Rez said:oh? I thought that the ledge-grab and hay-grab were taught at the same time as the air assassination? guess I'm wrong.
Among people on a NHL video game forum that I frequent, a lot of people don't care about AC2. They are playing MW2, Dragon Age, FIFA 10, Smackdown vs Raw and Uncharted 2. A lot more people on that forum were hyped about the original.Solo said:I dont fathom any scenario in which AC2 doesnt sll extremely well. The first game was a HUGE hit, and despite us whiny internet gamers, the majority of people who bought the game loved it. AC2 is the sequel to a beloved game that is by all accounts vastly superior There is no reason it shouldnt sell like crazy.
Thats the thing though. AC1 DIDNT receive a bad reception anywheres outside the internet, which is a small minority of gamers. Reviews were great, and the mass audience loved it.
akachan ningen said:This is annoying. Since I've gotten near the end, the game crashed on me three times. I finally finished it but I'm trying to get the last glyph and it crashed again.
leng jai said:Into the third hour and I'm finally seeing some semblance of a decent game. Can't really I'm impressed though, the controls aren't that smooth and the game doesn't seem to be all that polished. The audio quality is downright bad, I have no idea why since I remember AC1 having a nice surround mix.
Minamu said:Please help!I have 2 Florins chests left in my villa (literally) that I can't reach :'( They seem to be inside the house according to the map, on the same level as the fighting arena outside or the
. How do I reach those chests? :S I've fully upgraded my city to lvl 3 where possible (though I haven't reached any other major cities so no fancy abilities I suppose).underground altar room
Been wondering the same thing. Kinda hard to remember which ones you have already done this way.Concept17 said:So...the assassination missions... after doing them, you can still go back and do more from the same coop...are they endless, or are there a certain number of them from each coop?
Great, the well it is thenVarth said:Via the well or the mine outside monteriggioni.
MirageDwarf said:Game introduces codex pages as optional but I'm at point where story won't progress until I collect all of them. I collected only 24. Luckily I found four in one city and one in another. Now I've to find one codex page from all these locations. And for that I've to climb all viewpoints too. Fucking great.
This +totally ruined my last fourth of the game. I thought I was almost at end, would finish it before I go to bed. Last few sequences seems dragging too much. Too many escort and time run objectives.minigames
conman said:I will say though that the designers have obviously done their research into the history of banking. They are impressively familiar with the impact that double-entry bookkeeping had. They even seem to know something about the "secret chambers" associated with merchants and bankers of the early Italian Renaissance! If any of you are interested in this stuff, there are some great books and essays on this (for example, Mary Poovey has a great chapter in her book A History of the Modern Fact).
They aren't but air assassination is taught at some point. I think after the second or third hidden blade upgrade. I'm pretty sure you can do it from the start thoughRez said:oh? I thought that the ledge-grab and hay-grab were taught at the same time as the air assassination? guess I'm wrong.
xbhaskarx said:Buying AC1 is my biggest gaming regret of this generation. I got sick of it after like 7 hours and have not touched it once since the day it was released.
However, I see that AC2 is getting good reviews and I'm tempted to check it out (360 version)...
Does it have any of the problems of the original? Do others who hated AC1 love AC2?
ashbash159 said:Now that I think about it, this is my game of the year.
Even more than Uncharted 2.
Even more than Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Even more than Modern Warfare 2.
Rez said:the highlight of the entire game was the Assassin's Seal in the church in Florence (I believe it's the seal most people will get second). It was just such an amazing area. Prince of Persia to the max.
All of the Tombs were just godly.
xbhaskarx said:Buying AC1 is my biggest gaming regret of this generation. I got sick of it after like 7 hours and have not touched it once since the day it was released.
However, I see that AC2 is getting good reviews and I'm tempted to check it out (360 version)...
Does it have any of the problems of the original? Do others who hated AC1 love AC2?
xbhaskarx said:Buying AC1 is my biggest gaming regret of this generation. I got sick of it after like 7 hours and have not touched it once since the day it was released.
However, I see that AC2 is getting good reviews and I'm tempted to check it out (360 version)...
Does it have any of the problems of the original? Do others who hated AC1 love AC2?
It's ruining my ending.
Its understandable for people do have different opinions. But after reading all of that, I just think you are crazy.jett said:Oh man, has anyone else attempted to try out AC1 after playing AC2? AC2 is SO much better in every aspect. When you fight soldiers it really hits home how much the combat has been overhauled in AC2(it's no longer any fun in AC1 now), the animation is A LOT nicer too, especially the facial animation(which was just plain garbage in AC1), and the parkour mechanics feel much more rewarding.
And oh yeah, you know what? Lucy looks a lot better now. All the characters look really creepy in AC1, they try for realism and fall into the uncanny valley category. AC2's new, more expressive character design is much more pleasant. It's definitely more Ubisoft-like now.
Lostconfused said:Its understandable for people do have different opinions. But after reading all of that, I just think you are crazy.
Its long, but the game is still a rental for you.Russian Steve said:I was wondering if Assassin's Creed 2 is worth buying over a rental. I really loved the first game (it felt more like a toy than a video game) but after beating it there wasn't much replay value for me. Given the economy or more directly my wallet I can't bring myself to put my hard earned dollars to a game with no MP, that I would not be able to get more than one play through out of. Even if it's a GOTY material.
