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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


Provide 1 reason why you feel WrassleGAF is on the decline

Provide 1 thing that would make WrassleGAF better that is not a removal of a particular member
I'd just like to see less snark and passive aggressiveness in general. And if people are called out for being generally snarky and passive aggressive, I would like to see those people quit with this weird behavior where they deny it in such a way that their denial serves as further confirmation that they are being snarky and passive aggressive.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hardcore wrestling is the only truly carny wrestling style left. It reminds me of the old days where the roster is a bunch of former bouncers or boxers whose careers went south and they've got nothing to lose. Everyone either looks like or IS a criminal.


I'd just like to see less snark and passive aggressiveness in general. And if people are called out for being generally snarky and passive aggressive, I would like to see those people quit with this weird behavior where they deny it in such a way that their denial serves as further confirmation that they are being snarky and passive aggressive.



I would argue his push was dialed back a lot. He went from this dominating dude to losing to Kane/Big Show on TV and was booked as a complete after thought for the 3 weeks before WM, AT WM, and now after, people are still more interested in what Brock is going to do. For all the talk of "gotta make Roman look strong", he wasn't booked very strong heading into WM and people found a way to complain about that as well.

It's why I believe Vince McMahon made a great choice with Roman. This is the era where fans want to rebel against the system and complain online more than they want a face to cheer. Roman provides the fans with that outlet, but they don't realize it yet.

You don't think there's a reason people want to go against the system though? I think you're on to something as far as what they're trying to do now, because putting Roman against Bryan was a blatantly antagonistic move, but I really don't think that was the plan from the start or that it's the best plan either.

I mean, I'm a sample size of one, but I did legit cancel my Network sub and started watching way less of their product than before for a reason, and going by the lower ratings from over the past couple months leading up to WM, I don't think I'm alone there. Yeah there were a lot of people kidding themselves and the hardest of the hardcore are going to lap it up regardless, but playing that meta game is really playing with fire.

I'd just like to see less snark and passive aggressiveness in general. And if people are called out for being generally snarky and passive aggressive, I would like to see those people quit with this weird behavior where they deny it in such a way that their denial serves as further confirmation that they are being snarky and passive aggressive.

I agree with all of this.


So I'm trying to get back into wrestling a bit. Is it worth watching both smackdown and raw? I got the WWE network and I'm enjoying NXT though, it's fun.

smackdown absolutely not, i'd say raw is worth watching since it's the main show and it's where the main storylines happen, though you can watch a condensed version on hulu if 3 hours is too much


Hardcore wrestling is the only truly carny wrestling style left. It reminds me of the old days where the roster is a bunch of former bouncers or boxers whose careers went south and they've got nothing to lose. Everyone either looks like or IS a criminal.

Nick Gage fitting to put hardcore wrasslin back on the map.


I wonder how pissed The Rocks cousin was when he found out they changed the script to Seth winning.

It's mostly his fault for not getting over or not telling Vince to stick it when it came to those promos and PPV interviews.

Austin was able to get over because he fought tooth and nail to maintain his character with creative.

Punk had to do the same thing. If you don't have a Kevin Nash/Roman Reigns/The Rock look or family connections you aren't going to get the easy push.

Roman probably just went into work and he clocked in and clocked out.


we talking cereal? i'm not much of a cereal guy but waffle crisp is badass



Provide 1 reason why you feel WrassleGAF is on the decline

Provide 1 thing that would make WrassleGAF better that is not a removal of a particular member

I must say I actually enjoy the conversations in here, though sometimes it's hard to tell when people are being serious with what they say. I suppose I haven't been around long enough to say if it is declining but this is one of the few groups on GAF in which I still find it enjoyable to post and discuss.

I guess if I was forced to name one thing, the thread can go through phases that are a bit overly negative with regards to certain angles or shows. But I guess that's more of a problem with internet hyperbole than a problem with this group in particular.


There's too much criticism. Too many people around here shitting on things that are good for the business, like Daniel Bryan and Full Sail crowds being full of people who are actually passionate about wrestling. Or criticizing people who want to see Taker vs Sting.

More fun gifs


I generally like wrasslegaf, its a community, communities have things like people disagreeing and being grumpuses sometimes.

I do hate posting something and then immediately getting a "no that's shit" post after, which happens a lot but I think that's just an internet thing, brehs 8)

It also happens a lot when you're a JoMo mark 8) 8) 8)

things that would make it better are the return of the creepy yellow vince gif and I dunno we should do a mass summerslam review since we didn't do mania this year.


smackdown absolutely not, i'd say raw is worth watching since it's the main show and it's where the main storylines happen, though you can watch a condensed version on hulu if 3 hours is too much

I might do the hulu thing if I miss it. I usually don't have anything going on Mondays so I figure I can just leave it on the TV while I'm doing whatever. I didn't realize it was 3 now. I'm used to it being 2.


