fernoca said:What's the "limited edition Ezio costume" in Forli??
On the Xbox Live ad..it says that under the picture..but haven't seen any mention of it..
Hmm, first I hear of that.
fernoca said:What's the "limited edition Ezio costume" in Forli??
On the Xbox Live ad..it says that under the picture..but haven't seen any mention of it..
spidye said:I can't believe ubishit is getting away with this. 4$ for one hour and after you finished it you can't play it again.
Mejilan said:NONE of the memory sequences in this game are replayable.
Why would anyone think that reinserted ones would be?
fernoca said:What's the "limited edition Ezio costume" in Forli??
On the Xbox Live ad..it says that under the picture..but haven't seen any mention of it..
It's a costume for your Avatar:See You Next Wednesday said:Anyone?
Mejilan said:And they charged $60 for the other 12, more if you bought one of the LEs.
Big deal. Point is, they're there once you've purchased them. If you want to replay any of the memory sequences (DLC or otherwise), you'll have to start over.
Don't get me wrong, that memory sequences are not replayable is one of my chief complaints against the game on a whole. But I don't understand the surprised outrage over the fact that the DLC memory sequences mechanically follow the on-disc memory sequences.
Massa said:They charged $60 for the game and you can replay the game. I guess that's the difference that annoys people, but it's not worth discussing anyway... it can't be done, period.
But how does this DLC work anyway? If you have it installed and replay the game from the beginning does it change the actual game so that it plays allmemory sequences in the correct order?14
Massa said:They charged $60 for the game and you can replay the game. I guess that's the difference that annoys people, but it's not worth discussing anyway... it can't be done, period.
If you don't mind searching feathers...ULTROS! said:Am I still far off? I just currentlyfinished killing the Doce in the Carnavle
Oh and maybe it's just me but the game seems like I can platinum it without a problem.![]()
DigitalDevil said:ugh, I'm getting really frustrated with this "messer sandman" trophy. I've sat here for 30 minutes now tailing guards and throwing sand in their faces. I got 4 at once 3-4 times and even got 6 at once, but still no TROPHY. WHAT GIVES?
AwesomeSyrup said:I finished the game tonight. It was probably the most fun I've had with a singleplayer game this gen. I never got bored or tired of it. I was actually disappointed when it ended, not because I didn't like the ending but because it was over and I realized it will be another two years before I get a sequel.
radiantdreamer said:The Truth. I don't get it. I mean I get the point aboutbut I don't get the restUs not being the first civilization and it ties in with the ending.
News Bot said:Alright, this is kinda annoying me. Is there any way to remove all of Ezio's armour and have him return to his default state? I just don't like the bulky look. :lol
BurritoBushido said:I just beat the game last night myself and had a little bit of trouble going to sleep becauseeverytime I closed my eyes I saw Minerva staring out of the TV at me!
Go to your house and go to the first door on the left (or maybe second... one of those rooms).News Bot said:Alright, this is kinda annoying me. Is there any way to remove all of Ezio's armour and have him return to his default state? I just don't like the bulky look. :lol
cjelly said:Go to your house and go to the first door on the left (or maybe second... one of those rooms).
Should be able to change it in there. I think the most barebones you can go is with the leather upgrades.
Haven't played in a few weeks and never really took much notice of the armour, to be honest. Just look in the room.![]()
It would have been really cool if sheBurritoBushido said:I just beat the game last night myself and had a little bit of trouble going to sleep becauseeverytime I closed my eyes I saw Minerva staring out of the TV at me!
spidye said:It would have been really cool if sheactually talked to the player insted of desmond
Always-honest said:If you don't mind searching feathers...
ULTROS! said:I was wondering about that, maybe I could use a guide or something.
edit: How do I get back to the?flying-machine sequence thing that Da Vinci designed for me used to enter the Doce's Palazzo
NinjaFridge said:After that mission you can't.You can use it anytime you want in the DLC though since they added it.
ULTROS! said:You mean I need to purchase the Battle of Forli in order to get back there? :|
NinjaFridge said:After you complete that mission, you cant use the flying machine again in the main story,but if you buy the DLC you can as it is set up just outside Forli and you can use it whenever you want.
Ezio is met at the entrance to Florence by Machiavelli leader of the Florence mercenaries. He explains that the mad monk has taken control of the city. Hes used the apple to control the citys Nine most influential citizens.
Expand the adventure with the additional content Bonfire of the Vanities and 3 exclusive missions: Palazzo Medici, Santa Maria Del Frari and Arsenal Shipyard.
There are a bunch of possible explanations. But keep in mind that we have no idea when the events in The Truth video take place. But we do know where. If thatMoonsaultSlayer said:Ok, wait a minute. Since they anachronistacally show a map of the entire modern world in both games, then doesn't that meanSo maybe someone's theory in the story discussion thread thatthose who came before are actually from the future? With the shifting plates and all and no sign of extreme destruction from the sun nor any remnants of "the old world".... seems they really are from the future.is actually pretty close to being right? There is mention ofa future group of humans/templars/abstergo go back in time to control humanity and the worldwithin the first game's e-mails.....time travel
It's confirmed.firehawk12 said:Forgot to ask - was it confirmed that the 12th chapter has no achievements AND you can't play it again after you finish it?
I thought they were introducing a way to select missions, but I guess not.
firehawk12 said:Forgot to ask - was it confirmed that the 12th chapter has no achievements AND you can't play it again after you finish it?
I thought they were introducing a way to select missions, but I guess not.
conman said:There are a bunch of possible explanations. But keep in mind that we have no idea when the events in The Truth video take place. But we do know where. If that(duh). For example, if that video is taking place inmountain in the background is indeed Kilimanjaro, then we know that the writers of the game are seriously screwing with the timeline and biological history of humankind.East Africa, then there's no biological or historical justification for why Adam and Eve have Caucasian features. Something else other than the "Origin of Humankind" is happening
My own theory is that it only seems liketime travel. But actually what could be happening is that Those Who Came Before are to human history what Desmond is to the past of his ancestors. It might seem like time travel, but it isn't. It's something else that only looks like time travel.
Point being, I wouldn't read much into thegeographical features of those world maps. The Truth video could be from events a mere two or three thousand years in the past. Which, BTW, isn't much different from how old Creation Scientists believe humans to be.
Correct on both counts. But, in line with what I said above, that means it could beBurritoBushido said:The date at the beginning of the full truth video says [date classified] BCE, which means it is in the past. I think the video is recorded from one of Subject 16's sessions in the Animus
conman said:Correct on both counts. But, in line with what I said above, that means it could beas recent as a little over 2,000 years old. That's not very old, especially if we're talking about the "origin of humanity." But more likely, they'll place it sometime before recorded human history. Say 4-5,000 years old.
conman said:Correct on both counts. But, in line with what I said above, that means it could beas recent as a little over 2,000 years old. That's not very old, especially if we're talking about the "origin of humanity." But more likely, they'll place it sometime before recorded human history. Say 4-5,000 years old.
ULTROS! said:1. Is Subject 16 Altair?
2. What was Assassin's Creed I's relation to Assassin's Creed II? I've never played the first but I wouldn't mind being spoiled.
aristotle said:Man I'm glad I ran in here to read this topic. Sadly I didn't read it before I bought the DLC> I'm done with the game until they patch in a way to play the DNA sequences after you've beaten it. I wasted money on something that will take me hours to get to. Total bummer. I was planning on playing this tonight. Fix this already!![]()