If you remove the changes they made to hand to hand the combat in that game is exactly the same. Yes disarming opponents is fun and its the most powerful attack you have in the game now, but besides that the combat is no different between the two games.jett said:Oh man, has anyone else attempted to try out AC1 after playing AC2? AC2 is SO much better in every aspect. When you fight soldiers it really hits home how much the combat has been overhauled in AC2(it's no longer any fun in AC1 now)
None of these things changed between the two games. A lot of the animations have been re used from the previous game. And the climbing mechanic is no different either. Sure it might feel more rewarding to you when you unreasonably hate everything about AC1 apparently. Also Lucy's face is a horrible inhuman caricature here mouth is too large and it just makes her very unsettling to look at. I have no idea how you can see that as an improvementjett said:the animation is A LOT nicer too and the parkour mechanics feel much more rewarding.
Russian Steve said:So I was going to buy a PS3 this week, but now I have to wait till black friday, because walmart is giving away infamous, arkham asylum, and dark knight with a PS3. I can't pass up on that even though it means waiting a few extra days and drudging through a walmart filled with frugal rabid shoppers. However!
I was wondering if Assassin's Creed 2 is worth buying over a rental. I really loved the first game (it felt more like a toy than a video game) but after beating it there wasn't much replay value for me. Given the economy or more directly my wallet I can't bring myself to put my hard earned dollars to a game with no MP, that I would not be able to get more than one play through out of. Even if it's a GOTY material.
I'll probably pick this up Tuesday. I actually loved the first game's mechanics but good lord the level design was awful. Seems like this fixes every complaint I had about the first game though.Greg said:Has there been anyone in this topic that absolutely hated the first game and is enjoying the 2nd? I'm thinking about giving it a rent, but the first one wasn't even worth a rental.
Carry = Tap button, Loot = Hold buttonTheExecutive said:Really, the only problem I have is some of the button mapping on the controller. It can be entirely too contextual such as the carry/loot command.
I think the answer is that the scope of AC (both the first and second game) is bigger than what it ended up being. I'm hoping AC3 will balance things out and give you more reason to be stealthy.Sean said:Now that I beat it and already praised it, time for some nitpicking and criticism.
I think a lot of the new gameplay mechanics were nice to have, but weren't really necessary. Why would you ever pickpocket civillians or loot dead bodies when there's treasure chests around every corner that have much more money? Why would you ever carry dead bodies and hide them somewhere when you could just run away easier? Throwing money, throwing sand in combat, etc weren't really necessary either. I basically only did these for the achievements.
The pistol seems like a waste, it's made obsolete by the throwing knives which you can hold a lot more of (20 compared to 6), purchase for a lot cheaper, and toss a lot faster than it'd take to aim. Disarming and stealing weapons was cool but you're almost never weaponless in the game anyway. All these extra choices make the combat more fun but they're completely optional stuff. I would've liked to see some more missions based on this stuff.
Lostconfused said:Its long, but the game is still a rental for you.
Ok then let me go into more detail
If you remove the changes they made to hand to hand the combat in that game is exactly the same. Yes disarming opponents is fun and its the most powerful attack you have in the game now, but besides that the combat is no different between the two games.
None of these things changed between the two games. A lot of the animations have been re used from the previous game. And the climbing mechanic is no different either. Sure it might feel more rewarding to you when you unreasonably hate everything about AC1 apparently. Also Lucy's face is a horrible inhuman caricature here mouth is too large and it just makes her very unsettling to look at. I have no idea how you can see that as an improvement
I am just saying she still looks god awful. Now at this point in time for the argument to continue i guess i would have to do a full playthrough of AC1 again because none of the changes that you mention are obvious in the first 10 minutes of actually doing any of those things. But then there is the problem of the PC version not recognizing the wireless 360 pad which i still have to get around.jett said:I don't know what kind of memories you have of her in AC1, but she looks god awful, and the facial animation is really really terrible.
Also good thinking on using the side shot which hides the problem that i mentioned, bravo.jett said:Her model in AC2 is a lot nicer. Some people have some strange recollections of what AC1 looked like.
Lostconfused said:I am just saying she still looks god awful. Now at this point in time for the argument to continue i guess i would have to do a full playthrough of AC1 again because none of the changes that you mention are obvious in the first 10 minutes of actually doing any of those things. But then there is the problem of the PC version not recognizing the wireless 360 pad which i still have to get around.
Also good thinking on using the side shot which hides the problem that i mentioned, bravo.
I am thinking that as well.jett said:because then there's something seriously wrong with you.
jett said:And oh yeah, you know what? Lucy looks a lot better now.
Solo said:AC1 Lucy, looking at least somewhat Bell-ish:
AC2 Lucy, looking somewhat trollish:
WTF did they do to her nose? :lol :lol
Solo said:Can we all agree that Lucy doesnt look very good in either game?
Solo said:Hey man, I didnt make the shots. Im still wondering where the huge nose and bigger tits came from, though.