The game heavily depends on your CPU. Also, the game tends to defer some settings to the CPU when you set them to low.
I get 55 fps in editor with lots of AI and combat going on. Why can't I achieve the same in mp?
The game heavily depends on your CPU. Also, the game tends to defer some settings to the CPU when you set them to low.
I get 55 fps in editor with lots of AI and combat going on. Why can't I achieve the same in mp?
I get 55 fps in editor with lots of AI and combat going on. Why can't I achieve the same in mp?
Next fucking gen, right here!
So, any special command lines you guys are using?
So, any special command lines you guys are using?
So, any special command lines you guys are using?
Here's what I'm using so far:
-cpuCount=4 -exthreads=7 (this is for an i7 with HT)
In order to make sure the engine is using all cores and threads. Could help if the game is not detecting your hardware correctly. Adjust after your own hardware.
-nosplash -skipIntro
Skip intro.
Skips loading the island on startup = faster boot.
To make sure the engine is using all the VRAM. Solves an issue with Windows as well. 2047 is the max value iirc, adjust after your own hardware.
Skips the benchmark that occurs on startup. At the moment, the benchmark can cause the drivers to reboot if there's other applications running with sound etc.
Advanced memory allocating. In this case, it's forced using Windows allocator. More info here.
Thanks, I'll be using these! One question though, I have an AMD Phenom II 965 processor; so what should I put for -exthreads?
Nope, outside of the nosplash ( nobench / world=empty ), most of those are just redundant settings that provide no benefits.
I have an AMD Phenom II 965 processor; so what should I put for -exthreads?
Video Settings Guide. Haven't watched it myself, but may be useful for people here.
Dunno if you guys have tried it, but it definitely gave me performance boost when I went in to the ArmA 3 launch properties and added noSplash -cpuCount=4 -high. I'm on an i5 3570K, if you're on an i7 you can change it to 8 and it supposedly makes use of HT.
I also added -maxMem=6144 to make it use more than 4GB of ram (I have 8GB total).
Game doesn't support HT very well / at all. In ArmA 2, HT made the game stutter on early i7s before they patched it. Also Maxmem has a hardcoded maximum of 2047, it'll just revert to that plus the .exe isn't LAA or 64Bit afaik so it won't go beyond 4GB in the first place.
I figured I'd ask here. What's a about PP AA filter, SMAA or FXAA? SMAA makes everything look smoother, but as a result it looks blurrier. FXAA makes everything look sharper, but it looks slightly more jaggier, but it could be due to the removal of the blur. Which seems like a more viable selection for the game?
I figured I'd ask here. What's a about PP AA filter, SMAA or FXAA? SMAA makes everything look smoother, but as a result it looks blurrier. FXAA makes everything look sharper, but it looks slightly more jaggier, but it could be due to the removal of the blur. Which seems like a more viable selection for the game?
FXAA for this game by far. SMAA looks better in some games, but in Arma FXAA is the way to go.
ACRE will be ported ASAP to the A3 Alpha. As soon as lazy evaluation is added to the Alpha and CBA is fully ported (which will be quickly after lazy eval) I will start work on porting ACRE to A3. I do not expect it to be that much of a challenge, though there might be some limitations to what is ported at this time (specifically backpack radios, though the 148 can serve just as well as any MANPACK, and Stratis doesn't really need more than a 148 at this time).
Furthermore, ACRE2 has been in development for some time now, and its work continues for both A2 and A3.
So, any special command lines you guys are using?
Here's what I'm using so far:
-cpuCount=4 -exthreads=7 (this is for an i7 with HT)
In order to make sure the engine is using all cores and threads. Could help if the game is not detecting your hardware correctly. Adjust after your own hardware.
-nosplash -skipIntro
Skip intro.
Skips loading the island on startup = faster boot.
To make sure the engine is using all the VRAM. Solves an issue with Windows as well. 2047 is the max value iirc, adjust after your own hardware.
Skips the benchmark that occurs on startup. At the moment, the benchmark can cause the drivers to reboot if there's other applications running with sound etc.
Advanced memory allocating. In this case, it's forced using Windows allocator. More info here.
Pardon my ignorance, but where do you find these? Do you add them in the Arma3Alpha.cfg in the Documents folder?
I really need a fix to skip the startup splash screens.
I want to overclock my AMD Phenom II X4 965 a bit. What's the best settings/way to do this?
for the most part its as simple as changing 1 number in the bios. providing you have a good MB
long as you have a aftermarket CPU cooler that is
Gigabyte GA-770T-USB3 is my motherboard and I'm not sure I have an aftermarket cpu cooler.
if you're not sure, you prolly dont
Yeah that's why I edited my post after like 5 minutes saying I don't want to anymore haha
Trying to use a mixture of Very High and Ultra settings @ 1080p (View Distance is at 3k) and getting bad performance in the first infantry showcase area. FPS is locked at 60 for the first minute or so, but once I get to a wide open area my GPU usage dips and CPU usage is around 30% on 3 cores with one core at 100%. When this is going on I am in the mid 40's for framerate. I have only done the cpu count=4 launch option.
i7 [email protected] GTX 680@1210 16GB RAM.
Is this the kind of performance I should expect, or is there something I can do?
Not much you can do, view distance kills even top-end computers because it's reliant on the CPU and right now they really aren't taking advantage of multi-core CPUs.
Okay, to revive this thread with some solid information I might have found a performance fix for some.
On my 3930k, my performance in the main village went from 30-40FPS to locked 60 and a slight dip when looking at the airfield. It also removed my stuttering when doing quick turns. It didn't work on my friend's i5 2500k.
So I'd like some feedback on the fix, which CPU, is HT enabled and did it help the FPS at all.
Disable CPU Parking:
Restart PC.
Try the game.
Disabling core parking is overclocking 101, everyone should do this in their uefi/bios before they even install Windows.
Disabling core parking is overclocking 101, everyone should do this in their uefi/bios before they even install Windows, and it's usually disabled by default.
Yeah I know Sethos, happy it helped you out though.
Never in my life heard core parking part of overclocking.
Speedstepping and all that stuff, yes, core parking no. It's not even in my BIOS.