daegan said:Re: the hidden messages in glyph photos:
what's the cypher for the message hidden in the civil war photo in glyph 4? here's the message:
65 110 99 105 101 110
116 32 99 105 116 121
44 32 82 97 106 97 115
116 104 97 110 44 32
73 110 100 105 97 44
32 105 114 114 97 100
105 97 116 100 32
98 121 32 80 111 69
squicken said:Regarding PSP junk
Why do the flashback to Acre if it's going to be about some chick in the PSP game? I guess the PSP game is why Desmond now has a scar?
Resistance PSP did crap to a much greater degree, and completely ruined whatever interest in the storyline I may have had for R2.
This isn't just gaming. Lost does that crap with webisodes and podcasts. Expanded universes suck.
Prine said:Part of the reason i adored AC1 was because of the potential Ubi Soft introduced with the games mechanics, and from reading impressions here/reviews seems like they fulfilled what i hoped for.
Im facinated by history and civilisation, which added to my love of AC1. Waiting for AC2 is tearing me up.
squicken said:Why do the flashback to Acre if it's going to be about some chick in the PSP game? I guess the PSP game is why Desmond now has a scar?
infinityBCRT said:I'm loving the Ember outfit
calibre said:Why do all the vids and screens I see have that awful 'soft focus'-almost-glowing look to them? Noticed it in UE3 titles too strangely. Seems to lack the sharpness of the original.
Obviously reserving final judgement until it's splashed across me plasma..
Blader5489 said:Does this mean all the UC2 entries in the greatest games of all time thread will be substituted with AC2? :lol
momolicious said:how does the ps3 version hold up?
Solo said::lol :lol :lol
Exactly the reason why I ranted in that thread about people posting games that were less than a year old (or in UC2's case, less than a MONTH old). Lolz.
TheExecutive said:Yeah right, sorry folks. This game simply doesnt hold a candle to U2's story, presentation, or graphics. This is a great game and all but the first 30 minutes of this game is just running around as an errand boy. Really could have taken a few notes from U2's plot. Oh and the animations in U2 blow the doors off of anything in this game. But why bring up U2 in a AC2 thread?
ShallNoiseUpon said:What the fuck did they do to Lucy's model?
elrechazao said:Nice avatar
Porkepik said:played all the evening yesterday , just did the first assassination, and I'm quite impressed, the errand tutorial was not so bad, so I just scratched teh full game but it is fun and very nice on my 106 inch screenThere is a bit of tearing in the 360 version but it does not disturb me at all. U2 was prettier but the open world of ac2 feel more alive and is still quiet a beauty, .... nicely done Ubisoft.
jett said:This game...this game...I may like it more than UC2. :0
This is like the most improved sequel of all time. OF ALL TIME.
TheExecutive said:Yeah right, sorry folks. This game simply doesnt hold a candle to U2's story, presentation, or graphics. This is a great game and all but the first 30 minutes of this game is just running around as an errand boy. Really could have taken a few notes from U2's plot. Oh and the animations in U2 blow the doors off of anything in this game. But why bring up U2 in a AC2 thread?
Solo said:First off, I never brought UC2 up, Blader did, in justifiably making fun of the greatest games ever thread.
Second, UC2 and AC2 are completely different types of games. UC2 is a linear, confined, narrative driven game while AC2 is an open world, free game that lets you do whatever you want to do. Trying to make AC2 sound janky because its starts out less focused is not insulting AC2, but rather insulting the genre.
Vlightray said:Secret PS3 game looks like a painting.
TheExecutive said:Ahh, so open world games have to start out really slow? Ok, I get it. Thanks for educating me.
TheExecutive said:Yeah right, sorry folks. This game simply doesnt hold a candle to U2's story, presentation, or graphics. This is a great game and all but the first 30 minutes of this game is just running around as an errand boy. Really could have taken a few notes from U2's plot. Oh and the animations in U2 blow the doors off of anything in this game. But why bring up U2 in a AC2 thread?
DrPirate said:Everything done in Uncharted 2 is done better in Assassin's Creed 2 gameplay wise.
Platforming that's funner and more challenging? Check.
Incredible story lasting more than 10 hours? Check.
More varied environments? Check.
More histoircal based puzzles and historical elements? Check.
Witty main character who doesn't suck and is actually interesting this time around? Check.
Seriously. Sorry man. But Uncharted 2 doesn't really hold a candle to Assassin's 2. Yes, we all may argue that one is a summer blockbuster, and one is an epic. But it's just that. Assassin's Creed 2 just has way too much depth, variety and game elements that makes its overall experience AS A GAME and not as a movie, better than Uncharted 2.
The only thing Uncharted 2 does better is animations and arguably, gunplay.
TheExecutive said:Ahh, so open world games have to start out really slow? Ok, I get it. Thanks for educating me.
I hope those shots are the result of a camera deficiency and not your TV settings as it looks terrible!infinityBCRT said:I'm loving the Ember outfit
dark10x said:I hope those shots are the result of a camera deficiency and not your TV settings as it looks terrible!
Solo said:No, Im saying look at 99% of open world games ever released. The GTA series? All start slow. Anyways, you could stand to be a little less defensive of your precious UC2.