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As Scam Citizen turns eight years old, the single-player campaign still sounds a long way off


Gold Member
it looked interesting but whatever. i stopped caring about it long ago.

at this point i can't really blame them for dragging it along. idiots will keep throwing money at them. if they want to waste their money fine but if you put money into it now then it's on you. you don't really have any right to moan if you never get the full game or any satisfaction from it.


Fortnite "released" in beta in a more complete state than SC is after all these years. It was updated regularly, with a nice plan laid out for everyone. They mostly sticked to it.

Minecraft released as a super pre alpha game around the same time as SC was announced and till today it is updated and changed. The biggest difference is that Mojang/MS have a development plan.
Notch even "released" the game years ago cause he knew they would never, ever complete it - it's an evergrowing product.

I can go on, and on, and on
Dude... It has 1 map


Dude... It has 1 map
An ever changing one between seasons. But that's not the point. It got released. SC got too big for it's own good and all signs point towards the devs finding a sweet spot for making cash without putting out a lot of work.

Comparing SC to early access titles is making early access games look bad.
I can show examples after examples of games that were announced around the same time which either got released or their production is really never ending but with constant updates thst went way beyond what was promised in the beginning. Can the same be said about SC? All that cash in the world and nothing big came out of it. And no signs arensaying anything will.
It is so "massive" that even after 8 years it can't create a fraction of what an indie team did with No Man's Sky or what an accomplished AA dev did with Elite Dangerous 2.
Do you even recall the piece of shit that No Man's Sky was when it was released? Seriously, talk about false promises. What a terrible, horrible, no good example of anything. Congrats on providing the absolute worst example of a game. You should feel bad about yourself.

It took 3 years to develop then, needed an extra time to actually make ok-ish. When it released, it was released a full game full of empty promises. Not to mention it's procedurally generated. While that's neat, it's certainly not as curated as Star Citizen.

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Dr. Claus

Do you even recall the piece of shit that No Man's Sky was when it was released? Seriously, talk about false promises. What a terrible, horrible, no good example of anything. Congrats on providing the absolute worst example of a game. You should feel bad about yourself.

It took 3 years to develop then, needed an extra time to actually make ok-ish. When it released, it was released a full game full of empty promises. Not to mention it's procedurally generated. While that's neat, it's certainly not as curated as Star Citizen.

No, I fully remember No Man‘s Sky at launch. And it was still more of a complete product than Scam Citizen is after a decade.

Honestly who the hell are you fooling, kiddo? Are you so blinded that you can‘t see reality?
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Maaaaybe if the scope if the game is so big it can't be made on a reasonable timeline, maaaybe it's a moronic idea to adopt such scope?..
Or should someone start Kickstarter promising to produce game with millions of handcrafted planets with different flora and fauna, alien civilizations, billions of NPCs with unique lines each, then 50 years later explain that people can't reasonably expect them to finish such project within human lifespan, which, strictly speaking, will be true. Make impossible promises and never deliver - profit!
No, I fully remember No Man‘s Sky at launch. And it was still more of a complete product than Scam Citizen is after a decade.

Honestly who the hell are you fooling, kiddo? Are you so blinded that you can‘t see reality?
It appears that you may be the one that's oblivious to the talent of the dev team that both gamers and investors believe in. I'm sure there's plenty going on behind closed doors that allows them to take the time they need. Till then, enjoy your delusion.
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Dr. Claus

It appears that you may be the one that's oblivious to the talent of the dev team that both gamers and investors believe in. I'm sure there's plenty going on behind closed doors that allows them to take the time they need. Till then, enjoy your delusion.

The only ones who believe in the "Dev team" are the mentally ill whales trying to justify the money they throw down the drain.

You are literally no different than a flat-earther, a covid-denier, and a twitter slacktivist. Trying so desperately to believe in your own lies.
The goal of this project is to keep working on it forever and never finish, so they can keep getting money forever.

I don't understand what the hundreds of people in the studios think they are doing. Do they really want to work their whole careers and never finish anything or accomplish anything? Is the promise of the steady paycheck enough to satisfy them knowing they will never actually release a product in their lifetimes?
No Man's Sky > Star Citizen


We got a group working on the Sistine Chapel and you bring up a waffle with blob Jesus in it.
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Tell me, why should people only be interested in your bullshit?

