Babymario, use your ground time stop more often, trust me.
Its kinda hard when i play you.. >.>
Babymario, use your ground time stop more often, trust me.
Yeah your Helix is great Gore. So great that it clearly divides ARMS into the game I want to play and is fun and the Gore version which I don't want to play and isn't fun lol.
I guess that one time is the only time imma get the best of you lol
Sure... but I think the game is also pretty unbalanced like Gore highlights. It's not as if Gore is a genius and the only good fighting game player or person who can understand mechanics.
He's good and a Helix genius, but Helix is also on the busted side.
In terms of the game makers being able to balance this game, look at how easy it is to cheese Skate Park or Skillshot and tell me again that they've balanced it.
Games gonna get some patches for sure.
I beat Gore's Helix pretty consistently, and I'm just a Min Min player.He's just pretty much ahead on the learning curve. People can certainly catch up.
Can't think of anything less fun than the non-stop alternating ninjara and ribbon girls I see in ranked.
Just the fact that people have to devise a strategy JUST for your character and set of ARMS shows how wildly unbalanced it is.
Can fight literally anybody else and while I can still be viciously beaten, its clear that I can improve and do things better.
Fighting that Helix, its literally like playing a different game and I have to learn how to play that instead of ARMS.
This is true.
I went to ranked mode and played Helix. Helix is good, but having no recovery time between charged shots makes things so easy to hit people either close up or from far range.
Yes, Min Min has a permanent charge on one hand but that means you only have to avoid one weapon. It takes a few seconds to charge it up in the first place and gets removed from being knocked down.
Yes, Spring Man has a permanent charge on both hands but he has to be at 25% health and most people can't keep their cool when they are almost going to lose if they have that much health left.
Helix's charge up time is instant as soon as you hold the jump button, there are no other conditions and he can spam charged shots while dodging attacks at the same time.
I like using Helix but I'd rather have him get balanced first because it doesn't feel so skillful being able to win when you can spam charged shots so easily while no other character can.
My issue is that the balance is so poor that 90% of ranked matches are now the same fight. It's the same two characters with the same combination of five or six arms over and over. Contemplating putting the game down a bit and hoping that this month or next month's patch has some balance fixes. I love the core game though.
Like I said, what you mentioned is true but he can be grab, hit once while in tower mode by a variety of arms that can't be dodged like the curving ones, the heat seeking ones, megatons, perhaps some others I'm forgetting. He's also really vulnerable in the air which is the only way to exit tower mode
Do you think that Helix is balanced?
Indeed, I believe so. In fact I'm collaborating with Dan for a "How to beat Gore/Helix" tip and guide post.
My issue is that the balance is so poor that 90% of ranked matches are now the same fight. It's the same two characters with the same combination of five or six arms over and over. Contemplating putting the game down a bit and hoping that this month or next month's patch has some balance fixes. I love the core game though.
Lol, how can you say that and say he is balanced.
I don't need specific strategies for any other character and arms combinations.
Lol, how can you say that and say he is balanced.
I don't need specific strategies for any other character and arms combinations.
Its the very definition of broken, needing a special strategy for just one character.
Just because it's a unique and different strategy doesn't mean they're broken though. The strategy against a Min Min is different with a Mummy than it is for Ribbon than it is for Kid Cobra, Helix is just as vulnerable but it just takes a while to realize.
Its not the same though. I'm not a great fighter. I get my ass kicked in this game a lot. Not even the hardest min min is anything like fighting you.
Helix is better. Period.
But I would reckon that's just Helix requiring a high and steep learning curve in order to reach generous rewards.
But I would reckon that's just Helix requiring a high and steep learning curve in order to reach generous rewards.
So if it's based on skill and not the character itself, that means you could easily win using any other character as much as Helix right?
This game is just frustrating unless you play about 4 specific characters with certain arms.
christ, I'm terrible at this game. I'm trying to use the thumbs up style and I'm getting beat on the SECOND LEVEL of grand prix.
Trying a regular control scheme, I just don't think it "works" as well as the thumbs up style. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG
Helix looks broken, but it's not
So far this is my first time playing Min Min and I'm dominating with her against most and winning often against the more skilled players, still the top of lobbies, will update
hell yeah!Went back to GP4 today and was pleasantly surprised to see how much I've improved since I first cleared. Great feeling!
Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle MotionI'm noticing how much more dangerous mobility is over anything.
Are people going motion or controller? I'm currently trying motion, but curious if controller is worth it's weight or not.
YessssPlayed all night with a controller yesterday and liked it. Then I read the newbie guide and figured I would give motion control a shot.
This is legit. I absolutely hated it at first but stuck it out for a few rounds. And a few more. I got better each time and now I feel really capable with motion. Better than I did with controller. I'm impressing myself.
I'm also sweaty.
Yes muahahaha.Motion is a blast. My girlfriend was getting the biggest kick out of watching me do all these tiny precise movements on the couch the other day haha
yeah, um I have faced a lot of worthless Helixes....Had one match against double popper spam while camping on one side of the ramen bowl and noped on out of their myself lol. Ranked is still fun and competitive.
Ribbon Girl's version of the ARMS theme is so good.
Oooh draw for the lobby there, Gore! Thought you had it. So close.
Edit for others: it wasn't me lol