
Arcadecraft is available right now on Xbox 360, for 240 Microsoft Points. That's the same price as BASICALLY NOTHING.
You know all those conversations you have with your friends about what you’d do if you won the lottery, and you always go “man, I’d totally
build an arcade in town, whatever happened to the arcades like we had when we were kids?”
Well, now you can!
Arcadecraft is kind of like Theme Park, but instead of rides, you fill an arcade with machines, collecting quarters, kicking out unruly
kids, and repairing that machine that always seems to break down and maybe it’d just be a better idea to replace it because it’s been there
since 1982 and it’s 1985 now and there’s that new game that’s just come out that all the kids are talking about and you’re desperate to get
people back into your arcade because profits have been falling for ages and the rent is due but you can’t afford a new cabinet right now but
can you even afford not to buy it and oh God something else has broken down and you end up in a gutter with only a bottle of whisky in
a brown paper bag for company. Or, you know, make a successful arcade instead, probably the better option.

There’s a bunch of stuff to do, and a bunch of other stuff to contend with:
Arcadecraft features near 80 arcade machines in Standup, Cocktail, Cockpit, and Import configurations. Players may change the
difficulty and price parameters per machine to discover the ideal payoff settings. They must also keep on top of a pressure cooker of
full coin boxes, game malfunctions, and jammed coin slots.
Players name their space, paint the walls, change the floors, add graphics, and colourful neon to make the arcade their own! They may
also decorate and serve with vending machines and novelty items such as Christmas Trees and Halloween Pumpkins.
Visitors, from expert game players, salesmen, and game collectors appear in the arcade offering their services while power outages,
home versions of games, industry shifts, and more work to get in the way of financial freedom! Players will also see their Xbox Live
friends enjoying the games in their arcade but will need to keep a close eye on them less they go on a machine smashing rampage.
Also, you can block people in the toilets.

Arcadecraft is developed by Firebase, at least one half of which is a member here on GAF. So if you’ve questions or suggestions, this’d be
the place to post them. If you want to support a friend on GAF, this is the game to buy!
And if you want the game on Steam, don’t just post here, vote for it on Greenlight!
... but for now buy it on Xbox 360 instead.