Not Swiftamaniacs, we're Swiftie's. FYI
It's a gimmick post Plywood, the Tweet is even too long.
Not Swiftamaniacs, we're Swiftie's. FYI
Wonder what kind of songs she'd write about if she was with Brock..
Skylar Grey did good on her performance at WM31. I wouldn't mind if she came back next year.
My favorite Brockism of all time. My all-time favorite. Every time it's time to meet for dinner, movie, whatever, I send a text "Let's do this?!" and they never understand...
Let's do this right now?
Against Taker?
It's a gimmick post Plywood, the Tweet is even too long.
GHC Heavyweight Championship: Takashi Sugiura(c) vs Togi Makabe
I had no idea Sugiura had the second longest GHC Heavyweight reign after Kobashi. I was curious how he did as a draw as I figured it was some short lived reign, but nope, he held the title for 581 days. The current record holder would be Kenta Kobashi at 735 days which is considered one of the best championship reigns in the history of pro wrestling and a big part of what helped get NOAH on the map for a lot of people, myself included. This match is long as fuck. Togi vs Sugiura seems pretty obvious on paper what kind of match it'll be, brawling with some technical wrestling. Probably a lot of punching, headbutts, and suplexs. I'm so glad Sugiura dyed his hair black and got rid of the weird boxer shorts. The blonde hair is such a shitty look. I actually didn't get into Sugiura until recently because I just thought his look was so shitty I wouldn't even give him a chance. It's sad, but I really do value a wrestler to have some kind of distinct look be it cool, weird, flamboyant, whatever.
Prior to this match, Makabe pinned Sugiura in a non-title match, so it definitely plays up Makabe having that on him. I only know a little bit about the events prior to this match, but I picked it up fairly quickly just from watching them in the ring. Makabe does a good job of looking like a threat to Sugiura as he's just as tough as the champion and is still on the hunt for his first world title win at this point. (He doesn't win the IWGP title until a few months later.) The camera frequently cuts to Makabe's chain resting in the corner of the ring. It's amazing how illustrious of a career Makabe was able to make ripping off Bruiser Brody. Maybe Joe Doering got inspired. Makabe starts the match off working Sugiura onto the ground while it constantly teases the chain. It's kind of strange to see a foreign object emphasized so much in a NOAH match. Misawa would have been like, 'What's this gimmicky bullshit?' The two get face to face and, you guess it, they have a forearm exchange. Who would have thunk it? The actual surprise however is how handily Sugiura wins it. Sugiura continues to beat on Makabe in the corner like he owes him money with the ref having to pull Sugiura off of him including the Engrish use of, "Let him go!" And the ref is immediately taken out by Makabe pushing Sugiura into him. Time to brawl on the outside. Does any NOAH title match post-Kobashi NOT have brawling on the outside?
I GO BACK IN TIME 5 YEARS AND I STILL CANT AVOID THIS FUCKER! Do you know what else is required in every GHC title match post-Kobashi reign? Apron spots.Makabe gives Sugiura that move where you drop them on their ankle on your knee or whatever off the apron through the table. It looks awful, so I didn't gif it. Makabe hits him in the ankle with a chair which looks a lot better, so the ankle of Sugiura is now the focus of the match. Prolonged working of the ankle by Makabe. Sugiura finally gets himself up and gets some momentum back. Throws Makabe into the corner and proceeds to charge but doesn't God Mode and realizes his ankles been worked on which sets up Makabe to cut his head off with a lariat.
Disappointed in himself for not being able to do the Yakuza kick in the corner before, Sugiura mans up and does it. Twice followed by a brutal knee. Makabe runs the ropes to hit a lariat and Sugiura counters it by just running into the corner. I think this is the smartest count I've ever seen in the history of professional wrestling. I thought it was a botch at first. Makabe whips Sugiura into the corner but Sugiura can't make it as he falls over clutching his ankle. That might be one of my favorite 'little things' spots in wrestling. When they're took fucked up to even get thrown and be carried by momentum. Makabe performs a very nice looking chopblock. Sugiura tanks a King Kong Lariat, and it looks great. Makabe is unable to get Sugiura up for a powerbomb and you even hear the crowd kind of laughing about it, so Makabe says 'fuck it. Lariat.' Then attempts it again.
This heelish action surprisingly gets a 'Ma-Ka-Be!' chant which is kind of funny.
Go doing the Misawa thing.
Sugiura fights his way out of a Spider German Suplex and repays it with a tree of woe knee. Sugiura goes for his own top rope german but Makabe fights it off. Sugiura attempts a superplex, but Makabe fights that off as well. Makabe attempts a king kong knee drop and ends up with an indy wrestling german
Makabe eats some knees and a dragon suplex but kicks out of both. Makabe regains control, but can't put Sugiura down with a king king lariat or a german suplex so he finally hits him with the spider suplex. Top rope Angle slam. Sugiura wins. Crowd pops huge.
This match is over 30 minutes long. I watched it to see how well Makabe would do in that length of a match, and neither Makabe nor Sugiura ever look anywhere close to winded the entire time. But Makabe should not be doing these long of matches and this match could have been better if it was done in half the time. A ton of it felt like filler and a lengthy match just exposes Makabe's limited moveset. I lost count of the number of lariats in this match from him . I wouldn't mind seeing Sugiura show up at NJPW randomly and challenge Makabe for his NEVER title in a rematch, but it'd definitely need to be around 10-15 minutes instead of 30+.