Lies, scam, fanboys, cult...nothing else to say anymore? those list of arguments are getting weak.

Proof any lies, You can't even argue yourself ? You haven't...let's say nobody has proven anything then repeating themselves constantly. "WE JUST SCREAM, WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, BUT WE JUST LIKE TO SCREAM AND TALK SHIT".

This one person must be:

- New to Star Citizen
- Has seemingly not read up or informed himself about this.

Look that the one comment in that post, This is how it is from the start:

But you would happily ignore this and still would say that it is a lie. Here..for you, the loaner list:

These concept ships are there since the beginning. It's nothing new. Some ships go straight to flight ready..some will be put on the backlog for a future patch. Only the media and some weird screaming people like you act as if this is something new. The fact you didn't know that says already enough since concept ships are nothing new. but it also doesn't surprise me since most here their arguments are rather superficial and not at all in-depth.

Oww....wow not any valid argument is coming from you....only screaming LIES LIES LIES...

Go fucking cry in a corner or something....
Your bs comes from trying to defend a guy who claims plenty of games with over a decade of dev and then deflecting it by telling your own story, instead of putting a solid evidence 🤣

Lol, just look a this, so many lies, not a single evidence, and the best they can come up with "these concept ships (scams) has been there since the beginning" 😂

If you scam from the start it's ok guys!

Meanwhile we have been pulling all the lying quotes from Chris Roberts all the time and you guys pretend you don't see it!

False claiming(their method of deflection) that it must be new Star Citizen backers when tons of old ones have complained and given up.
Mental gymnastics? You're the one that moved the goalposts to your idea of continuous development. You want to be right so bad it hurts and you want to shit on this dev team with every ounce of your soul. Personally, I don't care so much but this dev team is doing things no one else has which deserves leeway.
Lmao, first they mentioned a decade, then they deliver games in 5-6 years of development (moved goalpost), and purposely misinterpret games in development hell, and then call people for MOVING THE GOALPOST??

What's next? You gonna say CP2077 starts development on 2012? When obviously it starts at 2016?

Then when called out for the insane hundreds of DELAYED promises, you guys just claim "we never want the game to be finished anyway!" 😂

You guys don't even move the goalpost, you guys make up your own lies! 🤣



We got a group working on the Sistine Chapel and you bring up a waffle with blob Jesus in it.
See?? This is always the rebuttal of SC defenders, whataboutism & using totally false comparisons. ALWAYS.

In reality, it was some dude with way less funds who got flaked for building a small church, and decided to make amends by making it a huge chapel....for free. And another dude who was promising a Sistine chapel with nothing but jpegs! 🤣 And this dude doesn't even have a small church built yet after 10 years!
See?? This is always the rebuttal of SC defenders, whataboutism & using totally false comparisons. ALWAYS.

In reality, it was some dude with way less funds who got flaked for building a small church, and decided to make amends by making it a huge chapel....for free. And another dude who was promising a Sistine chapel with nothing but jpegs! 🤣 And this dude doesn't even have a small church built yet after 10 years!

You sound like the guy yelling at Michelangelo after 6 months. "You're not done yet?! Just slap some paint on it and finish up! I know a guy that can paint a ceiling in a day!"

Bravery and ambition scares the hell out of people.


You sound like the guy yelling at Michelangelo after 6 months. "You're not done yet?! Just slap some paint on it and finish up! I know a guy that can paint a ceiling in a day!"

Bravery and ambition scares the hell out of people.
See? It's the same thing, using false deflection so that you cannot draw out parallel comparison 😉
1) No one yelled at Michaelangelo
2) Michaelangelo did not keep asking for money
3) It's 10 years+, not 6 months
4) Michaelangelo did not make 300+ false promises 🤭
5) No one compares Michael's painting to ceiling painting

As I've told you, there isn't any church yet built.
So whenever anyone ask "where is the church after 10 years+?” - they make another false deflection 😏
See? It's the same thing, using false deflection so that you cannot draw out parallel comparison 😉
1) No one yelled at Michaelangelo
2) Michaelangelo did not keep asking for money
3) It's 10 years+, not 6 months
4) Michaelangelo did not make 300+ false promises 🤭
5) No one compares Michael's painting to ceiling painting

As I've told you, there isn't any church yet built.
So whenever anyone ask "where is the church after 10 years+?” - they make another false deflection 😏

1) Haters have been around since the dawn of time. I can assure you that there were people criticizing Michelangelos 4 year long painting project. "The Pope shouldn't have given him all that money. He's taking too long. I would have done it this way..."

