dragon is SO WRONG for snake park ahahahahah
Oh god please don't take any lessons from snake park, this is like a minigame XDDon't worry - that's how most of my matches look.
I can tell that I need to practice jump - dash to the side - throw/punch. You seem to be doing that a lot and I think I rely on ground dashes too much.
After a throw I have plenty of time to dash toward the opponent and setup for wakeup pressure.
Also, if a Chilla hits, that guarantees nothing. You don't get a free throw or attack. That Megaton you're tacking on can be blocked with ease, just like everything that follows.
Neither one- it's just a timer. The dragons extend a certain amount, have a delay, then fire.Wow, doesn't get much closer than that.
What determines when the dragon's shoot. Is that player controlled, or just when it has a clear shot?
Am I crazy or does the game really not have a proper training mode?
If you mean like a training dummy, you can set it up in versus infinite health/timer/stationary enemyAm I crazy or does the game really not have a proper training mode?
Best I have to test right now are a second cracker, the parasol, and sparky. But don't take my ramblings too seriously; I'm just ok.What do you use as your right arm?
Yeah I totally agree with all that. I need to play more fundamentally, but I have scrubby tendencies. Like with Twintelle I feel I have the advantage in the air- unless my foe has a super. And if I'm not mixing it up hopping off Barq, Byte feels like a big metal target.I know they have reason to be in the air, it's just that they don't always have to be. The fact that they have the option to do air shenanigans whenever they need to is what makes them formidable imo
Am I crazy or does the game really not have a proper training mode?
Neither one- it's just a timer. The dragons extend a certain amount, have a delay, then fire.
This is a tough matchup I think! But I got her.
Edit: Hope that switch for round 3 made sense. I just wasn't punishing her enough with the slow Megawatt to make it worthwhile. Going for speed was the right call even if I was able to pull it off the other way over time.
Yeah, like any other fighting game.As in, fighting a dummy that doesn't move?
Yeah, like any other fighting game.
If not then I really hope they add it with a record/playback option in a later update because it'd be REALLY convenient to test stuff without a 2nd player.
Yeah - I will definitely try double ramram for speed - plus I may actually be able to hit her with it as she dodges. Thanks!
Wow Gore. WOW.
There is some documentation in-game but it's pretty shoddyDo Switch games have digital manuals? If so, does ARMS' document the mechanics (+ character abilities)? There's still a lot of things I'm not sure of.
Anyone know if the Charged Dragon beam counts as Medium or what?
There is some documentation in-game but it's pretty shoddy
Start here if you like
Also Character abilities and throw damage
Is anyone capable of recording matches against me as evidence?
Go to twitch.tv/leveluplive and go to archived streams and at the very end if you missed out on my fights with Valle. It's a good look on me playing from an opponent's perspective. I'm trying to compile as much proof as I can since I was given the advice to make a Reddit post about Helix's goodness that everyone is sleeping on
Can you dominate with any other character like you do with helix? And what are you trying to prove? And to who?
I feel like either BYO Switch or default ARMS only may be how things go for the game competitively. I'd imagine that most majors would just buy docks & LAN set-ups if the former scenario happens.Any talk as to how TO's plan to run ARMS tournaments?
BYO Switch? No arms customisation? Must use default character Arms?
Er you lostI haven't tried others but I would presume now. I'm trying to show everyone that Helix might be broken or is at least good.
Meanwhile Gwynn you can't just out Gore Gore
Er you lost
This is the best post I've seen in years, loving it so much. I might copy that stunt with my friendly rivalries, I hope so at least.So I did it.
I said when I defeat Gore, I will take a Screenshot and frame it.
When ever I will feel sad, I just look at this picture and be happy again.
When ever there is a task that seems impossible to do, I look at that picture and know nothing is impossible.
Do I hate helix with double poppers?? Yes I do.
Am I to proud defeating Gore with double poppers only once? Maybe
So who ever is facing Gore, just remember: It is not impossible to defeat him!!!!
Here is also a link to the original screenshot:
Damn blackout. Sorry to leave early guys. GGs all I fought! You're all pretty good.
Jesus dude, hate to say it but you might actually be better than me, Min Min's are the only things I struggle with (in ranked) because of the damn dragon arm. One day I'll just need to have a locked 1v1 room and practice until I got you down
You did beat me man lol. On small stages you corner me too easily because you move so fast.
But not often enough! Also any advice? I left some questions above
Like I said above, I think you're doing pretty well. Charged ramram simply beats any poppers so your attacks aren't as effective. Maybe a change of arms against me would do the trick.
I tried that with the Fire glove and it cancels the ram ram out but it was still a loss in the end
I felt you're not used to the fire gloves as compared to the poppers that's why I did beat it. Your movement with the gloves is much slower as compared to the poppers where you just move aggressively and attack.
Ah dkl how did that combo work?
Lol first time playing not ribbon since beta chill, if you can't tell I'm trying a lot of stuff I've unlocked.GGs man. Like I said you can't out Gore Gore. Only took one match to learn your style
Lol first time playing not ribbon since beta chill, if you can't tell I'm trying a lot of stuff I've unlocked.
Getting Arms is such a shitty idea, gonna take forever to unlock em all.
man, the way to gains news arms is really shitty, you really need to wait at least to have 100 $! With the 30 $ one, i only got two of them, while i got 10 with the 100 $ one!
any characters better than other to play this?
Also is it me or kid cobra has way biggers arms than other characters? The normal gloves seems huge with him