You can apply the same logic in this thread: the people with a current NXT Superstar as their avatar are genuine non-gimmick posters.I just did a test, bean breath. I looked at the "Angry Joe" thread with a hypothesis: Nintendo fans have cartoon avatars. So I skimmed the thread, parsing out the avatars from the posts. Once I isolated the people with cartoon avatars, I looked at the posts associated with them. Sure enough, 96% of the people with cartoon avatars are backing Nintendo on this debacle.
I should try the same thing in the thread about how the new Gameboy doesn't come with a charger.
Well I guess now we have both people that like and dislike members that post like they're cutting a promo so we'll let a moderator rule on whether or not it's acceptable.Well lemme tell ya something, bean. I been hearing a lotta talk from the boys in the back that maybe it's time to take the gimmicks out behind the shed and put them out of their misery, that people nowadays don't want freaks and weirdos on their computer boxes, that it's all about "reality" and bein' better than all the hardworking moms and pops that maybe want a little more spectacular of a physique than little Danny Bryan with his technical wizardry can provide, smarter than the little kids who are just looking for a hero, not a hard worker or an online darling.
Well, I say that's garbage. The gimmicks are what make WrassleGAF better than that trash like reddit, cuz all the folks here know they're getting more than just recycled commentary, they're getting a STORY, something to get INVESTED in.
We need more gimmicks, I say, not less. This is where the big boys play, and part of being big is being LARGER THAN LIFE, brother. forward of Brad Paisley inviting a rap musician onto his album. You never see hip hoppists doing the opposite and inviting country acts to their shows reminds us all that racism is a two way street right folks
That HolyBaikal tribute thread makes me want to moonsault into lava
Don't Sweat the Technique
Singles Match
Biff Busick vs. Brian Cage
Singles Match
"Speedball" Mike Bailey vs. Trevor Lee
Non-Title Tag Team Match
World's Cutest Tag Team (Candice LeRae & Joey Ryan - Champions) vs. Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)
Singles Match
Tommy End vs. Chris Hero
Singles Match
ACH vs. Tommaso Ciampa
Tag Team Match
LOVE GUN (Chris Sabin & Matt Sydal) vs. Monster Mafia (Josh Alexander & Ethan Page)
Singles Match
Andrew Everett vs. Ricochet
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Match
Roderick Strong (Champion) vs. Zack Sabre, Jr. (Challenger)
card looks stacked! Any impressions from last night?
It was fucking amazing. Tommy End and Chris Hero beat the shit out of each other. I hope Monster Mafia and Beaver Boys keep coming back.
That HolyBaikal tribute thread makes me want to moonsault into lava
Bronson, this totally does not bother me personally and I have no beef with you whatsoever, but some posters here have mentioned before that they don't like when people use this thread to complain about other threads. Just giving you a friendly heads up.That HolyBaikal tribute thread makes me want to moonsault into lava
Awesome. PWG doesn't come out with many shows but they are always on point. I think I will do my best to see if I can make it out to BOLA this year. Have a grand ol time.
Which thread is this?
Gaf meet up at BOLA!
Bloodborne is pissing me,off
Have you paid a visit to your local barbershop this weekend?Bronson, this totally does not bother me personally and I have no beef with you whatsoever, but some posters here have mentioned before that they don't like when people use this thread to complain about other threads. Just giving you a friendly heads up.
Apparently if you leave the game on for 10-15 hours, it makes the bosses easier.Bloodborne is pissing me,off
Which thread is this?
oh god
Bronson, this totally does not bother me personally and I have no beef with you whatsoever, but some posters here have mentioned before that they don't like when people use this thread to complain about other threads. Just giving you a friendly heads up.
Bloodborne is pissing me,off
Bean you're already on my shitlist for your goddamn CJ Parker thread
I'll take your ass to court in a second! missed a CJ Parker thread?! Where?!
Just beat the 2nd boss. Awwww yeah.
Gaf meet up at BOLA!
Do it!heh, I want to make a trip out of it. Spend some time in LA or by the beach or whatever. I need to figure it out.
I guess it's my fault for believing people here who say that NXT is more popular than ever, has huge crossover appeal and is better than WWE. If all that were true, why would a mod lock it and say the release of an NXT Superstar doesn't merit an OT thread?Great thread. Sad I missed it. I was grieving. I would have supported it and lent an air of legitimacy supporting your OP.
Finished it the other day. Where are you stuck at?
I guess it's my fault for believing people here who say that NXT is more popular than ever, has huge crossover appeal and is better than WWE. If all that were true, why would a mod lock it and say the release of an NXT Superstar doesn't merit an OT thread?
That HolyBaikal tribute thread makes me want to moonsault into lava
Just started the game. Keep dieting in this s sewer area.
I miss HolyBaikal.
well she is a woman
Ah, are the rats giving you trouble or is it the henchmen?
Ah, are the rats giving you trouble or is it the henchmen?
What do you do when you fuck up a new relationship after 3 weeks because you said the wrong name in bed but you still wanna keep having sex with her and she hasn't really accepted your apology and moved on yet. Asking for a friend
What do you do when you fuck up a new relationship after 3 weeks because you said the wrong name in bed but you still wanna keep having sex with her and she hasn't really accepted your apology and moved on yet. Asking for a friend
Gaf meet up at BOLA!
Do it!
Any tips for us?
Print one of these
And don't say peoples' names in bed. That's creepy.
What, we were saying f+p shit