2) Because apparently people who build things aren't allowed to ask for more money. What?

3) The Sistine Chapel was painted in 4 years. Star Citizen is an order of magnitude more complex.

4) Can you link me to the 300+ promises. You won't be able to because they were actually just target goals, some of which are still coming, and they were all listed with the caveat that things might change. Otherwise, we'd see lawsuits being won.

5) Sarcasm is often used to illustrate a point.

You say there's no church yet built but to me, and many others, there is. The bones of a ludicrously awesome looking game are taking shape, it's a pity you can't see it...



Pardon my ignorant view, but I’ve seen people playing and enjoying this game on YouTube. People trying to push the idea that everyone who enjoyed their time with the game has some kind of kickstarter stockholm syndrome should chill out. I understand that the project has crazy ambition and scope creep but they’re actually continually putting out updates and content. To hear some people here speak it sounds like they think nothing of the game ever materialized because the campaign still hasn’t been finished. Somehow I doubt they’re going to change their opinion on the game if the campaign ever does release.

I agree it’s a strange scammy feeling business model that does sell crazy expensive digital goods to whales, but it’s not like the content that’s there totally sucks. You can fly space ships and shit, that’s cool, if you don’t like what’s there don’t buy it. The only way it could be considered a scam is if you backed it based on the original promises and now feel cheated because its grown far beyond the initial pitch. Not much of a scam if you ask me 🤷🏻‍♂️
Because so people don't know what a scam is, like when people call Nintendo not dropping prices a scam
Star citizen us an overly ambitious, poorly managed project, plenty to laugh at in terms of absurdity
And comparing enron or theranos to cases in which peoples lives and livelihoods were put at risk is equally absurd
Star citizen is toy didn't turn out as promised vs massive falsifying medical data or causing power outtages for millions of people


What time is it?
Because so people don't know what a scam is, like when people call Nintendo not dropping prices a scam
Star citizen us an overly ambitious, poorly managed project, plenty to laugh at in terms of absurdity
And comparing enron or theranos to cases in which peoples lives and livelihoods were put at risk is equally absurd
Star citizen is toy didn't turn out as promised vs massive falsifying medical data or causing power outtages for millions of people

Mostly agree but they amount of money they let fans spend on this project is distasteful.


It's actually 12 years. Alot of us early backers thought the game was going to release in 2012 lol.
also it’s so sickening and sad to see people in their forums getting warned and banned for spreading FUD when they talk about how their friends died waiting for this game
This is hair splitting of the finest degree, any finer and you are causing fission.

And yet, every language on the planet has words that distinguishes between the two.

You'd think a population as well informed as NeoGAF would understand both the complexities of game development and how kickstarter works.

I never understood why developers didn't talk about their games earlier in production. This thread makes it obvious.
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If your one of the people who think this game is a scam you're a smacked ass. It's fully playable at this very moment. Its only going to get better. Who cares how long it takes for it to "officially" release.


If your one of the people who think this game is a scam you're a smacked ass. It's fully playable at this very moment. Its only going to get better. Who cares how long it takes for it to "officially" release.
How much of what was promised has been delivered?
How much left to implement?
Is there a clear plan when what will be implemented?
Why do they sell people jpg's and dont implement them? No, seriously - i've heard a out those ships years ago. How many of them are in game and if not - WHY?

SC defense forse is easy to point out that there are other games that had a long development time (and most of those came out shitty), or that this is more of an early access (many examples of better managment and product delivery from these type of games).

Oh and the recurring "No Mans Sky developers lied and overpromised as well" - sure, but after they got hit by a TIDAL WAVE of criticism, review bombing and the game bombing hard on the market they shut their mouths, went dark and released update after update that delivered what was promised and more. For free. They even made the game recover in value, both new and used.


