Any news on that second xbox group? This may or may not influence my purchase of this game![]()
Ok, I see 2 mobius teams
Mobius Company (lvl 2)
Mobius (lvl 52)
which is it?
yo ho
Finally got this game shipped. For PS3.
Its called Mobius, but not sure if the leader is going to rename it to be something GAF related, or just add GAF to the name in some form. The level 52 group.
Are name changes possible? If so I will do it in about 45mins when I get on.
i believe the patch is already in place for the US gamers, since it was released way before the US version of the game's release.
One way to know is check your shotguns, none of them has a reload time of less than 100. Before patch there were a few with 60-70 reload times.
Whoa wait...shotguns were even more powerful before? Insane.
Dreadnoughts has 1 free slot for any PS3-gaffer that wants in. I have it set to manual approval for now, so if you apply just let me know here so I know it's a gaffer and can approve you.
Oh, and some schmucks were attacking our territory in Huge Canyon. I went in there by myself and beat both of them solo. Was pretty funny.
The last guy was giving me a little bit of trouble as he had some heavier weapons, but I got a really nice kick boost in the end and went way over top of his head. He couldn't see me and I just pummeled him from above while he sat there pretty much stationary looking for me.
Must've been either a brand new or really small team, as their team level was only 79 while ours is 217.
Thanks. Joined the group and immediately got like 4 cheevos lol. I spent about 10 minutes doing an order and the first mission, forgot how much fun this game make me want a PC port. Anyway, any suggestions on a first build so I'm not too useless in a fight? Need to grind for some cash tonight.This. (Edit: answered above by Teknoman)
Finally ditched all my junk parts! =D So much to learn about this game but I'm absolutely loving it and can't wait to play more when Im not!
I also found a sort of overview on the operator role, which hopefully will help me some when I decide to do it for the first time.
You make this game sound so damn cool. I am THIS close to taking the plunge. I haven't purchased an Armored Core game since the PlayStation original.
Got this for PS3.
My PSN is Q_Car
Couldn't get into Dreadnoughts, so started a team called Angry Boys.
I should take pictures of the Cap'n America mech I made, it turned out to be surprisingly decent for a first attempt.
It's not that, it wasn't even coming up on the search.I've set Dreadnoughts to require manual approval, so if someone applies to it I'll have to manually accept them. This way I can be sure it's actually a gaffer that I let in.
Coolio. I'll be watching the PS3 group to see who doesn't sign on during a regular basis. If we have some people that only sign on once a week or not at all, then I'll boot them from the team to make room for other gaffers.
We had 10 people online tonight and did some more conquest missions. We took territory in all but 2 places, which we couldn't get a battle in for the life of us. If we get territory in them we'll have territory captured in every area and will get the Overlord trophy :|
Otherwise, did a bunch of mock battles. It looks like some of the guys have made AC's that are strong against my light weight, so I was eating dirt quite a bit tonight. Also, energy shotguns are bullshitDoes so much god damn damage lol.
Good times overall, though.
Is GAF 360 still full?
Is GAF 360 still full?
You make this game sound so damn cool. I am THIS close to taking the plunge. I haven't purchased an Armored Core game since the PlayStation original.
Is GAF 360 still full?
It's not that, it wasn't even coming up on the search.
The first team has 1 more spot left since 10 left.
Someone left? Who was 10?
That was me. Finally picked it up today. It looks like I'm 07. PSN is Airborne-506We're back to being full on the PS3 side. Looks like another gaffer joined.
There's a couple people that haven't signed on in a few days that are going to get the boot on Friday though if they don't show any signs of life.
We're back to being full on the PS3 side. Looks like another gaffer joined.
There's a couple people that haven't signed on in a few days that are going to get the boot on Friday though if they don't show any signs of life.
Hey, I'm getting this tommorow and I was just wondering if there were any PS3 teams on GAF that are kind of casual.
I don't have alot of time to play. =/
Man... Did we ever get wrecked in that 3 on 1 just now.
3 on 1?
We tried running a defense mission with a few people. The guy we ended up against played smart was packing some heavy hitting TE weapons, which I don't think any of us were built for. I was staggered most of the time fighting with him. I tried to flank him as I figured he'd focus on my team mates he was currently engaged with but he ended up singling me out and we ended up fighter over a river which was basically instant death as I had accidentally drawn him further away from the rest of the team.
One guy had his controller die on him and then the last man standing couldn't land a hit. He wasn't particularly fast but he must have been using chaff or something, he was basically untouchable. In retrospect we really should have played more defensively. I think we got kind of cocksure and just ran out on a hunt and paid for it when he started really using the terrain to his advantage.
Are scrap parts obtained from Story missions even worth it? The ones I got are pretty damn awful and I don't wanna waste my time on getting them if they're not even viable.
Find the Mifengs.Are scrap parts obtained from Story missions even worth it? The ones I got are pretty damn awful and I don't wanna waste my time on getting them if they're not even viable.
Youd be wrong in thinking ACV is hard. Its not. Its just terribly imbalanced and unfair.
These critics saying Sine Mora is lacking because it is too difficult need to reconsider their career.