LOL"She's basically Groot"
LOL"She's basically Groot"
I'm guessing next episode will be the others trying to get Archer & Lana back together.
A lot of Frisky Dingo references lately. Wendell Stamps quoted and referenced by name, also was that Mr. Ford at the elevators?
The episode of Archer is probably going in my slideshow.
I feel like I'm missing out on a lot for this series for having not seen Frisky Dingo. Guess I have to change that
You're not missing much other than cameos/references to old jokes. That said, if you enjoy Archer, Frisky Dingo is very easy to recommend. Same comedy beats but with extremely tight continuity, zero grounding in reality, and character mortality that would give Game of Thrones pause.
Today I found out Babou is a reference to Salvador Dali's pet ocelot.
When they went to the space station 3 seasons ago, I was really expecting the X-ticles to be there.
I almost wish she had just said 'that's going in the slideshow' instead of mentioning Wendel by name.
Also, If I remember my Frisky Dingo...Wendel was the one person who didn't know what the slideshow reference was. Everyone else kept mentioning it and Wendel asked 'What's this slideshow everyone's talking about?"
"what is wrong with you people"
"rays missing a hand"
God that slayed me
"How do you not murder her every day?"
"I do!"
MaybeI miss WoodhouseI wonder what happened to him.
Also Archer still having the Dicky and Seamus tattoos is the cutest thing ever and I love it every time when they show his back.
Man, I wonder if something is up with Jessica Walters. Mallory has hardly been around and when she talks I swear something feels off with her voice.
That Krieger joke about murder is one of the darkest and funniest jokes this show has had.
Oh man do I miss that show. Maybe after Archer Reed & Thompson can revisit the Xtacles...
I remember hearing before the season that they had an episode partly written about Archer being forced to take AJ and Shamus (who is a toddler now) out on a mission with him. I REALLY hope we still get that. The finale is usually a 2-parter so not much time left : (
I miss WoodhouseI wonder what happened to him.
Also Archer still having the Dicky and Seamus tattoos is the cutest thing ever and I love it every time when they show his back.
Woodhouse is found dead and they go inside him to save his life. Calling it now.
I'm assuming she is sick at this point and it has affected her voice.
For some strange reason, Archer sounded a lot more like Bob than he normally does. its never been an issue for me even though Ive watched both shows from the beginning, Ive never really had the voice mix up in my head.
i think the less abrasive archer becomes, the more hes gonna sound like the softer bob.
Thats probably it yeah. I hope I can push that out of my head, haha.
She sounded very sick. I hope Jessica Walters is okay and this is just a temporary thing. If they aren't going to use her character effectively though I could see them killing her off or just removing her from the regular rotation, which would suck because she's a Top 3 character at her best.
I just caught up on the season. Overall I've had mixed feelings on the entirety. But the stand out moment for me is easily when RayWhy is Ray the best character?Kills the plant and just laughs saying "I've got to hand it to you" while revealing his bleeding stump. I'm losing my shit just thinking about it.