NinjaFridge said:Yeah, you can do all of those things but you cannot replay storyline missions.
Yep thats cool. Thanks.
NinjaFridge said:Yeah, you can do all of those things but you cannot replay storyline missions.
voltron said:Probably a stupid question, but to be safe, after the final mission I can go back and all the other stuff right? (chests, races, assassinations etc)
Yeah, the game actually mentions that in his database entry. I think it was after that ally in the game had died though.farnham said:also macciaveli had a very bad relationship with the medici which are depicted as the allies of the assassins in the game.. macciaveli was actually tortured by them and thrown out of florence..
You are quite rightZaphyr said:The Rialto bridge was actually a wooden bridge in the 15th century, making the game historically accurate.
It's an amazing game. Just totally being ruined for me by these crashes. I'm just praying I can get through this final mission without a crash causing my save game to be corrupted because i've read that happening to a few people already.Fyrus said:It's pretty buggy for me too, PS3 version.
I've fell through the map twice and had a crash once. Played it for 5hrs so far.
Still, it's a pretty good game so that makes up for it I guess. Just annoying considering how spaced out some save points are.
brobban said:+Beautiful setting and graphics
+A lot of interesting information regarding buildings etc
+Economic system
-Controls (Especially when chasing somebody)
-Some technical issues (Tearing etc.. played on xbox360)
-The assassinations often end up with me going straight forward using brute force instead of finesse. Would love it if it were possible to be more stealthy (perhaps it's just me that's bad at it)
criesofthepast said:The game froze on me twice today causing my ps3 to freeze and had to do a hard reset. Scares the crap out of me. Seems like the fans really rev up when playing this game compared to others.
TheMissingLink said:Finished it, prefer the first.
The assassinations in this one were so underwhelming.
Kronotech said:Is it just me, or are there some treasures that are not there? I see them on the map and I'm standing right above them but they are nowhere to be found. Maybe I'm just a bad detective.
voltron said:Nice.
So the writers have drawn on theUFO phenomenon and ideas that we (humans) were seeded by aliens.
I like where this is going. Fun ideas and concepts.
Massa said:Well, I thought I read here Ubisoft said there are noaliens in the Assassin's Creed universe.
Kronotech said:About 10 hours in. Loving it. Upgrading the villa is fun but is there more to upgrade in there other than the original list of options? I'm almost done and just barely got access to it...
Is it just me, or are there some treasures that are not there? I see them on the map and I'm standing right above them but they are nowhere to be found. Maybe I'm just a bad detective.
I'm loving all the visuals, the story so far, the treasure hunting and side-quests they added. Nice alternatives this time around.
Not liking the controls as much. Not much was fixed from the first one so I still take random jumps from the roof straight to a 30-foot drop.
One of the DLC packs will have a Flying Machine mission.Holtz said:Fucking Flying Machine trophy. I missed it during my first playthrough since i didn't check the trophy list for fear of spoilers, and now i have to play the whole thing all over again just to get it. Why don't you let us play specific memories, Ubisoft? No platinum for me, i suppose.
voltron said:So has anyone managed to open that door at the Villa yet? The one where is says you need to do something in U-play.
Ive been assuming that Uplay just isnt ready yet.
stolin said:I just finished the game, 23 hours.
+ Setting & Atmosphere
+ World Detail, Cities feel alive
+ Character Dialog & Voices
+ Historical Information & Authenticity
= Would have liked more Assasin's Tombs
- Screen Tearing & Technical Issues
- Still too repeditive
Enjoyed it enough to now try and find the rest of the feathers for the Platinum Trophy..
Stumpokapow said:uplay is ready. just go into the uplay menu from the main menu of the game![]()
voltron said:Ive done that. But it feels FAR from complete and I certainly didnt find a way to unlock that door at the Villa.
Have you found a way?
Hyunkel6 said:Did you go to the "Redeem" or "Reward" tab? It's to the left of the "Profile" tab. I don't remember how it's called, but you basically just have to download the Auditore Crypt "DLC", using your uplay points, to get access to that part of the villa.
Oh yeah, and I think that you can access the crypt only after sequence 5.
kaizoku said:finished the story today, loved the game overall. few frustrating moments but most games will have those, and they weren't that bad in fairness.
really excellent game design, very well paced, slows it down when it needs to and throws it at you at the right times in the right amounts.
highlights how poorly GTA IV was designed. In this I find rewards or meaningful/exciting things to do and see literally around every corner and it manages to retain a sense of location, like wow this really does feel like Venice however many years ago (even if its nothing like it). The designers understood how to strike the balance between recreating a location and adapting it for game exploration.
when told to tail someone or chase someone, you might screw up a lot, but you always felt like if you wanted to you could find a really clever route to use. towards the end of the game I knew for every mission there was an ideal route and I'd spend my time looking for it rather than doing hopeful jumps, I trusted the developers to look after me by that point, they'd never ask me to do something ridiculous or too frustrating. if you see 2 guards, you know for a fact that there will almost certainly be a way to double assassinate them to avoid detection, but if you're feeling lazy you can just rush in. if you see a group of guards, a bunch of followers wont be too far away to help you out.
the way the cities were slowly revealed to you was also amazingly well paced, both rewarding and enlightening. new parts would open at just the right time and I never felt overwhelmed by the massive world, something I suffer from a lot in games like this.
long post but it's been a long time since I saw such good game design, wanted to mention it. shame it had to end tbh.
p.s. how can they possibly top Italy in that era as a setting? Gotta be one of the most beautiful and interesting places in history. any ideas?
Speculation's all over the place. If there's one thing we fans learned from the first game, it's that these guesses will all be wrong.Frenck said:If they move forward in the timeline France or Austria would be prime candidates as far as architecture and political events are concerned.
Beaulieu said:is there any reward for collecting the treasures, other than money ?
Fyrus said:I just did the first (second?)WOW that was amazing.Assassin Tomb.
Question though,after collecting from the tomb I exited out the window, collected the treasures outside and the feather on the cross. Me being dumb, I went down the manual way after getting the cross-feather. That didn't end well, and I desynced. When it reloaded I was on the ground and all, and saw a bale of hay near the cross/church. Do I miss anything from dying rather than leaping other than the cool animation?