But that's not true at all? I get all the arms I can every time with regular controls.
That's not what I said.
Motion Controls are better. You can get more in a single run with motion controls than without.
But that's not true at all? I get all the arms I can every time with regular controls.
So i got the game downloaded, does the game need motion controls i see alot of people complaining about the regular controls. Does it put me at t disadvantage playing with pro or handheld joy cons.
I'm getting a Switch soon and am wondering something. If I'm playing this game and use the detached joycons for motion controls in undocked mode, what does the screen rest on? Do I have to find something to prop it up with?
I'm getting a Switch soon and am wondering something. If I'm playing this game and use the detached joycons for motion controls in undocked mode, what does the screen rest on? Do I have to find something to prop it up with?
I doubt it. The AI is probably the way it is because the game is so light on actual content.
That's not what I said.
Motion Controls are better. You can get more in a single run with motion controls than without.
Just woke up after playing ARMS for a full day and I have pain in my arms irl.
I think this game is good for me.
tried the game with motion controls. The blocking was just too imprecise to me and seemed to work only half the time.
Tried normal controls and the game improved 1000 percent. In more traditional controls, the game does exactly what I want it to do with great timing and precision. With motion controls, I felt like it could go 50/50 whether i'm at fault in a match, or the hardware.
tried the game with motion controls. The blocking was just too imprecise to me and seemed to work only half the time.
Tried normal controls and the game improved 1000 percent. In more traditional controls, the game does exactly what I want it to do with great timing and precision. With motion controls, I felt like it could go 50/50 whether i'm at fault in a match, or the hardware.
So I try my first ranked match, with someone who's rank 4, and of course just as I'm about to win, he quits and I get nothing.
I cannot believe we are still getting fighting games with no penalty for rage quits. Street Fighter V's ranked mode was plagued with this shit for a long time and people complained about it non-stop until Capcom eventually fixed it.
Why on earth do devs still release games like this? It's only one match, but it really makes me not even feel like playing Ranked right now.
great, now ARMS will have the same discussions like splatoon?
just play with whatever controller settings you like the most people!
some will be better with and some will be better without motion controls
it ain't quite the same. Splatoon used motion to supplement the controls, with ARMS its either or not both which is kind of a shame. Standard controls have an advantage with movement and blocking but motion has the advantage with punches and curving them mid trajectory.
What are the chances of Skatepark getting banned at tournaments?
great, now ARMS will have the same discussions like splatoon?
just play with whatever controller settings you like the most people!
some will be better with and some will be better without motion controls
Someone please tell me how the fuck to beat Ninjara as Mechanica. My grab just goea through him and he dodges my ult multiple times in one session.
It's my impression that it's impossible to turn motion controls off except by using that stupid grip. I'm actually livid over this after trying to play with my friend, I've only got 1 pro controller. I might never actually play this game now.
So what's the problem with just using the Grip?
Played a bit, did Grand Prix on level 4 with Twintelle. It was more challenging than I expected, but I pulled through.
I played some ranked matches, I love that you can queue while playing GP or Versus. I played 3 ranked matches and won 2, next win will definitely get me out of snail rank.
Overall I love the game so far, as I expected I would during the test punch. However it does kind of lack in single player content. I think the game is generally worth it if you want to play online, or have friends to play with locally, be it the same Switch or not.
I am a bit perplexed as well and can't said I've ever had my ass truly handed to me during a game's training mode before. There's more to this than I expected and that's an exciting thought but I also feel like I can't really begin playing the game until I understand what the goal is here and can beat Twintelle in this context consistently, which I'm not even close to being able to do. Surprised to only see one other posting about this.can someone tell me what the anti counter mission is supposed to teach me?
cuz it taught me that you're vulnerable when bouncing on the trampolines and it taught me how to timer scam
Someone help me understand what it was getting at.
I hate it.
There's a kickstand at the back of your switch.
Oh damn I wasn't expecting there to be room for that in the console. Thanks for the replies.It has a kickstand.
So make your friend use it and you use your pro controller?
So for those that have played online are there any characters that seem particularly weaker than others? I was thinking MM and Mechanica would be worse due to hitboxes.