1) Haters have been around since the dawn of time. I can assure you that there were people criticizing Michelangelos 4 year long painting project. "The Pope shouldn't have given him all that money. He's taking too long. I would have done it this way..."

2) Because apparently people who build things aren't allowed to ask for more money. What?

3) The Sistine Chapel was painted in 4 years. Star Citizen is an order of magnitude more complex.

4) Can you link me to the 300+ promises. You won't be able to because they were actually just target goals, some of which are still coming, and they were all listed with the caveat that things might change. Otherwise, we'd see lawsuits being won.

5) Sarcasm is often used to illustrate a point.

You say there's no church yet built but to me, and many others, there is. The bones of a ludicrously awesome looking game are taking shape, it's a pity you can't see it...

Lmao, DEFLECTION time again!

First they say it's the Sistine Chapel, but when asked "where's the Sistine Chapel?" , they start DEFLECTING "This is more complex than Sistine Chapel!"

No, "Where is your Sistine Chapel???"

Y'all want to know the answer? ...😏

You say there's no church yet built but to me, and many others, there is. The bones of a ludicrously awesome looking game are taking shape, it's a pity you can't see it...

lmao, truly fucking delusional 🤣🤣🤣
tldr: You can't see the emperor's new clothes!
Lmao, DEFLECTION time again!

First they say it's the Sistine Chapel, but when asked "where's the Sistine Chapel?" , they start DEFLECTING "This is more complex than Sistine Chapel!"

No, "Where is your Sistine Chapel???"

Y'all want to know the answer? ...😏

lmao, truly fucking delusional 🤣🤣🤣
tldr: You can't see the emperor's new clothes!

We just disagree and that's OK.


Linux User
It appears that you may be the one that's oblivious to the talent of the dev team that both gamers and investors believe in. I'm sure there's plenty going on behind closed doors that allows them to take the time they need. Till then, enjoy your delusion.
Reality check: Chris Roberts hasn't made a game since Freelancer (he was fired from that project for scope creep and delays lol).


An ever changing one between seasons. But that's not the point. It got released. SC got too big for it's own good and all signs point towards the devs finding a sweet spot for making cash without putting out a lot of work.

Comparing SC to early access titles is making early access games look bad.
I can show examples after examples of games that were announced around the same time which either got released or their production is really never ending but with constant updates thst went way beyond what was promised in the beginning. Can the same be said about SC? All that cash in the world and nothing big came out of it. And no signs arensaying anything will.
Now you're moving goal posts. Can't believe you invested in that MTX machine in beta. It took years to even come out.
I want to thank whoever bumped this thread last weak. After diving in and learning all about this game, it's become my most anticipated title. This trailer is the GOAT videogame trailer...

Or maybe I should curse you, lol.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Shifting the goal post again with the roadmap in the latest update.

Release View​

As mentioned in a previous Roadmap Roundup, as well as on this episode of Star Citizen Live, the Core Gameplay Pillar has moved to focus exclusively on Squadron 42. Features developed by this team will be integrated into Squadron 42 first, and then migrated over to the Persistent Universe. This has a two-fold benefit: Squadron 42 will benefit greatly from the additional resources and dedicated focus, and the Persistent Universe will see features come online in a more complete and polished state. As the process of migrating these features into the PU is finalized, we're temporarily removing the following cards while their PU implementation is evaluated:

  • Player Interaction Experience
  • FPS Radar & Scanning
  • Hacking - Tech
  • EVA T2
  • Zero G Push & Pull
A few key deliverables on Release View hold a dependency with the Persistent Streaming core technology. While great progress is being made on this tech, the required completion of it puts a few features at risk. Therefore, the following cards are being removed temporarily:

  • Persistent Hangars
  • Hangar Manager App
The following features have been identified to need additional polish before their release into the Persistent Universe. Therefore, we are removing these cards temporarily until the projections for their respective release timings have been confirmed:

  • MISC Hull C
  • NPC Taxi Mission T0
  • Pirate Swarm / Vanduul Swarm Improvments

The following card has been added to the Alpha 3.17 column:


Gold Member
Shifting the goal post again with the roadmap in the latest update.

I mean its as much a map as this was.


More a suggestion, or hope of myths might be truth rather than accurate.
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