Oh my god Ezio's ass in those leather trousers he wears at the beginning, please Ubisoft let us select that outfit again at some point.
Y2Kev said:I still think asscrud 2's music is really good, I just can't...remember any.
Mana Sin said:What are the chances that Cthulhu is involved? Probably nill. I really wish the Truth explained a little bit more of the creation stuff. We apparently didn't evolve, but being created by aliens seems to be odd as well...
jett said:Is it really odd? The idea that alien beings helped us evolve is not new in fiction.They didn't create us from nothing, In AC2 they grabbed the unevolved humanoids that were around when they arrived and made them better.
Sai said:Guys, please tell me that there are 9 Feathers in the last district of Venice. 'cause if so, I'm set!
Mana Sin said:So we're?domesticated apes? //Depression grows//Pets
I still think asscrud 2's music is really good, I just can't...remember any.
DopeyFish said:personally i think you're giving it too much credit. AC1 had a fantastic soundtrack. AC2? I'd almost be hard pressed to acknowledge it HAS a soundtrack - it's that invisible, boring... makes me really miss the chases from AC1 :<
:lol I'll refrain from quoting your avatar.edgefusion said:Oh my god Ezio's ass in those leather trousers he wears at the beginning, please Ubisoft let us select that outfit again at some point.
Mifune said:Revisiting Assassin's Creed (the first one) and holy shit is it frustrating. I close in to pickpocket some dude, a vagrant shoves me into a guard, and everyone draws their swords on me.
Plus in general the later portions of the game seem harder only because the guards are on higher alert and will come after you for anything. To hell with this.
I'll play AC2 without finishing the first one. I'm fine with that.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:Need help. I'm stuck at the end.I'm stuck in the room of my villa with all the other assassins. I'm at the codec wall. I have all 30 pieces and I've completed the map of the world. So what do I do now. Nothings happening and the game won't tell me what I'm suppose to do.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:Need help. I'm stuck at the end.I'm stuck in the room of my villa with all the other assassins. I'm at the codec wall. I have all 30 pieces and I've completed the map of the world. So what do I do now. Nothings happening and the game won't tell me what I'm suppose to do.
Concept17 said:All you'll be missing is the badassness of Altair, really.
edgefusion said:Oh my god Ezio's ass in those leather trousers he wears at the beginning, please Ubisoft let us select that outfit again at some point.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:I've done that but nothings happening. I've checked all the pieces.
Do you still have the option to rotate pieces? If so, your map is not complete. If you can't rotate pieces, your map is done and there should be something to interact with in the middle of the room in front of the map.Rated-Rsuperstar said:Edit - Jesus, it was a piece that was wrong.
jett said:It's pretty clear it's TEH ALIENZ, Minerva says something like "we just arrived here earlier"
I also believe they're aliens when I watch the cutscene at the end. When Minerva is speaking through Anzio to Desmond the pupils of her eyes are glowing. Could be that's the way the hologram projects her, or it could be the way is was in real life.
jett said:Heh, for fun times sneak behind someone with a hammer. Most brutal kill in the game.
That actually raises more questions. How could she know who Desmond was? Probably more than just a recording, it was some sort of AI that recognizes the DNA strain Assassins have, and hacked the Animus signal. Or something. I have no idea really. How could they know that millions of years after their existence we would create a machine like the Animus to dive into this specific point in time? That was just weird.
jett said:Heh, for fun times sneak behind someone with a hammer. Most brutal kill in the game.
That actually raises more questions. How could she know who Desmond was? Probably more than just a recording, it was some sort of AI that recognizes the DNA strain Assassins have, and hacked the Animus signal. Or something. I have no idea really. How could they know that millions of years after their existence we would create a machine like the Animus to dive into this specific point in time? That was just weird.
Vilix said:Couldn't agree more. It reminds me of the way Superman is able to talk (commune) with this parents in his fortress of solitude. LOL!
What really got me was that the Templars aren't even the real threat. Minerva says that they saw another flare coming again. They (alien and man) ceased their conflict with each other and worked together to prevent another catastrophy from happening. And for man to use the tech they left behind to stop it. Are the Templars even aware of the empending doom to come? Probably are, but want to stop it themselves and be able to control man. Sorta like having their cake and eat it too, I suppose.
Man, I just love these types of topics.![]()
Rated-Rsuperstar said:Finally finished it. What a shit ending.So if I take off the beginning and the end of the game, it would make it one of my favorites of the year.Aliens, the suns gonna blow, and no conclusion to Ezio's story arc. And whats worst of all. The game sets up for a Desmond sequel.
Mana Sin said:I think I rather dislike Ezio with. I think I'm near the end of the story now,facial hairFound out tubby became the Pope. The final fight with him might just be a dream realized for me. Duking it out with the Pope in his home.
A question to those who bothered getting the feathers:Is the sword reward any better than the Sword of Altair? Does the cape offer any benefits at all, aside from being a trophy/achievement requirement?
I thought the ending was pretty good
Rated-Rsuperstar said:See for me, I don't have any interest in the modern day storyline. But I really enjoyed Ezio's story arc.If it was me writing the end. I would have removed all the the alien supernatural mumbo jumbo and just had Ezio killing the Pope to get his vengeance.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:See for me, I don't have any interest in the modern day storyline. But I really enjoyed Ezio's story arc.If it was me writing the end. I would have removed all the the alien supernatural mumbo jumbo and just had Ezio killing the Pope to get his vengeance.
BioNut said:The modern day stuff is what sets Assassins Creed apart though. Whether you like it or not it gives the story some depth and intrigue.
I don't know if anyone else noticed this but some of the background music resembles stuff you hear on "Lost". Actually Assassin's Creed could have been written by JJ Abrams based on the plot.
The sun blowing up thing is lame as hell though. Even the magnetic pole shift is dumb considering it would take upwards of 3000 years for the poles to even disappear. Somebody at Ubisoft reads to many WooWoo websites.
Snipes424 said:yay just got the platinum
I'm on a roll here, Uncharted 2, Ratchet ACiT, and AC2 all platinumed within a month![]()
edgefusion said:Oh my god Ezio's ass in those leather trousers he wears at the beginning, please Ubisoft let us select that outfit again at some point.
Completely forgot about that. Thank you.MirageDwarf said:You can see in DNA no. of feathers you've collected and total no. of feathers in each area.
Don't think so. Finding the Feathers is a lot less frustrating than finding all the flags in the first AC though, which were like three times as many throughout each city/district. They're also a lot more noticable than the flags were, 'specially during the night with Eagle Vision--Feathers on the rooftops of Florence were easy pickings!Linkzg said:Is there any way to find feathers easier than just looking? do they ever show up on the mini-map?
Vilix said:Major spoilers.
True that. According to the game's story, Cain would have been the first real assassin. Dyciphering one of the glyphs shows the different painting of Cain killing Able
What I still don't understand is were the gods aliens or just a species of human that developed millions of years they created us?
ZeroRay said:Just need one more codex page but I can't seem to find where it is on the map.
Will it show up on the map if I find sync with a viewpoint or was it supposed to be there whether I sync up or not? Because I can't seem to locate it anywhere and I've searched all cities except the mountains. Don't tell me it's there. :lol
OmonRa said:You will hit a certain point where they will appear on the map, regardless. I think...
oh man, that's hardcore. I have zero platinum trophy. I tried my best in Arkham Asylum but I got like 82% of trophies.Snipes424 said:yay just got the platinum
I'm on a roll here, Uncharted 2, Ratchet ACiT, and AC2 all platinumed within a month![]()