I guess I should qualify that I'm talking about every character with their default ARMS. I don't want to grind more than necessary so I want to beat Grand Prix with every character on rank 7 before I start to grind for coins.
Playing as Spring-Man against Byte and Barq in round 8... I'm calling BS that you can win that fight the same way you would against another human. That shit is impossible. Died probably 50 times on this fight alone.
Can Mummy not dash to the side to get out of the way in time? Or jump?
Okay, I'm going to very candidly state the following: My brain does not want to understand this game. It does not want to curve punches using the same means as moving my character's body. I've never come across a game that actively forced me to 'rub my head and pat my tummy', and I'm not used to being so stymied by any sort of hand-eye coordination exercise.
At any rate, I'm going to keep trying in the days ahead. Just whining a bit, finding myself in very unfamiliar territory gaming-wise.
So make your friend use it and you use your pro controller?
I suguest the slapamanders as they are longer and I notice they tend to curve more like a bit of homing compared to the other I played with so far. Are you using controller or motion?
Dashing out of throws is not the ideal way to avoid them. They have a deceptive hit box. It's best to punch them if they're anywhere near you.
Someone please tell me how the fuck to beat Ninjara as Mechanica. My grab just goea through him and he dodges my ult multiple times in one session.
I can beat level 1, 2, and 3 without issues.
The jump to 4 is insane.
I don't get the "strat" to beat it I guess. I can stand around doing literally nothing myself but dodging and the AI will stand there not caring. Eventually it will throw something out to bait me into a situation where if I try to punish then I eat shit.
I'm calm gang---just done with this game and gave it permanently to my daughter. I'll mess with it with her in co op for casual shenanigans, but yeah this is just lame game design.
I'm rank 7 as B&B so I don't think they are weak at all. The mobility comes from using barq correctly which most other B&B players don't seem to do. The only time I have a problem with mobility are on stages with large elevation changes because it makes it pretty difficult to properly jump on barq. The only time I really lose is on stages where I can't properly use him.I think Byte & Barq are weak. They just lack mobility.
I've been limiting myself to the standard, more straight-line punching arms to get a hang for the overall mechanics. During the Testpunch, I typically would use slapamanders and the like, but always suspected I leaned on them more than I should and wanted to master the mechanics.
As for controller method, I'm using motion. Long term, I suspect traditional controls will put their users at a disadvantage, so I don't want to become reliant on them.
For me there perfect and I'm equipping both slapamanders as I know I can't keep up wits straught lines, I'm making it up with the dodging lol but I'm also using the traditional controls as I'm not about that motion controller life.
Very childish response. I'll admit I've been on a bit of a rollercoaster with this game today but I'm certain it will take a few sessions before I'm willing to call it "lame game design". It's a pretty novel execution of a well worn concept, and DAY ONE won't be enough of a window to fairly evaluate it.
I will say that slo-mo replay mode is absolutely stunning if you're into character and effects animation.
As a B&B player, I hate any stage with elevation changes because it makes jumping on Barq pretty difficult because of the way he moves. It's especially annoying on the stairs stage and the bowl one. The other stages with elevation changes are manageable but those two cause me the most problems. Being able to properly bounce on Barq is such a huge factor in how well you can do that when you can't it becomes a struggle to win.
There wasn't any room. That's why it's tiny, off-centre, and only really works in a completely flat surface. But yeah, it's there...Oh damn I wasn't expecting there to be room for that in the console. Thanks for the replies.
Right, but the poster claimed he could not do that because the grabs were coming from the air.
I'm rank 7 as B&B so I don't think they are weak at all. The mobility comes from using barq correctly which most other B&B players don't seem to do. The only time I have a problem with mobility are on stages with large elevation changes because it makes it pretty difficult to properly jump on barq. The only time I really lose is on stages where I can't properly use him.
Got I think 22, 22, and 24 arms each with 3 long timers. I could of gotten 25 on the last one but whatever.
I can't believe the top dev score is 30,780 for that mode. My high score is 9510 or something. I mean, I know I'm not getting the full combo potential, but 30k is kind of nuts.