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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


consider this

What if your nostalgia is influencing this?

Ive gone back and revisited 16 hours of interviews, and some of the best matches,
Ric Flair vs Arn
Flair vs steamboat 1989
Flair vs. Sting
Vader etc...............................

They are legitimately the best wrestling and probably the pinnacle of what it was intended to be. I mean you have a man who mastered the art in every way, 20 years too early.

I mean I understand that some of you have different opinions, but how can anyone say he was a bad ring worker? We are talking about what experts in the business say is the greatest of all time.
If I wanted to see a guy named Steve Austin die in-ring in 2015, I'd watch a backyard wrestling match involving an impersonator getting piledrived off or through a roof


I really can't see Austin wrestling at 32. Maybe involved in an angle but in the ring, locking up I very much doubt it.

On the subject of Austin, just finished WM14. How did the main event go over at the time? I found it pretty slow, undramatic with a very underwhelming finish. Was Austin still very limited post injury? Was Shawn completely in the pills gutter? Does Tyson have the fastest count in the west?

HBK's back was incredibly jacked up. Austin has talked a few times about it being kind of a disappointment for him because Shawn was so limited. It's not a great match, but it is the coronation of Austin as champ so it still has a significance to it.
I really can't see Austin wrestling at 32. Maybe involved in an angle but in the ring, locking up I very much doubt it.

On the subject of Austin, just finished WM14. How did the main event go over at the time? I found it pretty slow, undramatic with a very underwhelming finish. Was Austin still very limited post injury? Was Shawn completely in the pills gutter? Does Tyson have the fastest count in the west?

It was after Shawn injured his back and it was his final match before his 4+ year hiatus.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ive gone back and revisited 16 hours of interviews, and some of the best matches,
Ric Flair vs Arn
Flair vs steamboat 1989
Flair vs. Sting
Vader etc...............................

They are legitimately the best wrestling and probably the pinnacle of what it was intended to be. I mean you have a man who mastered the art in every way, 20 years too early.

I mean I understand that some of you have different opinions, but how can anyone say he was a bad ring worker? We are talking about what experts in the business say is the greatest of all time.

Check those opponents, though. Great guys.


I really can't see Austin wrestling at 32. Maybe involved in an angle but in the ring, locking up I very much doubt it.

On the subject of Austin, just finished WM14. How did the main event go over at the time? I found it pretty slow, undramatic with a very underwhelming finish. Was Austin still very limited post injury? Was Shawn completely in the pills gutter? Does Tyson have the fastest count in the west?
Shawn was wrestling with a totally fucked back and it was pretty amazing he went for that long. And yeah, he was pumped full of drugs.

Tyson's count was halariously fast.


I wouldn't say Flair is a bad worker. I've always felt that if you've seen one Flair match you've seen them all, because a lot of Flairs memorable matches are just variations of the same thing he always did. He's great for what he did.

HBK's back was incredibly jacked up. Austin has talked a few times about it being kind of a disappointment for him because Shawn was so limited. It's not a great match, but it is the coronation of Austin as champ so it still has a significance to it.

Didn't Austin originally want Bret Hart to be his WM14 opponent before Montreal happened?
Flair went out like a king.


like a king.



HBK's back was incredibly jacked up. Austin has talked a few times about it being kind of a disappointment for him because Shawn was so limited. It's not a great match, but it is the coronation of Austin as champ so it still has a significance to it.

Shawn was wrestling with a totally fucked back and it was pretty amazing he went for that long. And yeah, he was pumped full of drugs.

Tyson's count was halariously fast.

Oh so that back sell was legit, thanks for that

Here's the least offensive Attitude era defining sign I found on the Raw after WM14

Flair vs Inoki is a fascinating watch, it's almost a battle to see who'll concede to the other's style and patented match formula. Surprisingly, it's Inoki who wrestles a Flair match and not the other way around - you'd have to think that if the match took place a decade earlier, Inoki would have totally forced his in-ring style onto Flair, as he did with many others during that time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

Image like this is going to trigger poor LiquidSnake

Flair vs Inoki is a fascinating watch, it's almost a battle to see who'll concede to the other's style and patented match formula. Surprisingly, it's Inoki who wrestles a Flair match and not the other way around - you'd have to think that if the match took place a decade earlier, Inoki would have totally forced his in-ring style onto Flair, as he did with many others during that time.

