Ryder's new gear looks way better than that leg/tights bullshit.
CJ Parker was great. Mike Bailey needs to stop doing that move. Nick Gage is a fucking mastodon.
That's what I got from Best of the Best. CJP used his NXT theme too, lol
CJ Parker was great. Mike Bailey needs to stop doing that move. Nick Gage is a fucking mastodon.
That's what I got from Best of the Best. CJP used his NXT theme too, lol
Hmm, always thought Zack Ryder looked better with this get up than he does currently.
That move is so fucking stupid and needlessly dangerous.
For those not watching: shooting star double knees. Fucking stupid.
I hear he's pretty active on Twitter so you can always hit up for a retweet any time you want.I miss Zack Ryder.
Ryder's new gear looks way better than that leg/tights bullshit.
Ryder has always looked dumb, but that half pants thing took it to a new level.I think the half pants thing he got going there made him stand out. As of right now he just looks the same as anybody else. At least with this its different.
He's also missing a nipple.Ryder looks larger but not fatter and i don't think he's put on more muscle either, what the hell
Watching WM14, damn the Mike Tyson version of the DX theme is bumpin
I guess he's the gold standard for celebrity involvement in wrasslin'?
That sucks. Stick with green.
Happened to me recently too Carnby, though this former co-worker OD'd on prescriptions and coke. Was a really strange wake to attend as a bunch of people were hitting rails in the bathroom after seeing their friend die from the shit
Yep, my brothers messing with all kinds of stupid fucking shit at the moment. Drop kick he is. Ah well, what can you do. Don't think anything that requires a needle but the rest is fair game.
I hope its not too late for him. I watched my brother waste away from drugs for 15 to 20 years. He's been clean for 7 months now. But at this point, what's the point?
New LU merch at tapings apparently
Yeah well it's already assisted with fucking his marriage up. His wife was a huge bitch and everyone said it but yeah. Sucks they had a kid before it ended.
You asked someone if they thought Daredevil looked like Seth Rollins didn't you?Just found out that Seth Rollins has NOT broke the #safe barrier.
New LU merch at tapings apparently
You asked someone if they thought Daredevil looked like Seth Rollins didn't you?
Next time make sure the person you're asking is a regular Daily Show viewer and you'll have a better chance.
My drawing process:[/img[/QUOTE]
The "I'm so sorry" threw me off because I started thinking about Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair.
Yep, my brothers messing with all kinds of stupid fucking shit at the moment. Drop kick he is. Ah well, what can you do. Don't think anything that requires a needle but the rest is fair game.
ICYMI, BBC just recast Doctor Who for this year.
ICYMI, BBC just recast Doctor Who for this year.
ICYMI, BBC just recast Doctor Who for this year.
That's a shitty gif, pal.
So I found out today that a former coworker died a few days ago. According to his obituary he died from trying heroine. I feel so bad for his family. He was a good guy. I'm actually shaken up by this. He was only 25. :-(
That being said, who writes that their family member died of a drug overdose in their obituary?
Heroin doesn't require a needle. Most people that start, start snorting it. Some people don't even know they are snorting heroin the first time they do it. Sometimes somebody just gives them a bit to try. (A lot of times to "mellow them out" from a coke or speed binge) From what I understand knowing a lot of ex-junkies, almost nobody starts with the needle.
My best friend since childhood is a heroin addict, now clean for over 10 years. He could basically do any drug and function. He's passed pre-med classes in college tripping on acid. Like literally on acid taking A&P exams and stuff. (That level of shit, and some other stuff was a bit too much for me, so I kinda fell out of contact with him for a few years.) Sometime later, he got on heroin (started snorting) he was DONE. Total addiction. We reconnected after he was out of rehab for a couple years, but he started using again so I had to get out again. It's real bad news. So glad he lived and we are friends again, but I nearly lost him.
Take care out there kids. I know the whole "gateway" thing gets laughed at, but when you get fucked up enough, you can make bad bad choices.
Finn Balor, with fans