I cave in and bought the PS3 version. Fuck you Ubisoft for delaying the PC version, I'll just sell this thing when that comes out. Some early first impressions, mostly graphical stuff.
Right off the bat I'm almost regretting my purchase. The framerate is so-so. I have no idea if it's better than the original to be honest, I haven't played that in over a year and I've grown accustomed to the PC port of AC1. It cannot be called smooth. It never feels smooth. In comparison Uncharted feels like it's fucking 60fps. This is the last time I trust that lens of truth stuff. Truthfully it's very playable and manageable, but there's just something jerky about it. It does not do the animation of this game justice. BTW, I switched between 1080p and 720p and the framerate seems to be the same in both.
On the plus side
the pseudo-1080p mode is SUPER CLEAN. It's one of the cleanest PS3 games I've ever played not called Wipeout HD. Really impressed with the image quality there. I rarely if ever see screen tearing too.
Graphically the lightning is much improved over the original, just the Abstergo facilities looks a lot more colorful. Actually I think they've altered the art direction for this game, yeah I'm pretty sure of that. Character models are more cartoon-ish and "hyper"-realistic than the first one. At first Desmond just looked all kinds of fucked up compared to AC1.

The bleakness of AC1 is entirely gone, this game has an entirely different aesthetic. Not sure if I prefer it, for now. I never noticed this until I played the game, funny that. Overall the graphics are pretty nice.
Right now I'm super early in the game, only an hour in, so I haven't seen the improvements made to the game design, but so far I'm just having fun with the core mechanics of AC. I missed free-running, and the few side-missions I've played are all right, nothing too different from AC1. Checkpoint races and beating up people. The beginning is definitely lamer than the first game, which started in a really fucking awesome manner.
Surprisingly I'm experienced some issues with the controls, they can be very unresponsive, the game fails to recognize grab-able ledges at times. Guess it's a bit buggy. I'm sorry to bring UC2 again, but the controls of that game just feel much better. Everything flows there. So far this shit ain't flowing. The animation blending of AC2 is nowhere near as good either. It's not worse than AC1, but it seems like they didn't bother to improve upon it. The new quick-climb btw while really useful looks weird and makes Ezio resemble a monkey to be honest.

It looks inhuman.
Honestly though the only flaw so far is the framerate. I'm having lots of fun with just the basic stuff. This is definitely getting sold though once the superior edition comes out.
edit: oh yeah, something else. One of the developers here said the PS3 was treated as the lead console. Bollocks to that I say.

Explain the piece of shit compressed FMV that looks like it came out directly out of the 360 version, please