Man I really enjoyed that match. It really did capture the #BigFightFeel we all look for. Regarding that feeling, WCCW was at the top of that. That promotion made their feuds feel like the biggest, most earthrending shit.


What was Inoki's style? From what I've seen on NJPW World, he liked the mat submission game and would then throw in a suplex or power move here and there to get a pop after building anticipation.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This is awsome gets me every time

Also official Payback poster


Pretty nice to see some black recognition in current-day WWE posters. Ready for the New Day HEEL TURN to be complete and full blown.

Shit, Raw's in angle-land - skippable show :(


Raw is being taped right now. So far you are going to get these matches:

Cesaro vs Orton
Rollins vs Ziggler
BNB vs Cena

Plus Cena vs Rusev is going to be a
Russian Chain Match

Unique stipulation there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Also I just realized that the logo rips off The Avengers with that arrow in the A.

Have you ever considered that maybe the Avengers is complete trash and garbage and nobody wants to be like it


Raw is being taped right now. So far you are going to get these matches:

Cesaro vs Orton
Rollins vs Ziggler
BNB vs Cena

Plus Cena vs Rusev is going to be a
Russian Chain Match

Unique stipulation there.

Are they in the UK? This will make it easier to decide what to skip to or through.


Echoing what others have said, Ishikawa vs Sekimoto was hype

Also, unprotected headbutts are dope Alucard

I loved the match. 4.75/5 for me. The head butts just rubbed me the wrong way in 2015. There is no way BJW money is going to pay for these guys' retirements, and they're shortening their careers with those types of exchanges. It's like hardcore matches in front of 100 people.


This is heresy. This is borderline blasphemous. I am extremely disappointed in you. I consider you a scholar, especially when it comes to anything pre-2000.

1980-1989 is the best run in the history. Best matches ever put to tape. Ric is the best Wrestler to ever set foot in the ropes. How many wrestlers did Ric make famous?
How many has Cena?

Ric Flair didn't make anyone famous besides Sting. All of his other major feuds were with already established guys. Bret Hart if you're stretching, since they didn't have a real feud, Bret was a known quantity, and the title change was on a house show. There are a lot more guys that got a win over Ric Flair and didn't go anywhere than guys than guys who had careers made from it. You also completely overlook his shitty power plays he pulled in WCW that led to guys like Foley and Austin leaving/getting fired and his time as booker being a huge drop off from the year/months before.

Flair was the lesser worker in almost every big feud he had. His 1980-1989 ain't SHIT compared to the top guys in Japan during that period. I'm not saying Ric Flair is shitty, but I am saying he's nowhere near the best in ring dude. No where close. So many guys that think he's the GOAT are blinded by the same nostalgia you are.

Triple H (2000 on) is a better Ric Flair than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. HBK and Bret are better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Arn, Tully, and Barry Windham were better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Terry Funk was better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Nick Bockwinkle was a better version of Ric Flair in every way besides the lack of coked up promos. Steamboat was better. Sting was better for most of the 90s. Macho Man was better than Flair. I think a legitimate argument can be made that Hogan was as good or better.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
¡HarlequinPanic!;159964306 said:
haven't pre-release materials for future films already squandered and spoiled everything you'll see in that crummy men in tights movie~?

so do sheetz and movie filming schedules for single stars, but we still watch wwe.


Raw is being taped right now. So far you are going to get these matches:

Cesaro vs Orton
Rollins vs Ziggler
BNB vs Cena

Plus Cena vs Rusev is going to be a
Russian Chain Match

Unique stipulation there.

If those 3 matches get some time, they could be fun.


¡HarlequinPanic!;159964306 said:
haven't pre-release materials for future films already squandered and spoiled everything you'll see in that crummy men in tights movie~?

