So console players should get Wallhacks too?
Let's just remove all the geometry and make it 4 vs 4 where it's whoever can pull the trigger the fastest wins.
They can ban them all for all i care or non. The constant console defenders for aimbots in there games and then larping that PC gamers shouldn't use it is fucking dumb. There are tons of players on youtube that played behind PC with a controller and absolute destroyed matches because of there aim bot that insanely overpowered.
If youre talking about general COD aim assist features in the options menu, that feature barely does anything. Its not the same as an aimbot.
When I play COD that feature is on by default and it's not like if you shoot a gun at someone 6 ft wide, the game helps you immediately lock onto an enemy like a PC aimbot or wallhack. It barely does anything. You can shoot someone missing wide by 1 ft and if you miss you miss.
Aim Assist is an option that helps you target enemy players in case if you use a gaming controller while playing CoD Warzone. ... The aim assist slows the player's crosshair as soon as it is near the target, making it easier to fire precise shots.
Lol at that description.
Sure, aimbot also slows your crosshair the moment it locks towards a player. nice way to pretend its not a aimbot.
Heres a good example of aim assist in action. 90% of mouse gamers can't even do this shit. where are the aim assists options for people that aren't fast with mouses? oh wait don't exist.
Remove aim assist and suddenly this is the outcome on consoles miss miss miss
Meanwhile with a mouse u gotta aim right or else there is no hit.
And console gamers are larping that its not fair for them lamo.
Any other brilliant ideas?
1) What about run community servers so people can moderate servers and kick + ban cheaters 2 seconds later like most online games on PC do.
2) Ranked is a joke the moment console gamers can participate in it, aimbots everywhere. U can never balance this. So people pretending this game has any rank system are just kidding themselves. its a shit fest of cheating
3) Optimize the game and add DLSS into the mix + fullscreen mode, and optimize it better on PC, getting 70 fps on 3440x1440 with a 3080 is a joke for a game of this caliber.
4) make guns more impact full. enemy's absorbing entire clip of your gun just to break a shield just feels bad. shield is fine but needs to break far faster.
5) bigger open world area's like halo 1 had, make the maps more like battlefield less like counterstrike.
6) xbox accounts should have isp e-mail accounts validated for it, not free e-mail accounts, once a person cheats microsoft should send a letter out to the ISP to ban them off there servers as they know exactly who owns that shit, or else ban the entire ISP from the game.
7) ban ip's that cheat. even on vpn's they will soon rather then later run out of ip's.
8) ban hardware id's from cheaters.
9) don't want community servers? put on every server a moderator that keeps track of problems like this and eat the cost.
10) give the game a 20 buck price instead of free to play, or limit free to play to non paid servers.
11) allow modding, oh wait shitty uwp garbage they try to push forwards with there games these days ( with the excuse of preventing cheaters, yea hows that working out for them )
12) make server lists like every single shooter ( besides bf 2042 ) has so people can see which group servers belong too and join it, instead of "just a play button". its just lazy dice.
13) give people experience the longer they are on those servers to rank up in the server ranks.
I got way more idea's. i always have brilliant idea's. Because i actually seem to play the games unlike the devs that create them.
Aim assist is not nearly the same as auto aim
Aimbot is aim assist. Simple as that just different names. One can be more aggressive then the other but it stays the same.
People larping here that one is better then the other while pretending PC games are riddled with cheaters everywhere is just lol worthy. I play online games and shooters for ages, i encounter cheaters on a single hand in all my time and all of them got booted 1-5 minutes later when a mod comes online and ban his ass + sits there for a hour to see if he doesn't return with a new key. U can also just switch servers, as all those servers share the same banlist anyway that fall under the same group. ( what does the cheater do? move to the next server that doesn't fall in that banlist of those group and soon he will be playing on death servers and has to buy another key, he will soon be burned out on it ) This is how online works with PC in shooters since forever.
Just having servers that are not community run is delusional on PC and Consoles, the only solution then is to hire a fuck ton of people that sit always on servers to moderate them.
This is not year 2000 anymore, cheats for both solutions are readily available. And console users still pretending there games are clean honestly needs to google a bit more.
As the video's in the OP, guy see's he's cheating? say to mod aaaaand BAN, ip/account. Guy that cheats move to the next server until account is burned out and creates a new one. ( would be handy to have a paid solution in there like i suggested earlier on, which burns them out after a while )
People pretending that crossplay is the issue, is the typical simpleton that doesn't understand what he's looking at. crossplay isn't the issue, its the zero moderation on the servers going on what's the issue and the zero punishment that comes with it.