I now realize after my extensive free labor that I have only gotten your request wrong XenoRaven.
I have rectified this with an additional 5 hours and I hope that you find it to your liking:
I now realize after my extensive free labor that I have only gotten your request wrong XenoRaven.
I have rectified this with an additional 5 hours and I hope that you find it to your liking:
I can fucks with this show. Expected trash based on Smallville/Flash/Green Arrow/Gotham/Agents of Shield, but it's pretty solid. Besides the lol worthy "We're on Netflix!" salty language.
WhoWhatever happened to Adam Rose?
I can fucks with this show. Expected trash based on Smallville/Flash/Green Arrow/Gotham/Agents of Shield, but it's pretty solid. Besides the lol worthy "We're on Netflix!" salty language.
Titus seems like a genuinely great guy. Would love to see WWE get behind him and let him continue to be a positive role model for those with similar backgrounds as he has come from. Him getting out there on his own and giving back to the community and fans is admirable as fuck. I'm not saying make him World Champion (although that would be cool) but certainly as part of a major tag team and intercontinental champion.
Just gonna do a shameless plug for my brother who tweeted out this article he wrote about "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney he wrote a few years back.
The biggest hurdle to enjoying Daredevil is forgetting about the Ben Affleck movie.
How far is Indy from you Stro?
Daredevil is the ROH of super hero TV shows.
Daredevil is the ROH of super hero TV shows.
Daredevil is the ROH of super hero TV shows.
Daredevil is the ROH of super hero TV shows.
I thought Arrow was the ROH of superhero TV shows because of all the unnecessary flips.
Daredevil is the ROH of super hero TV shows.
So does that make it the NXT of superhero TV shows?I can support this, but I think DD has better production values.
The music video for Estranged by Guns N' Roses is fucking weird.
The music video for Estranged by Guns N' Roses is fucking weird.
Is that the one where Axl jumps into the ocean and swims with dolphins?
And terrible.
And terrible.
Slash emerging from the waters to shred almost redeems the entire thing.
Use Your Illusion videos were so...odd. Everything was fucking huge and cinematic but made no fucking sense and nothing worked.
Wait, no, I take that back. Stephanie Seymour worked.
Jesus. It's not that bad.
It's probably my favorite Marvel property since Spider-Man 2.
Figures that you would like one of the worst superhero movies of all time.
Real ass talk: I just wanted to say that I love WrassleGAF. You all cheer me up and make me laugh. I've been feeling down as of late, but this place always manages to make me smile.
::shakes everyone's hand::
They don't respect the old guard, mang. These kids...are just disrespectful.
I haven't had my hand shook in MONTHS.
Are you thinking of Amazing Spiderman 2? Because it was one of the worst, but man was it hilarious. Raimi Spiderman 2 is only good Spiderman movie.