Rolling Girl
I don't think NISA has shipped mine yet. ):
When you can, make sure to read the indepth summary for Ciel!!!
And Hello World!
I don't even think they could dub those songs.
This, aren't the songs all in language they made just for the series? I'm not sure what the point would be in dubbing them.
I picked up my copy earlier today from GS. The manager that works there, he knows me so well that when I got to the store he knew exactly what game I was getting without looking up the info. Also he gave me 2 posters he got from the GS manager's conference because I was one of his regulars. Much <3.
Yeah, just found it. Yay!There's a report its up on PSN! GO GO GO
Nah it makes no sense to dub those, but they should have dubbed the synthesis songs, instead of leaving it blank.
Issue with the dub tho is that they also didn't dub little things like the field chats. I bet side story and genometrics stuff didn't get full treatment either.\
Is the game dual audio?
Is the game dual audio?
Yes it is.
I hope you read up on Ciel!
Cool, thanks.
This info should be added to the OP.
EDIT: wait nevermind it is, I'm an idiot
September 22, 2014 , 11:03 pm
Departed USPS Facility
I first tried the paypal option, but apparently I still have to go through the entire buy online PSN code at Amazon -> enter fake US adress -> enter code in PSN spiel. Well, it's better than buying codes from shady resellers on ebay before Amazon sold them.
PSN speed seems better than usual, estimates 50 minutes for 13 GB. Of course, on Steam it would usually download in less than half that, but not bad.
Wow, 13 GB? I'm going to have to clear some space if I want to install.
Install is only 3.4 gigs for physical.
Lol yup, KT dun screwed up on some NPC dialogues, reversing them. This is a bit embarrassing.
Lol yup, KT dun screwed up on some NPC dialogues, reversing them. This is a bit embarrassing.
Lol yup, KT dun screwed up on some NPC dialogues, reversing them. This is a bit embarrassing.
Yeah, I just started and a woman is saying things like "It's like an oasis for an old man like me." ... Oh well.
Edit: Heh, the Synthesis song is hilarious.
It sort of fixes itself later. I guess here and there?
I'm up to where you meet Prim finally.
It's quiet in here though! Either folks don't have copies or they're playing XD
I had to finish Danganronpa 2 firstIt's quiet in here though! Either folks don't have copies or they're playing XD
Should I play the other Ar games first before jumping into this one? I have 1, 2 and 3 all sealed still. If it's important to play the other games, I'll probably cancel my preorder and pick up Ar Nosurge at a later time.
Gamefly is getting the game late (for some reason) so my game will be a bit delayed it seems.![]()
Just read Ciel, you can play the others later fine. You could technically end up playing it in chronological order since Ar nosurge is prequel to the Tonelico games, the meaning of having played AT1 prior would just invoke some deep nostalgia.
But Ciel is absolutely necessary, see the above post for example.
So I'm just getting Ds and Cs for battles. What do I have to do to start getting As?
Also, how do I know which Song Magic to choose?
Dang it, just got a Game Over and my last save is a fair bit back... Are save points the only places you can save? It really feels like you should be able to save on the world and city maps at least, to prevent losing too much progress.
Some initial impressions 3 hours in:
- I like what I've seen of the battle system a lot so far. It seems a bit easy though consideringthat I'm playing on "Veteran".
- The party talks on exploration maps are great. I've always liked this kind of thing.
- Synthesis is hilarious.
-CosmospheresGenometrics are still as out there as they should be.
Inns and save points yup. How far are you now?
I ordered a copy from a local retailer and I just called and they told me they might not even get copies... I'm going to several stores tomorrow to see if I can find a copy, worst case scenario I will just buy it on PSN.
I'm going to finish reading Ciel soon(currently in chapter 10) and I really wanna know more about this story and characters now.
Iirc, you live in Mexico too, right?
I think we might not even get copies of this game
Asked around last week in GP and Gamers (didn't even bothered to go to Gamerush) and they didn't even knew what game I was talking about :/
Worst case scenario for me, I'll look for a way to buy it online. I refuse to buy it digital :lol
Yeah... I know that, the game isn't even in their databases at all.
I'm mostly talking about random guys selling games and not crappy stores like GP and Gamers when I say that I'll look around.
My copy is in my city. Tomorrowwwwwwww I will have the LE!