By that logic any/every super hero movie has been spoiled since the hero never ever dies in those movies and never loses (unless its Dark Knight where the script temporarily makes everyone DUMB AS FUCK in order for Joker to win)
Just finished watching the NXT WrestleMania weekend episode...

Guys, I fucking love Hideo Itami.

Crazy to see just how fast he's adopted the WWE system in such a short time, especially when you consider how out of place he looked when he first came in. I for one was skeptical he was ever going to get properly adjusted, awesome to see how wrong I was. His in-ring story telling and pacing is some of the best of anyone in NXT. Dude is gonna be a superstar if given even the slightest of chance. Trips is obviously high on him so chances are good.

Even down to his debut, when he brought the chair into the ring, looked like a badass, and beckoned to the Ascension to enter the ring, Itami's demonstrated a better ability to connect to the crowd than he did as KENTA.

If I wanted to see a guy named Steve Austin die in-ring in 2015, I'd watch a backyard wrestling match involving an impersonator getting piledrived off or through a roof

There was a Stone Cold imitator on the indy circuit for a while. And a quick Google search produces the result: Even Colder Mike Austin.


I'm pretty sure Summerslam main event is either Seth vs. Brock for the strap (honestly, THE dream match of the present moment, even more than Cesaro or Bryan, as Seth is simply the best guy in the company) or a triple threat with Roman thrown in, either of which I'm fine with.

Who do you guys think Brock's 'Mania opponent for next year is going to be? We were hearing Rock/Brock, but now it's looking like Rock/HHH, possibly in a mixed tag with the Rousey shit. Brock/Taker would be idiotic, as there's no reason for 'Taker to be the guy who gets the rub for his own streak. Brock/Roman 2 probably wouldn't be as good as the first one, but it'd be alright. Considering they're setting Brock up as a major antagonist to The Authority, do you do Brock/Rollins? That'd be a HELL of a Wrestlemania match, brother.

I'd also accept Orton/Brock, mainly because it'd be an awesome match, and Orton's one of the few guys with the kayfabe credibility to not be laughable in such a match, but that seems more like what they'd have Brock do for Royal Rumble to tide him over than his 'Mania match. Then again, Orton's the bigger star, and given the size of the stadium, maybe that matters more for WM32.

Edit: I am, of course, assuming that they're not going to have Cena do it - which they of course might, though I think Cena vs. Roman for the belt is a better use of both guys' time, and Cena giving Roman the rub is safer than having Brock use his one-time streak rub on a guy who might not work out, long-term, as THE guy. I also don't see any reality where they ever see Bryan as a big enough star to have anything more than a Summerslam match against The Beast, at best, and honestly, with how Brock wrestles now, I almost don't want to see the match.

I'd love to see Brock/Roman 2 next year. It has potential to be better than the first one since Roman will have had another year to refine his game.
Ive gone back and revisited 16 hours of interviews, and some of the best matches,
Ric Flair vs Arn
Flair vs steamboat 1989
Flair vs. Sting
Vader etc...............................

They are legitimately the best wrestling and probably the pinnacle of what it was intended to be. I mean you have a man who mastered the art in every way, 20 years too early.

I mean I understand that some of you have different opinions, but how can anyone say he was a bad ring worker? We are talking about what experts in the business say is the greatest of all time.

I mean, strobogo is his biggest detractor in this thread, and he's been pretty clear and consistent about his criticisms - he wrestles the same match every time, forced more talented workers to fit into his formula that never really made sense in the first place (since it's filled with such a slapdash mix is strikes, submissions, and comedy spots), was rather sloppy for a supposed ring technician, especially when he went "off-formula" for whatever reason, etc. This is pretty much an echo of what Bret Hart, widely acknowledged as probably one of the Top 10 in-ring performers in North American wrestling, said. You don't have to agree, but it's not really hard to see where they're coming from. Wrestlers respect Flair because he accomplished so much and made so much money with so little, not to mention how awesome of a character he was, but I think the point that's been made is that, going back and watching his matches, he really needed top-level performers to make his work anything other than tediously repetitious.
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