Jealous Bastard
gametrailers footage blew my mind.
i'm a sucker for treasure chests :lol
i'm a sucker for treasure chests :lol
beelzebozo said:gametrailers footage blew my mind.
i'm a sucker for treasure chests :lol
JB1981 said:i thought someone in this thread who was in the know said the 360 version is locked w/ no tearing. this GT video is tearing out the ass
JB1981 said:I like how the treasure chests are right out in the open, glowing gold - seems pretty stupid.
JB1981 said:I like how the treasure chests are right out in the open, glowing gold - seems pretty stupid.
Rez said:I'm okay for a forced restart with some specifically labeled stealth missions. I hated it in AC1 when I'd try and do something stealthily, but then stuff up and have no way to retry quickly.
Ranger X said:How about a way to spot them? Also, unlike 99% of the games out there, this glowing is explained. It's the animus making important things easier to spot for Desmond when he's in the memory.
JB1981 said:Yea that I can understand I just find the concept strange. I like the idea of having hard-to-get-at item type missions but placing them in wide open areas in a busy city doesn't make much sense.
SecretBonusPoint said:Screen-tearing, pretty big pop-in... I'm liking what I see of the gameplay but not so much the tech. I don't remember the original having such problems, but its been a long time since I played it.
SecretBonusPoint said:Screen-tearing, pretty big pop-in... I'm liking what I see of the gameplay but not so much the tech. I don't remember the original having such problems, but its been a long time since I played it.
Nachkebia said:Hmm, still looks fishy, I did not like the water at all......
Nachkebia said:Hmm, still looks fishy, I did not like the water at all......
JB1981 said:Yea that I can understand I just find the concept strange. I like the idea of having hard-to-get-at item type missions but placing them in wide open areas in a busy city doesn't make much sense.
Linkified said:Just heard Danny Wallace is a VA in this game - just preordered for this facta alone.![]()
LabouredSubterfuge said:Apparently he's a bit irritating and shit.
OmonRa said:no he's awesome but I guess different people will have different opinions
AH you afraid you might get banned?RiderKairuu said:pic
..But is it safe to play???
Loudninja said:AH you afraid you might get banned?
RiderKairuu said:Of course Im afraid lol..
Ridley327 said:Kamen Rider will protect you.
You don't get banned for playing street dated game early
LabouredSubterfuge said:Play it and post impressions!! If you get banned I'll avenge your death!!
...INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:You have to remember that this game is entirely based upon a machine that decodes genetic memory and implements it into a virtual reality. The programmers of this system wanted this stuff to stand out because it was an important part of the game. It's not just some gimmick really.
RiderKairuu said:Ok taking a risk for my GAFers! Putting the game in now
RiderKairuu said:Ok taking a risk for my GAFers! Putting the game in now
RiderKairuu said:Ok taking a risk for my GAFers! Putting the game in now
RiderKairuu said:LOL!
Im heading out in a little bit but if I do play it will be for a half hour or so.
Ether_Snake said:The first part of the game is a bit lengthy, before you're on your own, I would wait.
Edit: Too late![]()
RiderKairuu said:Im already hooked.
Snowden said:...