towards him for trying to make a better workplace for them.
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