No lie the whole month of February was disturbing as hell with the large amount of negativity around these parts. It became ultra unpleasant on the eyes and made me contemplate on taking a break when it comes down to wrestling. The thought still goes through my head from time to time but it goes away once I watch a good match and see a funny gif.

but yeah...it's cool to have some smark tendencies but some folks get caught up to the point they start to believe in their own shit. Wrestling is serious business but it can be fun as well.



What is the most dangerous city in America today?

St. Louis
Suplex City!

MC Safety

Less gifs, less posters pretending to be wrestlers cutting promos on one another, and less of a good old boys' club vibe would go a long way in improving this place.


1. Life Cereal
2. Honey bunches of oats (almonds)
3. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
4. Apple Jacks
5. Rice Crispies with choice of fruit.


love on your sleeve
I think everyone should chill out. Seth-kun as champion will lead us back to the Golden Age of Wrassle-GAF.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I don't think it's even a competition, best cereal of all time are Frosted Mini-Wheats. Especially when you let them get
You know what cereal isn't soft, but is the shit? Captain Crunch the roof cutter, mouth gutter, gum bleeder, tongue teaser. Shoutout to Crunch Berries.



What's wrong with the thread being dark?
friend i have nothing against darkness on internet forums, i even have a friend who uses the neogaf dark theme. I was just pointing out the facts.
I think you're on to something here, friend. Check out the last known contact from Bjorn Rebney, former CEO of Bellator MMA, which grew from humble beginnings on ESPN Deportes:


Follow the money.
oh my god bjorn



It's nice that friend strobogo found his pro wrestling smile again

It's not even found my pro wrestling smile, because besides post WM Raw, I haven't watched WWE TV since November, tried LU/ROH/NJPW on a real TV last month and have no plans to go back to any of them. It's just...there are tons of options. WWE has Cesaro, Bryan, and Rollins as champs and people are still finding ways to complain. LU apparently puts on MOTYC that I'm not into, so I don't watch them and don't care. For some people, ROH is on a roll. There are too many options of what to watch, old and new, to be stuck on "Vince likes X" "Make X look strong" "BERRIED" kind of trash.

WM was a fun ass show and that's all I ask. I don't give a shit where things are heading afterwards, how Seth is going to lose the title, how Roman is going to win the title. I enjoyed a show and that was that.
It's mostly his fault for not getting over or not telling Vince to stick it when it came to those promos and PPV interviews.

Austin was able to get over because he fought tooth and nail to maintain his character with creative.

Punk had to do the same thing. If you don't have a Kevin Nash/Roman Reigns/The Rock look or family connections you aren't going to get the easy push.

Roman probably just went into work and he clocked in and clocked out.

Why is it when Bryan does what he's told without complaining, the fans riot in his favor, but when Reigns does what he's told without complaining, the fans riot against him? Especially when they were fine with him winning 2 Rumbles ago (and in the process not doing what he's told) when everyone knew Batista was winning.


¡HarlequinPanic!;158615089 said:
I generally like wrasslegaf, its a community, communities have things like people disagreeing and being grumpuses sometimes.

I do hate posting something and then immediately getting a "no that's shit" post after, which happens a lot but I think that's just an internet thing, brehs 8)

It also happens a lot when you're a JoMo mark 8) 8) 8)

things that would make it better are the return of the creepy yellow vince gif and I dunno we should do a mass summerslam review since we didn't do mania this year.
You like John Morrison?


I'm down to Raw, WWE PPVs, NXT PPVs and NJPW. And I'm normally only half paying attention to Raw when it's on. I used to watch TNA, Smackdown, Main Event, etc. but I cut all that shit out over the past couple of years. NJPW is the only WWE alternative I need. I've heard good things about Lucha Underground, but I'm trying to watch less, not more.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Watch NOAH's undercard, AJPW's midcard, and NJPW's main event and have a good time.

(this was actually ajpw's main event)


We're here for fun. No one should be legitimately mad about anything.

I'm trying to think if WWE has ever made me legitimately mad and I think no. I know how I feel when I get mad and I've never felt that way watching the product.

It sure has confused me though!


I'm down to Raw, WWE PPVs, NXT PPVs and NJPW. And I'm normally only half paying attention to Raw when it's on. I used to watch TNA, Smackdown, Main Event, etc. but I cut all that shit out over the past couple of years. NJPW is the only WWE alternative I need. I've heard good things about Lucha Underground, but I'm trying to watch less, not more.

The only time I really give WWE my undivided attention is PPVs. RAWs I can watch in 60 minutes.


Why is it when Bryan does what he's told without complaining, the fans riot in his favor, but when Reigns does what he's told without complaining, the fans riot against him? Especially when they were fine with him winning 2 Rumbles ago when everyone knew Batista was winning.

That's a good point but I think people are more likely to defend somebody not getting the full support/push of a company vs somebody who is. Plus I'm sure many of the fans feel that the belt is a reward for somebody being talented vs Vince who sees it as a plot device.

I think one of the reasons I like NXT is that I'm never asking myself Who should win? but rather Who is gonna win? as most of the talent there
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