anyone here have much experience using the editor?
Depends what you need to do?
anyone here have much experience using the editor?
Depends what you need to do?
Played some co-op tonight; overall, good old Arma fun.
AI needs some tweaking. I was killed by an auto rifleman probably about 500m away, but I handily dispatched a compound full of 5-6 people, most of them getting the drop on me and firing first from 10-15m.
And they just need to get rid of that stupid run-tired-blur altogether. Shit is stupid.
how do you make an ai vehicle actually stay on the fucking road when assigning waypoints? i've got a trigger setup that sends vehicle reinforcements once a certain objective is achieved but whenever I test out the mission the stupid ai just drives like an idiot and takes forever to get to the waypoint.
If anyone wants to do any cool helicopter missions or anything really in coop, please add "demolitio2" on Steam. I've been wanting to do a good helo mission for a while.
The beta is so much better although I suppose online will still be riddled with problems such as a lot of hacking?
I assume you'll probably get more out of these games when ACE 3 drops for ArmA III. Not sure if you've played ArmA with ACE (I'd say it's mandatory) but it makes the games far more realistic.
Does anyone know how to eject from helicopters? I have a parachute but the eject option never appears and pressing 'V' twice does nothing.
Did they add more towns to the Island?
This is why I love the ArmA community. They always release some crazy sound mods or just sounds in general along with their mods. Guy behind the GLT F16 porting it to ArmA 3, listen to that noise - Not even hardcore flight simulators get that intense or accurate.
This is why I love the ArmA community. They always release some crazy sound mods or just sounds in general along with their mods. Guy behind the GLT F16 porting it to ArmA 3, listen to that noise - Not even hardcore flight simulators get that intense or accurate.
This is why I love the ArmA community. They always release some crazy sound mods or just sounds in general along with their mods. Guy behind the GLT F16 porting it to ArmA 3, listen to that noise - Not even hardcore flight simulators get that intense or accurate.
I will say that the gunplay/shooting model in this game is 1000000000000000000000000000000000x better than Arma 2. I could already tell from the Alpha, but the 3D scopes seal it. Getting a headshot on a guy hiding behind cover 450m away after checking range and adjusting feels so good..
I will say that the gunplay/shooting model in this game is 1000000000000000000000000000000000x better than Arma 2. I could already tell from the Alpha, but the 3D scopes seal it. Getting a headshot on a guy hiding behind cover 450m away after checking range and adjusting feels so good.
That is fucking glorious.
My only "problem" so far is looking down an incline with a 3D scope and having the sky be reflected in the glass. Normally your head/helmet would be casting a shadow on it but now since none of that is taken into account with the spiffy 3D-ness it's super hard to get an ID on anything.
I'm completely new to Arma3. I have been playing BF3 and coming to this game, man it's heavy in content. One thing I'm trying to adjust to are the controls, any advice?
I just don't see how I use page up and down effectively for range adjustments.Watch all of the community guides here:
Also, play all the in-game tutorials and use "H" when prompted to get a quick look at controls. There's no "easy" way to learn it, you just have to play and get used to the keys you use.
I will say that you should make sure all mouse smoothing and acceleration is disabled in the options.
I just don't see how I use page up and down effectively for range adjustments.
Are FXAA and SMAA mislabeled for anyone else?
It seems like SMAA is blurring everything and FXAA has a sharpening effect.
Are FXAA and SMAA mislabeled for anyone else?
It seems like SMAA is blurring everything and FXAA has a sharpening effect.
I think the only issue I have so far is how pronounced the recoil is on most of the guns.
It seems really high compared to ARMA2.
So how is this game? I have Arma 2 but didn't play it much. I did play a few night missions and it seemed pretty awesome. I like Battlefield 3 and get that this is more of a military sim and I'm fine with that. Could someone convince me to buy it? Seems like it would be really fun but I'm just not sure.
So how is this game? I have Arma 2 but didn't play it much. I did play a few night missions and it seemed pretty awesome. I like Battlefield 3 and get that this is more of a military sim and I'm fine with that. Could someone convince me to buy it? Seems like it would be really fun but I'm just not sure.
I think they discontinue to "lite" program they had with the Alpha, where you could try SP for free.
However, I would say watch some youtube videos from these guys:
And see what you think. The main draws of Arma 3 are its community and modding capability.
With the popularity of DayZ and polish of Arma 3, I'm hoping we can get a solid Arma-GAF group going.
I fell off of DayZ GAF pretty early, what do they like in vanilla? Wasteland, AAS, Domination..?
Does anyone have any recommendations for smaller (~10 players) coop missions or mission packs? Sethos?
Can someone explain acre?
Atlis looks ridiculously huge.
Just for perspective, Stratis is 20 sqkm and Atlis is 270 sqkm.
Chernarus vs Atlis:
Looking at the roads it's pretty safe to assume that there's quite a few towns and villages.BUT the real question is, how populated is Altis? As in towns, cities, locations etc...
Chernarus looks a lot smaller, but has quite a lot of towns and cities, which is awesome about it.
Why can you zoom in this game? without a scope/binoculars that is, seems like a weird feature to have in a milsim.